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42 minutes ago, mylolita said:

Things have been circulating Bolt especially here in the UK - both older kids have had Scarlett fever didn’t need antibiotics they fought it themselves but there is a shortage of antibiotics here in the UK at the mo.


Or maybe there always was - who even knows anymore!



Everything that's going around here isn't treated by antibiotics so that hasn't been a factor. It's more a case of too many severely sick people and not enough medical facilities and personnel, as it's been all along. Sadly, a large percentage of the hospitalized individuals are children. 

had fully expected to be exposed at the event but I wanted to go badly enough to take the chance. My nephews weren't worried at all which was good because they were able to fully enjoy themselves, as was I. I didn't sit there terrified and freaking out. I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

I have three more days before my family gathering. So I'm confident whatever I have will be gone or at least no longer infectious by then. And of course I won't attend if I happen to get really sick. I love my family so I won't take a chance if I am sick.

Today is the second day in a row working in my pajamas and robe. I am so, so fortunate to be able to do this. If I was required to go into the office I would be missing a LOT of work. 

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On 12/14/2022 at 11:52 AM, mylolita said:

Things have been circulating Bolt especially here in the UK - both older kids have had Scarlett fever didn’t need antibiotics they fought it themselves but there is a shortage of antibiotics here in the UK at the mo.


Or maybe there always was - who even knows anymore!



I hope your babes are better. Shortage of children’s antibiotics and pain medications here as well and catastrophic shortage of beds for paediatric patients. Scary. 

I am glad you feel better Bolt !

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6 hours ago, Seraphim said:

I hope your babes are better. Shortage of children’s antibiotics and pain medications here as well and catastrophic shortage of beds for paediatric patients. Scary. 

I am glad you feel better Bolt !

Oh dear! I didn't know it was the same over there. Part of me wishes I had stocks and shares in Pharmaceuticals! Bloomin' heck. 

My middle girl is not well now. I'm just waiting for our baby to come down with it too. They are advising parents at any sign of symptoms to go make an appointment and get antibiotics to reduce the chance of complications brought on by Scarlett Fever but, this is causing the antibiotics when really needed to sometimes not be there! It's very hard to buy medication without a doctors appointment in the UK as well. I have thought about making a small stock pile of essentials, bought privately, a year ago, but felt greedy and also thought it was a bit panic driven so didn't bother. 

My son is over it, had the rash for a week then it faded. I don't completely know if this is what my daughter has or whether it's just winter cold/flu. My husband's had flu symptoms all yesterday and today, and I have a bad sore throat and a lump in my throat, I can hardly swallow! (I was always prone to getting a sore throat Seraphim! Even as a kid! Never headaches or coughs just a sore throat! And if I burn the candle at both ends too long - I get lumped with a sore throat. Not sure why, would love to know what makes me prone too them, the women on my mums side are the same. It's a thing in their family that they have their own little homemade concoctions on how to relieve the symptoms! And I always remember my Aunt Valarie saying to me as a little kid, "Now go to bed on time, or you'll wake up with a sore throat!")

Some people are saying it's because of the reduced mixing, lesser known diseases don't have the immune system built up for it so kids are catching things that were seen mostly in Victorian England, other people say immigrants coming from undeveloped third world countries are bringing things unseen for a hundred years like Diphtheria and yes, Scarlett Fever, although I did look into it and about 4-6 children unfortunately die every year on average in the UK of Scarlett Fever. Now it is about 16 I think up to date. But there are 3.78 million children under 4 in the UK, so 16, I know it so beyond tragic for the parents, and 1 is too many, but 16 out of 3.78 million is not panic worthy. 

What gets me is that you presume everything is organised in the medical world and you soon find out when a larger group of people need things, medication and equipment and hospital beds are in short supply (ventilators at the beginning of covid, now antibiotics). I know a pharmacist who is digging into his own pocket every time a child under 10 needs antibiotics now. He said normally he pays £1 per pack, now he is paying £12 and the government aren't refunding the £11, so each time, he was £11 out and taking his own money to put towards it. Things like this never hit the press but quietly and silently there is immense good about.

I have always thought, if I was a billionaire, and rich beyond my wildest dreams, I would have a few hospitals built, especially one or two specifically for children, and keep them stocked and staffed, like overflow. It would be insanely expensive. But I mean, what an awesome thing to contribute if you could, right? 

Anyway! Just keeping them in vitamin C, warm and rest and lots of liquids. It's unusually cold here, with snow, which is so cool, but not so cool when you live in a Victorian house and the ceilings are very high and you crank your cast iron radiators up to the max and it still doesn't make the place boiling! We have underfloor heating in the bathroom as well and it's not really keeping that room as toasty as I thought it would. Looking into getting a child safety grate for the fireplace so we can have the open fire burning all day in the front room. Wow, sounds like Britain never moved forward from how I live right now - LOL! Charles ***ens tipping his top hat style on cobbled streets vibe hahaha!

Yes hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Ugh it's pants being unwell. 


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Family party was great, as per usual. It's always nice to see "the cousins". Our family is expanding a bit, not as much as our parents' generation but there are a handful of school age children running around. A fairly large contingent of the family lives several states away so they don't come, but they have a number of school age children too.

It's interesting but pretty typical that the group is split almost evenly down the middle as far as political opinions. Those of us who agree don't discuss the topic because why would we? But someone on the "other side" always brings the topic up. And we just smile and nod and don't comment or try to debate or dispute. I just wonder why "that side" always has to try to start a discussion. Blech, politics at a family holiday gathering. Can't think of much worse. Thankfully it usually is just a few short comments.

I got home quite late and had to drive around for 20 minutes looking for a parking spot. Ended up squeezing into a tiny spot 2 1/2 blocks away. Showered and got to sleep around 1:15 am. Slept way too late and will probably struggle to sleep tonight. I'm going to take a knock out combo because Homey ain't gonna play that tonight.

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One thing that always gets me but especially around the holidays is seeing the homeless people with their signs. 

Yes, I know some believe all these people are scammers or drug addicts or drunks. But I don't believe all of them are. I especially feel sad for the older ones. I know for a fact it's not easy for an older person to just "get a job". I experienced age discrimination myself while job hunting.

Every year at holiday season I do some kind of charitable thing. A donation, or buying toys or necessities for needy people. This year I did for a few agencies. But I just don't have the ability to hand cash to every person with a sign. I wish I could. 

It really illustrates how very fortunate my family and I are. 

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6 hours ago, boltnrun said:

One thing that always gets me but especially around the holidays is seeing the homeless people with their signs. 

Yes, I know some believe all these people are scammers or drug addicts or drunks. But I don't believe all of them are. I especially feel sad for the older ones. I know for a fact it's not easy for an older person to just "get a job". I experienced age discrimination myself while job hunting.

Every year at holiday season I do some kind of charitable thing. A donation, or buying toys or necessities for needy people. This year I did for a few agencies. But I just don't have the ability to hand cash to every person with a sign. I wish I could. 

It really illustrates how very fortunate my family and I are. 

Yes, lots of folks with chronic mental health issues on the streets.

I like doing the Be a Santa for a Senior. I worry about seniors. It seems a lot of times they go forgotten. Breaks my heart. I've heard some really gross age discrimination out of young and older mouths alike. My old boss was in his 60s at the time and talked of "who cares about them (older clients), why don't they die already". Seriously, he was in his 60s and resented those in their 80s etc. Like what!? And the "boomers fault" thing is gross too. Anyways, went off track to say I like supporting seniors whenever I can because I feel like people often treat them like they are invisible and it makes me sad! 

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I'm starting to think the reason I feel sick so often is because of low blood sugar. I feel wretched first thing in the morning but oftentimes I feel a lot better after I eat something which is usually mid morning.

I've had my blood sugar tested multiple times and each time it's only one or two points away from being diagnosable as diabetic. And since it doesn't fall within the range set by whoever, the doctor can't treat me because the insurance company will refuse to cover it. 

This is just a theory. I'm not a medical professional. 

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I'm not what anyone would call a "religious" person. But I do feel very strongly that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. It's not about buying your wife a giant diamond or your kids expensive electronics. The commercials that shame people for not spending hundreds or thousands on gifts and imply they're cheap or don't really love their people get on my nerves. What does any of that have to do with the meaning of this day?

And I do participate in buying gifts for my people but it's because I love them and want them to be pleased. I don't feel like I will be judged as not loving them if I don't buy them a huge, expensive, extravagant gift. And I am pleased and grateful if they choose to buy me something but I don't feel unloved if they don't empty their bank accounts or max out their credit cards to buy me a gift. 

I feel Christmas is about remembering and celebrating the birth of Christ and the hope that his birth brings us. And about family and friends to share this day with. And finally, about being thankful for what I have and sharing what I have with people who aren't as fortunate as I am. 

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I'm at my brother's house for Christmas Eve. He said we would be eating at 6:00 pm so I only ate breakfast. It's almost 8:00 pm and he's still cooking. I'm starved.

He's notorious for being late but it's exceedingly rude to invite people over for dinner and serve 2 1/2 to three hours late. I had told him I didn't want to get home late, but his house is an hour from mine and we aren't even going to eat for another hour, which will put me home around midnight. I have to drive around to find a parking spot by myself at midnight.

Yeah, I'm pissed. 

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Sorry for the previous hangry post. My brother looked embarrassed. But I will just be sure to eat a decent lunch next time.

I miss my cat. I love my new neighborhood and like my apartment but it's strict no pets. So as long as I live here I can't have a cat. 

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I got my utility bill today and holy cow! I like having my own water heater and I like the gas wall heater because works really well and I love cooking with gas, but my bill was double what I expected it to be, almost $200 for one month! I will have to rework my budget. I can pay it, it's just significantly more than I planned for.

Fortunately I am still permitted to work from home so I am saving a ton on gasoline for my car. And I budget spending money but I don't always spend it. I could cut back on groceries because I usually buy more than I need. I don't throw out food but I also have stuff in the cupboard I haven't used yet. I definitely can cut back on buying sweets!

The bill should go down in the spring when I won't need the heater as much. But it was a shock for sure.

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The main reason my money is tight is because I am really trying to pay off my two credit cards so I pay five times the minimum payment on one and about $70 over the minimum payment on the other. I don't use them anymore but they have balances. I switched my Sling account to be deducted from my bank account instead of put on a credit card. That was the only remaining charge. I could pay much less each month but I really, really want to pay these off. 

I have an L of C that I could use to pay off one of the cards. The interest rate is almost half. Something to definitely consider doing. It would have to make sense before I go ahead with that. 

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Today is my last workday this week. I don't have to go back to work until next Tuesday. Almost no one is working so it's been extremely quiet. I did a few things Tuesday, one small project yesterday and so far nothing today. I fully expect one of the CS reps to send me a few items to create and enter late this afternoon because she always sends me work in the late afternoon on the last day of the week. 

I have a report I could work on but no one is in to read it, so it seems pointless. I also was assigned some training classes but I can't be assed to do them because they're not due until Jan. 16. 

I'm scrolling on my phone and watching TV. Thankful to be able to work from home. I did (briefly) consider going into the office today but decided not to. Again, no one is there (which is actually appealing) but the effort of getting up at 4:45 am, getting dressed in actual clothes, fixing my hair and makeup, packing a lunch and then driving almost two hours round trip...that just didn't appeal to me. Maybe I'll go in Tuesday when some people will still be out.

I didn't sleep well the previous two nights so I took an Ativan last night. I slept through the entire night. I'm a bit groggy today but it doesn't matter. 

Yay upcoming four day weekend! I am going shopping tomorrow to use the gift card the kids gave me and to get a small plant and maybe a day planner. And maybe treat myself to breakfast or lunch out. 

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Oh, and I think my psychologist fired me lol. Last month she did our appointment from her vacation because she'd forgotten about our previously scheduled appointment (no showed) so she was making up for it.  At the end of our appointment she said she'd email me to schedule this month's appointment but she never did. So I guess I'm fired as a patient.

I also rescheduled my mammogram which was supposed to be tomorrow evening. I didn't want to spend part of my holiday weekend getting my boobs squished inside a vice. I rescheduled for mid January instead.

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Nitpicky pet peeve!

People who say "Happy New Years". Why do they make it plural? Exactly how many new years do they think are taking place? Or those who put an apostrophe ("Happy New Year's!"). An apostrophe indicates possession. So what is the new year possessing? What belongs to the new year and why don't they name the thing that belongs to it?

It's "Happy New Year". No letter "s" involved. 

Thanks for attending my Ted Talk. 

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Second pet peeve. Advertisers who continue to air Christmas themed commercials and stores that continue to play Christmas music a week after Christmas. Please, the "holiday season" is over and I'm totally done with it. Airing commercials encouraging us to buy this or that as gifts is a bit late at this point. Make it stop already.

Bah humbug.

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45 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Second pet peeve. Advertisers who continue to air Christmas themed commercials and stores that continue to play Christmas music a week after Christmas. Please, the "holiday season" is over and I'm totally done with it. Airing commercials encouraging us to buy this or that as gifts is a bit late at this point. Make it stop already.

Bah humbug.

It’s nice and refreshing to move on and get clean and clear after all the decoration and twinkling! 

I like getting fresh flowers in vases that are still in the winter season but high in green foliage because, I’m ready to start looking forward to Spring! I’m with ya!


We are the first on our street to take our Christmas tree down. It’s almost made me feel bad! I think everyone else is doing the “twelve days of Christmas” but, I’m ready to move on, much as I love the tree and decorations! 

And yes! No more Christmas themed music please! 


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My little tabletop fake tree came down Christmas afternoon. As did the one ornament and the front door hanging. It doesn't make sense to me to keep up decorations for a holiday that's already passed.

Although during my neighborhood walks I have seen some houses that still have Halloween pumpkins set out. What???

In the city I used to live there was one house that had elaborate themed decorations for every holiday you could think of. They were timely with switching out their decor. They never kept past holiday decorations up. I appreciated their efforts and the decorations were nice. My kind of people lol. 

Mini pet peeve...hey, stores and shopping centers, there ARE songs other than Mariah Carey's version of "All I Want For Christmas Is You". They seemed to have that ONE song on a loop everywhere I went.

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Hey, stupid toxic ex. Get the hell out of my dreams and stay out! I don't love him, I don't want him, I don't miss him and I'm not attracted to him. Yes, I allowed him to treat me horribly for four plus years, but it's time to forgive myself for being stupid and completely lacking in self esteem. I'm not that person anymore, so it's infuriating that he keeps showing up in my dreams. I've not even communicated with him in any form since 2016 (and that was him begging to be allowed to attend my birthday party...I said NO!) I truly don't understand why he shows up in my dreams a few times each month. The only improvement is, my dreams about him used to consist of he and I being loving toward one another but more recently they've been of me rejecting him. Progress, I guess? But I want the dreams to stop.

I've gotten into a really bad habit of sometimes signing into work while still in my pajamas. I NEVER did that before, but in the past couple of months I've done it about six or seven times. This morning it was so cold inside my apartment (still is) and the thought of undressing and showering in this cold was unappealing. But it makes me feel like a lazy bum, even though I'm getting my work done.

Always hard to go back to work after a four day weekend!

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