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Feeling kind of blech this morning. I swallowed a lot of the numbing medication and rinsing agent and even bits of ground tooth. Not to mention the aftereffects of the numbing medication. I did sleep well but feel like I need a lot more. If I wasn't so restricted as far as sick hours I would take today off.

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13 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:

I can't believe you are going to do this and still work anyway!  Yikes.

I have no choice. As an hourly contract worker I am only allotted a certain number of paid sick hours. They claim I used too many last year (despite the hours being listed on my pay stub as available to use!) so they deducted them from this year's allotment. That means for the remainder of the contract I only have 16 paid sick hours. And I'm using 8 of them to go on a family trip next month, which leaves me with 8 hours to last until the end of my contract in August (and to the end of the year if my contract is extended). I can't afford to just take the time off without pay because I'm single and have no partner to share expenses.

I'm extremely fortunate to be working from home, so no hour plus commute each way on the freeway and no getting up at 5 am to get showered, dressed and ready to go. And I can wear sweat pants and a t-shirt and lie on my couch between assignments if I need to. I know how lucky I am to be able to do that.

I'll get through it. I've had to work through worse when I didn't work from home. This old gal can be tough when she needs to be.

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1 minute ago, reinventmyself said:

I have a visual of you sitting with your laptop, biting that cotton roll between your teeth.  lol

You're a rock star.  You got this.

LOL thanks.

I was able to stop using the gauze last night. It's swollen in there so the gaping hole is no longer visible. It hurts less today, probably because of the swelling.

I just feel icky. And don't feel much like eating anything. I'm sure in a couple days I'll feel much better.

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I hear you I had the biggest molar in my head extracted under sedation a few years ago. They can’t use nerve blocks on that side of my head due to my disease so I had to be put out with twilight sedation and IV pain meds . I was kinda wonky for a day but not too bad after that. 

Hope you feel better soon!! 

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I dropped my car off at the mechanic to have some routine maintenance done before my road trip. It always gives me so much anxiety knowing a mechanic will be in my car. They usually leave it so dirty! I have to clean the heck out of the inside after I get it back.

It didn't help that the guy checking me in sneezed into his hand and then handed me paperwork to sign and a pen. So gross! I went home and took my usual scrubbing shower and wiped down my keys and stuff with a disinfectant wipe.

But I'll be glad my car will be ship shape and ready to travel.

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20 hours ago, boltnrun said:

I dropped my car off at the mechanic to have some routine maintenance done before my road trip. It always gives me so much anxiety knowing a mechanic will be in my car. They usually leave it so dirty! I have to clean the heck out of the inside after I get it back.

It didn't help that the guy checking me in sneezed into his hand and then handed me paperwork to sign and a pen. So gross! I went home and took my usual scrubbing shower and wiped down my keys and stuff with a disinfectant wipe.

But I'll be glad my car will be ship shape and ready to travel.

Eeew.   Years ago, prepandemic, a friend accompanied me to get some Subway sandwiches to take on a little boating excursion with some couples on a hot afternoon.   We stood quietly watching the young man wiping his runny nose on the back of his hand over and over while simultaneously making sandwiches.  Neither of us said a word, staring quietly. We got all the way home and it was then I spoke up.  I just couldn't possibly eat the sandwiches.  We were in agreement and I drove all the way back. As luck would have it the shift manager was upfront and the young man was on break.  I told her everything that transpired and she apologized profusely and re-made the sandwiches.

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1 minute ago, reinventmyself said:

Eeew.   Years ago, prepandemic, a friend accompanied me to get some Subway sandwiches to take on a little boating excursion with some couples on a hot afternoon.   We stood quietly watching the young man wiping his runny nose on the back of his hand over and over while simultaneously making sandwiches.  Neither of us said a word, staring quietly. We got all the way home and it was then I spoke up.  I just couldn't possibly eat the sandwiches.  We were in agreement and I drove all the way back. As luck would have it the shift manager was upfront and the young man was on break.  I told her everything that transpired and she apologized profusely and re-made the sandwiches.

That is so very disgusting. 

I once heard that if people saw what goes on in restaurant kitchens no one would ever dine out. But I've seen people do nasty stuff in their home kitchens.

At our family Christmas gathering last year my cousin had some dirty dishes in the sink. My brother was making a salad so my cousin moved the dirty dishes out of the way and my brother set the lettuce in the same sink section to rinse it off. Well, water isn't going to wash off old food, but I know he didn't even think about it. I didn't want to eat any of that salad but I didn't want to be rude either. So I ate some, against my better judgement. I didn't die or get sick or anything.

And now a funny story. My friend in college told me that her grandmother would be cooking, stirring the food with a wooden spoon, then she'd use the spoon to scratch her butt (inside her underwear!) and then go back to stirring the food. OMFG!

I picked up my car. It went OK. Nothing upsetting happened!

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2 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

That is so very disgusting. 

I once heard that if people saw what goes on in restaurant kitchens no one would ever dine out. 

Yes and no.  I'm sure there are some but in my experience and I've worked in four different restaurants when I was younger. . I've heard people say that all my life and for the most part it's kind of urban legend not based on hard facts.  Yes there are some definitely disgusting restaurants I've just never worked in any.  If the dining room looks old and dirty you can pretty much bet the kitchen is too.  If you make your choices based on that you're pretty safe. 

The spoon scratch. . . Nooo!

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Just now, reinventmyself said:

Yes and no.  I'm sure there are some but in my experience and I've worked in four different restaurants when I was younger. . I've heard people say that all my life and for the most part it's kind of urban legend not based on hard facts.  Yes there are some definitely disgusting restaurants I've just never worked in any.  If the dining room looks old and dirty you can pretty much bet the kitchen is too.  If you make your choices based on that you're pretty safe. 

The spoon scratch. . . Nooo!

I've seen the good and the bad. I worked in food service and we all tried our best to keep everything clean and follow safety practices. And then I see the young cashier at Pollo Loco handling cash and then handing me my drink cup.  

Not food related, but the nice looking young dentist trainee handled equipment and opened drawers and then handed me gauze pads to put in my mouth. Without changing his gloves in between.

But I figured, what am I going to do? Order people to change their gloves and wash their hands and disinfect everything? That's not going to work and it's intrusive anyway. I just hope for the best!

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The biggest part of cosmetology school is learning sanitation and sterilization.  I've never looked at anything the same since.  Adding to your comment about the dentist, I sit there quietly and count how many times they cross contaminate things.  Example, gloves, hands in my mouth, yet typing on a keyboard?  I'll stare at those little clear plastic covers they put over the handles on the mirror.  You know the ones with fluid like fingerprints on it from the people before you. . I could go on but I know you get a little more weirded out than I do.  So Ill be kind and stop 😁

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Grr... people who keep asking if something is done yet. I already told them FOUR times I would absolutely let them know when it's done. No need to keep messaging me asking "is it done yet????" like some annoying kid asking "are we there yet?" when clearly we are still in the car.

Makes me want to slow down. Especially since I'm only supposed to be helping out when they have no other options and I know for a fact they have someone else who can do the task immediately.

Go away!!

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Really ready for the pain to be gone.  It woke me up this morning.  And of course I'm out of Advil.  I seldom take Advil because I'm opposed to ME taking painkillers, but I can't get through the day.  I placed a pickup order at Target and will pick it up this morning.

Ugh...I have a high tolerance for pain but this is bad.

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Now I have the runs from the chorizo I ate the past couple of days. Plus the Advil. My stomach is not used to Advil and sometimes chorizo doesn't sit right with me. I frankly feel miserable. I did go out early this afternoon for a short walk and to get some things at the local packaging-free shop and I got some vegan sorbet (yum) and I was doing OK until the Advil wore off and I got the runs. Ugh.

Side note, my psychologist thinks I should consider going back on meds. I was complaining about how I have to stick to stupid routines when I go out in public and how invasive those routines can be to my life. She said if they're preventing me from doing things I want to or should be doing I need to consider going back on. I told her I am doing a LOT more than I used to be able to do, and as long as I'm progressing I want to hold off. But I agreed if I start regressing I will definitely consider it. I don't intend to go backwards. I certainly couldn't have gone out to the shops like I did today a few months ago and I surely wouldn't have gone out for vegan sorbet!

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So of course my tooth extraction resulted in a painful infection. I have to go back to the dentist tomorrow (and miss MORE work) so he can look at it. Hurts all the way up to my ear. Super, super painful. I don't want to eat or drink anything because I'm afraid of making it worse.

I followed ALL the instructions so this really has me ticked off. My kids want to take me out for Mother's Day brunch and I may not even be able to eat.

I am taking a few Advil so I can go join a protest this afternoon after work. So I'm in pain and feel lousy, so what. This is important. I'll die later.

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I decided not to go back to the dentist. I feel a very tiny bit better today. I will probably regret this decision, but I really, really don't want to go back. If it keeps hurting or gets worse I'll call back and reschedule.

I'm supposed to go out of town on the 13th. I really need to be at least almost completely better by then.

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Welp, bad decision to cancel my dental appointment. Hurt so bad at the office all day yesterday. So I rebooked for this afternoon.

Note to self, go to the gosh darned doctor. Don't hope something will go away on its own, idiot.

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52 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Welp, bad decision to cancel my dental appointment. Hurt so bad at the office all day yesterday. So I rebooked for this afternoon.

Note to self, go to the gosh darned doctor. Don't hope something will go away on its own, idiot.

Yup. I tell this to my mother all the time . It literally makes me so angry she is so anti medical care for herself that everything becomes a crisis. I want to throw her in the trash some days. 
If people need medical care please seek it. 

I hope you feel better . 

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21 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Yup. I tell this to my mother all the time . It literally makes me so angry she is so anti medical care for herself that everything becomes a crisis. I want to throw her in the trash some days. 
If people need medical care please seek it. 

I hope you feel better . 

I normally am good about keeping up with my medical care. I have to or I could literally die. But this time I just didn't want to deal with going back to the dentist. I am going today for sure. I won't try this again.

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I have dry socket.  Not uncommon but definitely painful.  I followed all of the post-extraction instructions but the hygienist told me this sometimes happens anyway.  She initially told me I need to come back every day for a week so they can pack the socket, but I told her no way can I afford to miss that much work.  So she sent me home with equipment and instructions how to pack it myself.  It's not difficult except I keep stabbing myself in the gums with the sharp tweezers!  The constant clove taste is interesting but I don't hate cloves so it's not that bad.

I also got my second Covid booster shot today.  I'm traveling to a place next weekend that has massive, unvaccinated crowds so I wanted to be as protected as possible.  Hopefully my tooth socket is better by then!  I want to be able to eat!

Side note, I've lost 4 pounds so far from being unable to eat anything but soft foods.  Bonus.

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I got taken out to an amazing dinner last night for Mother's Day.  It was frighteningly expensive, but the kids said "don't worry about that Mom, it's Mother's Day!"  My dental issues limit what I can eat but I was still able to order something for each course (it was a five course "tasting menu").  The sea bass was probably the highlight, although the hamachi was also excellent.  I just had a harder time chewing the hamachi but the fish was so fresh and delicious. Yum.

My mom passed away in the early 1990s so Mother's Day is always a bit tough.  We had a difficult relationship, but I wanted her here so I could try to fix it.  I wanted a chance to try to make her happy and I can't now.  But in my family we believe we can speak to our loved ones who are gone from here, and she knows how I feel and is waiting for it to be my time to join her.  She assured me she has my daughter who I lost and my cat with her so we will all be together someday.

My arm is a bit sore and I have a bit of a headache from the vaccine booster but it's not bad at all.  I want to walk downtown to the little sustainable shop where I buy soap and shampoo and also want to do a long walk.  But I'm pretty worn down from the dental issues and the aftereffects of the booster shot, so if I can't do a long walk I need to try to give myself a break. I always clean my apartment on Sundays so I need to have enough in me to get that done!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, mother in laws and "you're like a mom to me" people out there!

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I hope the dry socket feels better soon . My husband got that in one socket when he had wisdom teeth taken about 10 years ago. They packed it with some kind of resin that was used in ancient Egypt apparently and it healed from the inside up. I guess the packing does the same. 

I am glad you had a great Mother’s Day! 

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