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Took another home test. It's negative. I'm done testing for this exposure. No more. My nostrils hurt.

My friend said her husband is being a big baby about being sick. Maybe he thinks Covid is real now. Funny how some people don't think it's a thing until they get it.

And I guess my symptoms are actually allergies 😆 

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35 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Proves vaccines work. 😉

Exactly! I got my booster a week before my trip. I truly believe it helped me fight off the virus because I was clearly exposed. That doesn't mean vaccinated people will never get sick but it helps those people have less severe cases. My friend is vaccinated (not boosted, I believe) and she was sick but she is recovering nicely.

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I do find it somewhat ironic that my friend insisted she wasn't infectious 8 days ago yet her husband only started feeling sick a day or two ago. If she isn't infectious how did she get him sick? 

Anyway...I can now move forward from this and start thinking about my position as a direct hire at work. It is going to be great to have benefits again. I have to go pee in a cup tomorrow lol. That's always fun.

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I like Instagram better than Twitter and Nextdoor because the posts and stories on Insta are almost always positive and uplifting. Tweets are usually negative and are used to start unpleasant debates, and most people on Nextdoor are either complaining or selling something. I feel unsettled after reading negative stuff, but the pics of cute pets, families and stories about achievements make me feel good.

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I swear to God my friend actually infected me but my immune system, bolstered by the vaccine booster, fought the virus off. I felt sick last week but tested negative. This week I feel exponentially better. 

Physically better, that is. My heart is broken and sick. My cousin said her son, who had to participate in an active shooter drill yesterday, said he's afraid to go hide in the bathroom because the bad guy could still see his shoes. Heartbreaking.

And people claimed wearing masks psychologically damaged children but active shooter drills and armed guards at school are just fine!!!

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Aww that's sad. Poor kid. His anxiety is gonna be through the roof at a time he should be able to just be a little guy!

Im not in the US, in Canada, but I hear things from people I'm close to with young school aged kids about other kids bringing knives, weapons, being threatening to teachers and kids....and these kids are right back in the school within a week. Like what the?!? That's crazy to me. No wonder no kid feels safe. 

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I agree. We did have air raid drills when I was in grade school. But the biggest threat from the other kids was being made fun of or possibly getting punched or kicked. No weapons. Now kids have to worry about getting shot.

One of my friends gave his daughter an assault rifle for her 10th birthday. And he, his wife and their kids posted a Christmas family photo on Facebook with all of them holding assault rifles.  Two of them were pointing the rifles at one another. Ironically, his wife sadly committed suicide using a gun. He's still a big time gun enthusiast, though.

I have my thoughts about this issue but I won't go into it here. Except to say I'm sad for all the frightened children and their parents.

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I signed up to participate in a march to support firearm regulations. I am not 100% anti-gun, just in favor of some reasonable regulations. This will be my third protest in six months. The other two were for a different issue. But I don't feel like I can stand by and complain yet not at least try to have my voice heard. I feel the same way about voting. If I don't vote how can I complain?

I saw a story on the news where one of the fathers whose daughter was murdered in Texas during the school shooting was talking to a reporter. He was sobbing and I sobbed along with him. Good God, something has to be done. I'm sick and tired of children being murdered.

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On a less important note, I absolutely hate it when maintenance workers come into my apartment! They step on my floor with their filthy boots, they touch my furniture, they (ESPECIALLY the plumbers) often leave a big greasy mess for me to clean up. I have my Swiffer ready to use the second they leave. And I moved my wingback chair and bed away from the wall heater (which they will be here to inspect) because last time the guy used my couch to haul himself back off the floor and I do NOT want any of them touching my bed!


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My brother told me he is having cold symptoms, a sore throat, stuffy nose, etc. I asked him if he had any home tests. He said yes, but he hasn't tested because he's wanting it to be just a cold. I told him that's what my friend said too. He replied "Ouch. Valid point." He's going to test himself today. If it's negative at least he can stop worrying.

Side note, this is not from me. I was exposed 13 days ago so it's past the time where I could have infected him, plus I tested negative FOUR times over 8 days. 

I doubt he's been exposed but the test will confirm. Of course I hope he's negative and just has a little cold or some seasonal allergies. 

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My brother decided not to test himself.  He said he's going to wait to see if he gets better first.  🤦‍♀️  And that attitude is one of the reasons why the pandemic won't end and why cases are going up and up and up.  Because these people who hope their symptoms go away don't isolate.  They keep parading around exposing dozens of people, but since they didn't test they can claim they didn't know.  That's what my friend did.  It wasn't her fault because she didn't know she had Covid, she thought she had "allergies"!

And...I'm having torrential diarrhea today (sorry for the TMI).  I apparently ate something bad yesterday.  I was out on a walk, stopped by the local package-free shop to pick up some liquid hand soap and some shower gel, then I was going to maybe buy some ice cream after I walked for about an hour.  But then I started getting that awful feeling where you're worried you won't make it to a bathroom in time.  I managed to get myself back home but it's been bad ever since.  I was going to grocery shop late this afternoon but I just don't feel up to it.  I feel weak.  And to top it all off I spilled a nearly full glass of iced tea on my floor.  So I had the fun of cleaning all that up right after I got out of the bathroom.  Fun weekend so far.

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I forced myself to go grocery shopping.  I knew if I put it off I'd regret it later.  I feel OK now, but leery of eating anything.

My neighbors across the way have been arguing loudly more and more frequently. I'm sad because I like them both, but they have ugly arguments with horrible name calling by the both of them.  It worries me.

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  • 2 months later...

Long, whining, complaining post ahead.

I'm looking into moving. I live literally on one of the busiest intersections in the city. Constant traffic. Horns honking. Burnouts and tires squealing. Sirens every 30 minutes. Convenience store/gas station across the street busy 24/7 which attracts drug users and panhandlers. Police activity twice this week. Loud arguments between homeless persons at all hours. Late night noisy partiers outside my window on nights when I have to work the next morning and I sign in at 7:15 am. Oh, and it's been extremely hot so I have to keep my windows open (no AC) which means the noise and dust gets in, or I close them and sweat half to death. And I'm not wanting to drop $600 on a window AC unit. My insomnia is back too because it's either too hot or too noisy to sleep.

This morning was exciting. The security guard at the convenience store across the street was being attacked physically by a man. I called 911. The security guard pepper sprayed the man. No effect. Multiple police units arrived and used non lethal projectiles. The man simply pulled them off of himself and continued attacking. They went around the corner so I couldn't see what happened next, but a short while later I see a paramedic unit pull up, so I presume the police had to use stronger force.  I also presume the man was on drugs to be able to keep attacking despite the pepper spray and projectile use.

Second time this week multiple police units responded to activity at that gas station.

It's been too hot to go on my walks after work so I went early Monday morning before work. Many, many homeless persons in the area. And now with today's early morning attack I don't know if it'll be safe to walk by myself before the sun comes up. I tried walking at night and got followed, so that's out.

Apartment inventory is shockingly low and demand is extremely high. So I am stuck until after the summer rush. I'll just have to be very careful until I can move to a quieter neighborhood. I'll have to pay about $350 more per month but I can swing it (thank you, direct hire position!)

It's too bad because this apartment is actually nice on the inside. It's got enough space and the finishes are nice and it's bright and airy with lots of natural light. And although I have to pay extra for a parking space it's still well within my budget. It's just getting to be too much.

I have a neighborhood in mind but it's in a high density area so anything I rent HAS to have parking included. The only thing making my search easier is I no longer have my little kitty as she is sadly no longer living 😢. It's easier to find a place when you don't have pets.

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Thank you.

My neighborhood is actually really nice.  I'm directly across the street from the beach.  I can walk to any number of shops, coffee houses, cafes, restaurants and bars.  There are a ton of historical buildings and artistic murals.  There's an outdoor outlet mall, an aquarium, a pier and boardwalk and an amusement center all within easy walking distance.  Lots of parks and open space. The weather, although hot, is much more pleasant than just about anywhere else right now.  For instance, where my brother lives which is an hour plus inland it's been over 100 degrees (38+ C) for weeks.  There are festivals, farmers markets, outdoor events and sports activities like parasailing, gondola rides and paddle boats, again all within walking distance.

BUT...all those things also attract the unhoused population.  The weather is good for sleeping outside (which they have to do when they don't choose to use a shelter).  There are a lot of tourists so the homeless hit them up for money. Unfortunately, many of the unhoused are mentally ill or drug addicts.  This causes criminal activity like theft and assaults (fortunately the assaults are rare).  You can't leave your bike or scooter outside even if you use a lock because someone will steal it.  Walking around by yourself in the early morning or at night is a bad idea (I know, I tried it) because you don't know if any of the mentally ill or drug addicted unhoused will approach you or worse.  I don't hate or generally fear the homeless. I do things to try to help like donate money or give them food and clothing. But I have to be realistic. Not all of them are safe to be around.

Also, the noise level.  In the beginning it was fun to be right in the middle of everything and the noise level didn't bother me.  Now it does.  Since I work from home, I have to attend online meetings.  I've had to pause or apologize for the loud sirens or cars burning out during meetings.  Sirens are constant (I've been up for an hour and a half this morning and there's been three or four so far...) Proximity to restaurants and bars means the partiers hang out right outside my window once the bars close at 2:00 AM. So trying to sleep has been rough.

I want to move to one of the quieter areas.  Not completely removed from all the amenities but just not right on the busy street.  But demand is high and inventory is low, just like everywhere else.

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22 hours ago, reinventmyself said:

I missed where you lost your kitty.  I'm so sorry.

I used to fantasize about buying one of those loft apts in your area.  I do love the energy there.  But you make a good point.  And post covid/economy it just seems to have gotten worse.

Thank you.  I had her put down last October.  Her quality of life was so poor that keeping her alive would have been borderline cruel.  I miss her silly, cute little face every day.

If I could get into one of the downtown buildings that has parking and doesn't have the apartment front doors literally right on the sidewalk I wouldn't mind.  But those are mostly out of my price range.

And...another pleasant Sunday morning with shouting, cursing homeless people on my corner.  Three shouting, cursing sessions so far and it's only just after 8:00 am. However, the sirens have been quiet after an epic Saturday night of one siren after another for hours and hours on end.  So there is that.

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On a lighter note, someone posted on Facebook about things they didn't know about sex until they lost their virginity.  When I was a teenager I thought intercourse involved just putting the thing into the thing and then just lying there.  I didn't think any kind of movement or motion was involved.  And I thought the woman was supposed to open her legs in a V shape.  Not the W shape that missionary more resembles.

My first time was in the back seat of a Volkswagen bug 😆 My high school boyfriend of sorts tried with me a couple of times but hadn't been successful.  So my first time was in my freshman year of college.  I'm sure if someone had filmed us it would have been a comedy because we had NO idea what we were doing lol.  And obviously space was extremely limited.  I remember a lot of "ow!" and "wait, my leg is stuck!" going on.

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Like you, I lost my virginity in my freshman year of college. I had wanted to have sex earlier but I was terrified of getting pregnant/needing to get an abortion and I liked older guys so I waited until I was "of legal age" to find an older boyfriend and get busy. 

I was 18 (almost 19) and my boyfriend at the time was 33. Chubby, nerdy IT guy. Good times, glad I lost it to him in the end. I had a break from school and he from work so we basically didn't leave the bed for 3 days except to eat and use the toilet. He took his time with me and was focused on my pleasure. 

Sex in a car is alright if you have foldable seats in the back that go flat (my car!) but in the back of a bug? Oh man, you both must have been sore the next day. 

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Car here too.  Toyota Corola.  Awkward fumbling. 

I was 18.  I had a boyfriend my junior/senior year of high school and we never had sex.  Well, we never had intercourse.  We grew up and I grew out of the relationship. Still naive and dating and I realized that these new guys wanted sex!  I kept thinking, I never had sex with my boyfriend of two years, why would I do that with these guys?

After almost a year apart I contacted the high school sweet-heart and we dated, regretfully for another 6 months.  I lost my virginity to him for all the wrong reasons.  But whatever, that's the way it worked out.  Neither of us having any clue what we were doing.

Junior high we had that one day sex ed class.  Menstruation was always referred to as your "flow".  When I came home from school that day, my mother asked me if I had any questions.  No, I said and went about my homework.  I didn't start my period until I was 14, a freshman in high school.  Most of my friends had their period for a year or two already.  Not sure how it came about but no one at any time mentioned the word blood.  Imagine my shock at 14 when it happened.  How did I not get the memo?

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I was an early bloomer. I started my period at age 11. I also started "developing" and had to wear a bra at age 10. I was a tiny little petite thing, weighed 50 pounds when I was 9, so I'm not sure why all this happened so young. And since I went to Catholic school there was no sex ed other than to tell us not to do anything with any boys (of course, some of the girls did anyway!) 

Funny stuff, looking back now. But also normal. We all went through it.

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