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I'm totally shocked (and thankful) I slept well last night. Normally when I have to do something the next day that scares me or makes me nervous I can't sleep. I think I forgot I'm driving six hours by myself at night across the desert after work today lol.

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We're on vacation! Some things have gone great, others not so great. But in general it's been a very nice little getaway. I've seen one friend and am heading out to see some more a bit later. Also nice to see my former home city and all the changes that have happened over the past two years.

Only thing that has me kind of scratching my head is my niece and nephew. Mainly my niece, because they've been wanting to sleep most of the day and/or watch TV. They could have done that at home instead of traveling several hours. It's just funny. My brother had to almost drag them out the door to take them shopping and sightseeing at 3:30 pm.

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My friend who I met up with for five hours last night just messaged me to say she has Covid. She had told me she was having seasonal allergy symptoms but assured me it was just allergies and not Covid. The night before she'd gone to a graduation party. And then I spent five hours with her. She hugged me and we took pics together. She said just for kicks she'd take a Covid test today. Well, she took two and they were both positive. So she exposed not only me and my family but her other friend and HER friends and family. Probably about 20 people total. A one woman super spreader.

I shared a bed with my niece and a car with my brother for six hours. So they have been directly exposed.

I'm so unspeakably angry right now. If you're sick it's completely irresponsible to go hang out with friends. Now I've exposed my family. I wouldn't blame them if they are extremely angry with me for talking them into going on this trip and then exposing them to Covid. I would understand if they don't want anything to do with me anymore.

And WHY the hell do you wait until AFTER you've gone to a party and hung out with a friend to take a test?? You do that BEFORE if you feel sick, not after.

I don't really care much about me, but I care a lot about exposing my family.

I don't even want to be her friend anymore if she cares so little about her friends that she'd deliberately expose them when she knew she was sick. I presume I won't hear from her again. The way I feel right now, I don't even care if I never do.

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I'm already starting to feel sick. I'll probably test today or tomorrow. And isolate for sure.

My sweet niece sent me a nice text forgiving me. I'm so relieved. My brother is angry but mainly at my friend, not at me.

I'm going to try to work. Reason #125 to be grateful to be working from home.

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31 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:

Uh oh.  Hoping everything is ok.   Some people 🤬

Thank you.

I am definitely sick but so far it's not severe. Kind of like the first time I had it. I hope my family members don't get severe cases.

Yeah, super selfish and irresponsible to go to a party and go to dinner with a friend when you're coughing so badly you have trouble catching your breath and you're so congested you're struggling to speak. And to try to pass it off as "allergies", and to delay testing until AFTER you've exposed multiple people.

She hasn't responded to my messages. I guess she's avoiding me. She's someone I considered one of my very few good friends. She's done a LOT for me, and me for her. The least she could do is respond.

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Pretty certain I may have shared this.  But just a couple weeks of my type 2 diabetes discovery, my bfs son and gf decided to stop by his home one Sunday morning while we were still in our pj's drinking coffee.  Asking what they did the day before, the gf shares she had a fever all night and blamed her bf for getting her sick from days prior.  I was mortified and removed myself from the room to sit in the dining room.  Next day they let us know she thought to test and it came back positive.  I was a little emotionally raw to begin with and broke into tears.  Mostly tears of frustration on how people can be so freakin' clueless and insensitive.


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1 hour ago, boltnrun said:

Thank you.

I am definitely sick but so far it's not severe. Kind of like the first time I had it. I hope my family members don't get severe cases.

Yeah, super selfish and irresponsible to go to a party and go to dinner with a friend when you're coughing so badly you have trouble catching your breath and you're so congested you're struggling to speak. And to try to pass it off as "allergies", and to delay testing until AFTER you've exposed multiple people.

She hasn't responded to my messages. I guess she's avoiding me. She's someone I considered one of my very few good friends. She's done a LOT for me, and me for her. The least she could do is respond.

Yeah, that definitely isn’t allergies she was full of it and knew she was sick. 

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40 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:

Pretty certain I may have shared this.  But just a couple weeks of my type 2 diabetes discovery, my bfs son and gf decided to stop by his home one Sunday morning while we were still in our pj's drinking coffee.  Asking what they did the day before, the gf shares she had a fever all night and blamed her bf for getting her sick from days prior.  I was mortified and removed myself from the room to sit in the dining room.  Next day they let us know she thought to test and it came back positive.  I was a little emotionally raw to begin with and broke into tears.  Mostly tears of frustration on how people can be so freakin' clueless and insensitive.


Wow, I'm sorry that happened!

The excuse I hear is they're tired of the pandemic and tired of not being able to go out or travel and just want to go back to normal. So they stop wearing masks and go wherever they want. If they feel sick they go out anyway because they're tired of being at home.

My friend has a job where she's working directly with customers. It's likely one of them infected her and in turn she infected a bunch of other people. 

9 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Yeah, that definitely isn’t allergies she was full of it and knew she was sick. 

And to wait to test until AFTER. That's what gets me. If she'd tested as soon as she felt sick all this could have been avoided. But she wanted to go out.

I can only hope my brother and his kids don't get too sick. I hope they have mild cases.

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I took an at home test which was negative. I know it's too soon to be testing but since I was already feeling unwell I thought it might show up. I did book a lab test for tomorrow afternoon even though it will be less than three days since I was exposed. I may move it back to Thursday. But those tests are likely more accurate.

It would be wonderful if I am negative. That means my family will be safe.

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11 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

How are you doing today? 

I'm feeling a tiny bit better than yesterday. But I got very little sleep on my trip so I'm sure that was contributing. I have a runny nose and some congestion but the bad headache is much less today.

I moved my test to after work tomorrow. I think almost four full days after exposure will make the test more accurate than only just under three. And I pray my family doesn't get sick.

Thank you for checking on me 🙂

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41 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I keep thinking of all of you. Hope you feel better very soon! I hope your family doesn’t get it . Did your (ex) ? friend answer you ? 

Thank you.

She did respond to say she was sorry but she thought it was just allergies. What kind of "allergies" cause a severe cough and congestion so bad you can't even lie down comfortably? And why would she think DURING A PANDEMIC that ignoring severe cold and flu symptoms and meeting up with friends and going to a party was a good idea?? This mindset is exactly why the pandemic continues. People don't feel like dealing with it so they go around selfishly infecting innocent people.

I replied back that I was upset because she possibly caused me to infect my family. And that testing after meeting up with friends didn't make sense. All she had to do is test beforehand. She had the tests at home. It would have taken her 20 minutes. And all this would have been avoided. She didn't respond to that message. I presume the friendship is over. She clearly demonstrated that going out and having fun was more important to her than protecting her friends and the public. I understand that all she can do now is apologize but I don't want selfish, uncaring people as my friends. 

I just hope my family is OK. I could care less about myself right now. I only want to test negative so that my family is OK, not for me.

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Allergies shouldn’t make you cough so bad you can barely talk. I have allergies and it can be miserable at times but it doesn’t cause that. It just causes nasal congestion and watery eyes but never chest congestion. Nor fevers or whatever else. 

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5 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I am sorry about you losing a friend. It is sad nonetheless. 

Yeah, all she needed to do is test herself before we met up. But she didn't want to, so here we are.

She and her husband visited my state a few months ago. We had plans to meet up. But I was having some mild cold symptoms so I cancelled out of caution. I didn't want to take a chance. I got tested afterward and turns out it was negative but why take the chance? I love them and would never want to put them at risk. I guess she doesn't feel the same way.

They're supposed to be out here again in a couple of months and wanted to meet up, but who's to say she won't pull this again? I just don't trust her anymore.

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All that being said, I do sincerely hope she doesn't get seriously ill. She is morbidly obese and didn't bother getting a booster shot. I hope she sees her doctor and gets one of the available treatments. And I hope her husband either somehow escapes getting sick or isn't too sick.

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Well, she's trying to make excuses and justify. She says she doesn't think she was around me long enough to get me sick and that I couldn't have gotten my family sick. Because she read it on Google. We were together indoors for five hours. That's more than enough time.  She won't go see a doctor or even call one. She thinks she can get all the info she needs on Google. She also still says she was absolutely confident it was allergies and only got tested because I told her she seemed to have Covid symptoms. Otherwise she'd still be parading around infecting dozens of people. Oh, and she said everyone at the party she went to was safe because they sat outside. But they were seated at a table for a couple of hours so yes, she could have infected them. I hope she told them but I'm guessing she didn't.

It's hard to let this go after seeing how she's just being defensive and minimizing and insisting everything she did was fine. She's saying "I'm sorry, but..." which is not an apology.

No, I don't want to meet up with her in August. Not taking that chance. I may be having my second bout with Covid. I don't want a third.

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I hate it when people say they apologize BUT. If there is a but there is no apology. I believe that 15 mins is the time limit in which you can get Covid when indoors with a person. Five hours is more than plenty of time. Obviously she doesn’t mind being a super spreader. 

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22 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I hate it when people say they apologize BUT. If there is a but there is no apology. I believe that 15 mins is the time limit in which you can get Covid when indoors with a person. Five hours is more than plenty of time. Obviously she doesn’t mind being a super spreader. 

She doesn't want to believe it. So she's trying to justify her behavior. I mean, even if she was 100% sure her symptoms were "allergies" why not just do a home test anyway???

Thank God for my sweet niece. She told me not to feel bad because I never intended for any of this to happen. My brother OTOH...he's angry, although he did tell me his anger is mainly directed at my friend, not me. Well, I agree with him on that. But I'm laying low and not contacting him for now to give him some space to calm down. And hopefully a week or so will go by without him or his kids getting sick and we can get past this. I really hope it turns out that way.

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My husband was exposed to a positive case before we saw his mom for Easter. Someone went to work sick and he was 9 hours with this person. Luckily, he was fine. But he tested before we went. He figured if he tested negative the rest of us were ok because he was the one exposed . I tested when we came home because I felt off coming home . We were both negative. For me it was just a sinus infection that I cured with the chaga tea. But for sure we didn’t want to expose his 88 year old mother. 


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