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Thank you, I really appreciate the support.

I've been doing my shopping all along, it's just a cause for anxiety every time.  But once I'm out there I usually manage OK.

A couple of mildly upsetting things happened but I dealt with them. 

But one thing that did upset me happened when I was walking from my car back to my apartment (the second time, I ended up having to go out three times lol).  A man I've seen before walking in my neighborhood was coming toward me on the sidewalk.  This man is elderly and uses a cane and it appears he had polio or something similar. I was planning to step aside to let him pass but he fell down before he got to me!  The sidewalk was wet and his cane slipped.  Of course I stopped and asked him several times if he was OK and if he needed help. He insisted he was fine.  But I stayed there for a few minutes just to make sure.  He seemed mainly to be concerned about the water on his clothes because he spent some time wiping it off.  I felt so bad!  I hope he wasn't trying to hurry to get out of my way because I certainly wouldn't have rushed him.  Poor guy, I hope he truly is OK.  I see him a lot walking and I admire him because despite his condition he still gets out there and walks.

After I got home (the third time 🙄 ) I walked to the little gourmet grocery shop a few blocks away.  I was uncomfortable because this shop is TINY and it was packed.  But they have some really neat stuff.  I bought some cauliflower cakes that look like they have herbs and cheese and yummy stuff. I also bought some potato salad that has dill in it (love dill!), so I'm having that for dinner.  Also bought one Stella.  I feel like I want a beer.  But I only bought one.  And I decided I'll do most of the rest of my gift shopping there.  I always prefer to support small businesses.  Walmart and Target do NOT need my money!

BTW, bought 9 gifts today. A little over halfway done.

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8 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Thank you, I really appreciate the support.

I've been doing my shopping all along, it's just a cause for anxiety every time.  But once I'm out there I usually manage OK.

A couple of mildly upsetting things happened but I dealt with them. 

But one thing that did upset me happened when I was walking from my car back to my apartment (the second time, I ended up having to go out three times lol).  A man I've seen before walking in my neighborhood was coming toward me on the sidewalk.  This man is elderly and uses a cane and it appears he had polio or something similar. I was planning to step aside to let him pass but he fell down before he got to me!  The sidewalk was wet and his cane slipped.  Of course I stopped and asked him several times if he was OK and if he needed help. He insisted he was fine.  But I stayed there for a few minutes just to make sure.  He seemed mainly to be concerned about the water on his clothes because he spent some time wiping it off.  I felt so bad!  I hope he wasn't trying to hurry to get out of my way because I certainly wouldn't have rushed him.  Poor guy, I hope he truly is OK.  I see him a lot walking and I admire him because despite his condition he still gets out there and walks.

After I got home (the third time 🙄 ) I walked to the little gourmet grocery shop a few blocks away.  I was uncomfortable because this shop is TINY and it was packed.  But they have some really neat stuff.  I bought some cauliflower cakes that look like they have herbs and cheese and yummy stuff. I also bought some potato salad that has dill in it (love dill!), so I'm having that for dinner.  Also bought one Stella.  I feel like I want a beer.  But I only bought one.  And I decided I'll do most of the rest of my gift shopping there.  I always prefer to support small businesses.  Walmart and Target do NOT need my money!

BTW, bought 9 gifts today. A little over halfway done.

Well done!!


I wish I was half way sorted! I nearly burst into tears putting my decorations up tonight  whenever I came across little toy ornaments like pin stripe teddies in red and green, or ornaments my Grandma gave me who isn’t here anymore. I’ve never felt so melancholy putting the Christmas tree up before.


The little shop sounds Uh-mazing! You’re reminding me how much people like to get gorgeous things to eat! We have a traditional sweet shop here a 10 minute walk away - the kids love it! And as you say, you’re supporting a small business instead of buying a bag of Haribo. Never been in our local little gourmet foodie shop - you’ve given me an idea I have to go! Those places always do the coolest lookin’ pasta?! 

Enjoy your beer! Job well done!




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I am officially about 75% done with my shopping.  I had to do some ordering online because there aren't really any local shops that have what I needed to get. But I feel good because I did more than half my shopping at local small shops.

Now I have the most difficult gifts left, my two nephews who are young adults.  I never know what to buy young men!  My son is easy because he's married, a homeowner and in a professional job so I usually just get him something he and his spouse can use in their household.  My nephews?  No clue.  I usually end up getting them t-shirts.  Last year that was an epic fail with my younger nephew, he made fun of what I got him (second time he's done that, I love him but his parents didn't teach him basic manners because he's the youngest and my brother excuses everything he does because "he's 'yittle'".  He's 18 and 6'2" and 175 pounds, BTW...)  I'll probably get the older one something from the gourmet shop because he loves to cook.  The younger one, maybe some gourmet chocolates.

Every year I also do something for a charity organization.  This year my company "sponsored" some families.  I was assigned a little girl who has CP.  I got her a few things on her list.  I'll also make a donation to a food pantry.  I hate seeing people going hungry, especially seniors and children.

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Insomnia is back. For no reason that I can think of. No arthritis pain, I was comfortable (not hot, not cold), nothing to really worry about. But there I lay, wide awake from about 1:15 am until about 4:30 am. And when I finally did sleep I had an unpleasant dream involving my cat who died last year and my mom who died over two decades ago. Not a horrible dream but not pleasant. I woke up and thought "Really? I finally fall asleep and have THAT dream?" I did fall back asleep relatively soon after that and slept fine, except I needed about two more hours.

Currently working in my pajamas and robe. Thankful for the ability to work from home. Super thankful.

I was planning on going grocery shopping after work, but I have enough to put it off until tomorrow. After work I just want to sleep.

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My brother's helpful suggestion..."try to sleep!"

Thanks, bro.

He told me again to buy a new mattress even though I've told him several times mine is less than two years old.

Now he's mad because I don't like his suggestions. I didn't ask for advice! He seems to think if I tell him something it's because I want him to fix it. It's not.

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I definitely feel more confident asking for time off now that I'm an actual employee. I mean, I still feel nervous (always have, I think they're going to be annoyed or angry that I want my allowed and required time off!) but at least now I get paid vacation and holidays. I didn't as a contract worker.

I don't feel well today. What else is new, right? Slept better though.

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I don't have any sweets in my kitchen. I feel deprived if I don't have dessert after every meal (except breakfast).

My biggest weakness is pastries. I love pastries. I'm going grocery shopping after work and this particular store has an excellent hot bakery with pastries. I can pretty much guarantee I will buy some. 

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I am definitely sick. Congested and fatigued and I'm sneezing and my throat is sore. I don't believe it's Covid because I have no possible exposure. It's just your run of the mill cold.

I'm taking my nephews to a big event Sunday. The tickets cost me a small fortune and they are very much looking forward to it. So I MUST be better before then. Fluids, rest and OTC medicine for symptom relief. 


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6 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Hey Bolt, 

Are you immune compromised? You get sick A LOT. I have been exposed to kids so often I almost never catch anything anymore . 

I agree, I get sick a lot. 

I have thyroid disease, high BP and am minus my gall bladder. I have a serious digestive system disorder that nearly caused my death about 15 years ago. I also have arthritis. Lupus and RA run in my family, so I will be getting tested for RA (I don't have lupus). I understand the gut is key for physical health and my gut is not at all healthy. Unfortunately there's no treatment for my disease. I just have to be well hydrated and be careful what I eat. 

It's frustrating. I'm considering seeing a different type of doctor to see if they'd be willing to order some different types of tests. My doctors have all declined to test my free T4, for example, because they feel it's unnecessary. I disagree. There's no reason for anyone to get as many colds and flu like illnesses as I do. Fortunately the new insurance I have as a direct hire employee doesn't require a referral like my previous plans all did.

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22 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I agree, I get sick a lot. 

I have thyroid disease, high BP and am minus my gall bladder. I have a serious digestive system disorder that nearly caused my death about 15 years ago. I also have arthritis. Lupus and RA run in my family, so I will be getting tested for RA (I don't have lupus). I understand the gut is key for physical health and my gut is not at all healthy. Unfortunately there's no treatment for my disease. I just have to be well hydrated and be careful what I eat. 

It's frustrating. I'm considering seeing a different type of doctor to see if they'd be willing to order some different types of tests. My doctors have all declined to test my free T4, for example, because they feel it's unnecessary. I disagree. There's no reason for anyone to get as many colds and flu like illnesses as I do. Fortunately the new insurance I have as a direct hire employee doesn't require a referral like my previous plans all did.

I have high blood pressure as well and my gallbladder removed 25 years ago but my thyroid is very healthy. I have osteoarthritis. As you know I have IBS, but nothing compared to your illness. I have recently discovered my allergy to nuts . I am not deathly allergic but they make me vomit and have stomach issues for days. 

I wish they would test your immune system as you do get sick far too often. 

They think my husband has RA, they were going to test him and then Covid happened and that all went out the window. 

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If I have RA that would explain why I keep getting sick as it's an autoimmune disorder. 

My intestinal illness is not curable. I had major surgery in 2008 but I was told it was basically to just remove the worst section. I have the disease all throughout my intestinal system and colon. It will never be cured and won't heal on its own no matter what I do. So that's likely the main reason I get sick. I do however always recover so I'm not sick continually. Just frequently. I can function and work and take care of my home. 

Compared to how sick I was before my surgery this is not even close. I could barely walk ten steps and was in and out of the hospital and weighed about 100 pounds. I'm actually a lot better, believe it or not.

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28 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

If I have RA that would explain why I keep getting sick as it's an autoimmune disorder. 

My intestinal illness is not curable. I had major surgery in 2008 but I was told it was basically to just remove the worst section. I have the disease all throughout my intestinal system and colon. It will never be cured and won't heal on its own no matter what I do. So that's likely the main reason I get sick. I do however always recover so I'm not sick continually. Just frequently. I can function and work and take care of my home. 

Compared to how sick I was before my surgery this is not even close. I could barely walk ten steps and was in and out of the hospital and weighed about 100 pounds. I'm actually a lot better, believe it or not.

My husband is like never sick so possible he doesn’t have RA but just osteo like myself. 

I am glad you are doing better. Gastro diseases are bloody awful and people don’t realize until it happens to them. 

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Sorry you are going through this Bolt - it seems like unfortunately you are well experienced in handling your illness.

My husbands cousin, who lives in Canada (shout out @Seraphim !) has Crohns disease. They wanted to put him under the knife and then fit him with a colostomy bag. I think he was 22 at the time, a strapping kinda guy who loved sports and this was, understandably, a major blow. 

His family took him to this Chinese doctor, who was a qualified medical professional, he was a nutritionalist, but he worked old school traditional medicine in with the new. He told him to go on an extreme elimination diet. He told him people are never, if ever really, allergic to meat. So he had him strip everything from his diet, and just drink plain water, and eat beef, I think it was, with no seasoning, for a month. Most of the symptoms completely lifted. He had to keep going back to this doctors office and he would slowly introduce sections of the food groups gradually back into his diet. But they discovered there were foods he could just never eat again, because all hell broke loose once they introduced it back. I will have to check with my husband, but I don't think he can eat carbs. He can't eat pasta or bread and definitely not chips. He can't have dairy either. His diet is extremely plain and unvaried but he says it's better than the surgery and the colostomy bag, of course. I think now and then he has a McDonalds once or twice a year, is crippled for weeks after but jokes it is worth it!

I'm not saying this will apply to everyone, and he is not cured completely of all symptoms by the way. But, massively reduced. He has a mostly meat based diet I think. 

I'm shocked the doctors won't give you the tests you think you might need. It might be worth saving to get a private consultation with a specialist. It's like night and day sometimes, depending on who you see. I know when my husband broke his wrist when I was working at the legal office, my job came with private health insurance which is a very luxurious thing here in the UK - he was sent to see this surgeon for 45 minutes, all paid on my insurance. He said he'd never had such care, attention and specialised medical opinion. They ran so many tests and took I think he said, 20 different measurements of his wrist at least and MRI scans (they normally use CT scans here which are much higher in radiation but cheaper to do). The regular hospital staff are too busy to do all this. It's almost one of those horrible facts of life that, if you can pay for it, you can buy yourself an amazing consultant who will spend the time. 

I really feel for anyone suffering with chronic health issues.


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Thank you.

I don't have Crohn's, thankfully. I know someone who has it and it's miserable. My condition is quite different. Diet changes can't make it better because it already exists and is irreversible. I can do things to make the pain and symptoms less, such as avoid red meat and always drink a lot of water. I know what foods cause me distress so I stay away from them. Although I love hot, spicy foods so I do indulge occasionally. As long as I maintain at a certain level I won't need more surgery. 

I have seen specialists in internal medicine but I need someone who is willing to step outside the prevailing treatments and try something different. I know for sure having my Free T4 tested is vital but it's not normally done. 

After the holidays I will look for someone who will run the tests I need.

I did have a great doctor in my previous state but of course I left him behind when I moved. And it's not feasible to make a 12 hour round trip to see him, plus my insurance won't cover out of state providers.

I plug along OK most of the time, but these frequent upper respiratory illnesses are annoying. Mainly because I feel completely gassed, like I could sleep for a week.

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26 minutes ago, mylolita said:

Sorry you are going through this Bolt - it seems like unfortunately you are well experienced in handling your illness.

My husbands cousin, who lives in Canada (shout out @Seraphim !) has Crohns disease. They wanted to put him under the knife and then fit him with a colostomy bag. I think he was 22 at the time, a strapping kinda guy who loved sports and this was, understandably, a major blow. 

His family took him to this Chinese doctor, who was a qualified medical professional, he was a nutritionalist, but he worked old school traditional medicine in with the new. He told him to go on an extreme elimination diet. He told him people are never, if ever really, allergic to meat. So he had him strip everything from his diet, and just drink plain water, and eat beef, I think it was, with no seasoning, for a month. Most of the symptoms completely lifted. He had to keep going back to this doctors office and he would slowly introduce sections of the food groups gradually back into his diet. But they discovered there were foods he could just never eat again, because all hell broke loose once they introduced it back. I will have to check with my husband, but I don't think he can eat carbs. He can't eat pasta or bread and definitely not chips. He can't have dairy either. His diet is extremely plain and unvaried but he says it's better than the surgery and the colostomy bag, of course. I think now and then he has a McDonalds once or twice a year, is crippled for weeks after but jokes it is worth it!

I'm not saying this will apply to everyone, and he is not cured completely of all symptoms by the way. But, massively reduced. He has a mostly meat based diet I think. 

I'm shocked the doctors won't give you the tests you think you might need. It might be worth saving to get a private consultation with a specialist. It's like night and day sometimes, depending on who you see. I know when my husband broke his wrist when I was working at the legal office, my job came with private health insurance which is a very luxurious thing here in the UK - he was sent to see this surgeon for 45 minutes, all paid on my insurance. He said he'd never had such care, attention and specialised medical opinion. They ran so many tests and took I think he said, 20 different measurements of his wrist at least and MRI scans (they normally use CT scans here which are much higher in radiation but cheaper to do). The regular hospital staff are too busy to do all this. It's almost one of those horrible facts of life that, if you can pay for it, you can buy yourself an amazing consultant who will spend the time. 

I really feel for anyone suffering with chronic health issues.


All I eat is mostly meat and dairy and veggies. 

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Fingers crossed, I feel better today.

It rained cats and dogs this morning and the wind was so wild my bathroom window blew open and about a quart of rain came in, but I'll gladly take that over feeling awful.  The event is outdoors this evening but they do have the option to close all but the very center of the roof at the arena.  So maybe I won't be sitting out in the rain for a few hours.  But again, I'll do that anytime over feeling sick.

And yeah, I am going to an event where I'll be packed in with tens of thousands of people, no masks and they'll all be shouting.  I am taking this chance willingly because I want to go to this event badly enough.  My family Christmas gathering is next Saturday so on the off chance I pick up Covid I have time to recover.  Alternatively I could skip the gathering but of course I'd rather go.

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My brother and his kids are notorious for being late. So I told them to be here at 2:00 pm, figuring they'd be at least a half hour late. Currently it's 2:30 and they're still not here. They texted me at 1:55 and said they'd be ten minutes late. If they left my brother's house at that time the earliest they can be here is 3 pm. 

We're going to miss out on some activities but at least we won't be late for the main event.

That's a trick I learned years ago. Tell them to be here at least an hour earlier than I want them here and they MIGHT be close to on time.

It's funny because my brother used to be a stickler for being on time, but that went out the window when he met his kids' mother in about 1986.

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The event was fantastic!  The boys and I had a great time.

We did miss out on a lot of the things we were hoping to do because they were a full hour late getting to my home.  But we got to attend the main event and it was amazing. The boys kept thanking me.

Yes, I was absolutely out there exposed to whatever, especially when we went to the souvenir shop after the event.  That place was packed wall to wall.  But I wasn't going to insist the boys miss out on souvenir shopping just because I didn't want to be exposed to Covid or RSV.

I figure I'm either infected or I'm not.  Oh well. So be it.

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Not surprisingly I am feeling sick. Also not sleeping well. I expected that with the huge crowd (70,000 plus) and being crammed into the souvenir shop I'd encounter someone who had something. But I don't feel too bad. Just moderate cold symptoms. I do wish I was sleeping better but it definitely could be a lot worse. And it was totally worth it IMO. The event was fantastic.

I chose to cancel out of the work potluck. No need to take yet another chance of exposure. I don't want to be sick and miss my family holiday gathering this weekend. 

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47 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Not surprisingly I am feeling sick. Also not sleeping well. I expected that with the huge crowd (70,000 plus) and being crammed into the souvenir shop I'd encounter someone who had something. But I don't feel too bad. Just moderate cold symptoms. I do wish I was sleeping better but it definitely could be a lot worse. And it was totally worth it IMO. The event was fantastic.

I chose to cancel out of the work potluck. No need to take yet another chance of exposure. I don't want to be sick and miss my family holiday gathering this weekend. 

Things have been circulating Bolt especially here in the UK - both older kids have had Scarlett fever didn’t need antibiotics they fought it themselves but there is a shortage of antibiotics here in the UK at the mo.


Or maybe there always was - who even knows anymore!



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