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I didn't take anything last night to help me sleep. Woke up at just before 3:00 am. I'm not playing any games so I got up and took a half dose of Z-Quil. Fell back asleep about 45 minutes later and was woken up by my alarm at 5:50 am. Total of about 5.5 hours. I can function on that amount of sleep.

Trick is to decide whether or not to take anything. I've decided if I'm still staring at the ceiling an hour after I turn out the lights I will get up and take something. Same if I wake up anytime before 4 am. Not playing anymore.

Doctor appointment tomorrow. I'll ask if I can get a flu shot in addition to asking for my Trazodone script to be renewed. I may not be able to get the flu shot because I just had a Covid booster shot on Saturday, but I'll ask.

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Appointment is this morning. I really wanted to postpone it because I have so much going on in the next few weeks but I figured I'd hate myself the next time I have night after night of insomnia.

I fell asleep last night about 11:30 and woke up at about midnight. Again, I'm not playing anymore so I got up and took some Z-Quil. Fell back asleep around 1 am, got woken up but went back to sleep. Grand total of about 5-5 1/2 hours so I'm OK.

Also going to ask for a flu shot. Hopefully I can get one even though I just got a Covid booster shot four days ago.

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19 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Appointment is this morning. I really wanted to postpone it because I have so much going on in the next few weeks but I figured I'd hate myself the next time I have night after night of insomnia.

I fell asleep last night about 11:30 and woke up at about midnight. Again, I'm not playing anymore so I got up and took some Z-Quil. Fell back asleep around 1 am, got woken up but went back to sleep. Grand total of about 5-5 1/2 hours so I'm OK.

Also going to ask for a flu shot. Hopefully I can get one even though I just got a Covid booster shot four days ago.

I think you have to wait at least 2 weeks between vaccines . 

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Turns out they said there's no reason why I couldn't have the flu shot. They actually said I could have gotten both of the shots at the same time with no issues. So I was able to get the flu shot.

She also is putting me back on Trazodone but on an as needed basis rather than daily. Of course I never know if I'm going to be unable to sleep ahead of time so I'm just going to keep trying without it, give it an hour and if I'm still awake I'll take one. Same if I wake up anytime before 5 am.

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Just adding in on here if you don’t mind re. you suffering with insomnia Bolt…


…I read an interesting article once, years back. I wish I had the link. But it was saying as we get older, we need less sleep. Think of babies, they have so much developing and growing to do. As humans, we gradually wean our need. I think the teenage years are the last developmental push. The stereotype of them sleeping all the time is I think grounded in some truth and their body needs it.


My Grandma always struggled to sleep. She needed less and less each decade that passed, and this is true for all elderly people, if you notice their habits. They cat nap but that long, blissful stretch of sleep for 8 plus hours is normally long gone. They start waking up very early too. My Grandma used to wake up at 5am everyday without fail.


My mother in law again is exactly the same. She has been a terrible sleeper for two decades now. She is 70 and has similar struggles to yourself. Other health issues keep her from sound rest as well.


I don’t mean to sound bleak, and I am not saying do nothing - but just as an observation, it’s almost as if our bodies are giving us that extra time. Maybe this is a completely wrong way of looking at it but - to see the dawn, is a beautiful thing never appreciated or often seen by youth. They often see it drunk! Taking the walk of shame! It is almost as if our bodies, in our last half, say, here you go! Here is some more time.


It’s unscientific and maybe morbid of me to think that way but, to me it is an optimistic way of looking at how sleeping takes a nose dive as we age.


Some people swear by magnesium tablets (it’s found in sea air hence the “by the sea tired feeling!”) and swimming, or exercise in water. It gives the body a real heavy, relaxed and exhausted feeling.


I realise you are maybe into some kind of hardcore insomnia so these suggestions might not touch the side but, didn’t know whether you had heard any alternatives to medication.




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Yes, I've tried so many things. Pretty much nothing works. I'm also limited due to multiple medical conditions. For example I can't use CBD because I'm on thyroid medication.

It isn't that I'm distressed just by not being able to sleep or that I wouldn't enjoy being up a few extra hours. It's that I am unable to function on two hours or less of sleep per night. I can't focus mentally, I feel exhausted, I'm unable to drive because my eyes can't focus themselves, I wasn't eating because I was too exhausted to shop for and prepare food, I couldn't go on walks for exercise because I was literally getting confused about where I was, I was angrily shouting out loud even though I'm the only one here because I was literally losing my mind...none of that is a healthy or sustainable way to live.

BTW, I am not yet classified as elderly lol. I'm in my 50s so I think I'm still considered middle aged 😆 

I'm hoping this medication helps. I was on it before and had no adverse reactions and I had been sleeping well while taking it. Fingers crossed.

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4 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Yes, I've tried so many things. Pretty much nothing works. I'm also limited due to multiple medical conditions. For example I can't use CBD because I'm on thyroid medication.

It isn't that I'm distressed just by not being able to sleep or that I wouldn't enjoy being up a few extra hours. It's that I am unable to function on two hours or less of sleep per night. I can't focus mentally, I feel exhausted, I'm unable to drive because my eyes can't focus themselves, I wasn't eating because I was too exhausted to shop for and prepare food, I couldn't go on walks for exercise because I was literally getting confused about where I was, I was angrily shouting out loud even though I'm the only one here because I was literally losing my mind...none of that is a healthy or sustainable way to live.

BTW, I am not yet classified as elderly lol. I'm in my 50s so I think I'm still considered middle aged 😆 

I'm hoping this medication helps. I was on it before and had no adverse reactions and I had been sleeping well while taking it. Fingers crossed.

Of course that is very serious! No one can function on 2/3 hours every night for the rest of! 

Ahhh yes and I didn’t mean to call you old! 🌝 LOL! No, it’s just, my Grandma and mother in law, their sleep troubles started, y’know, well my mother in law is 70 hers started two decades ago so she will have been 50 too! And my Grandma struggled since her 40s. 

I might be totally off base with this it’s just an observation! Maybe we start to wind down a little? Lots of changes happen in the body, your circadian rhythms alter, I read somewhere once hormonal changes can affect this - you say you have thyroid issues?


I hope you get it resolved Bolt, I’m sure you will - my Grandma never sought any help for her insomnia! She would read her books on a night and that was about it!





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I've actually been on thyroid meds since I was about 30. So it's not a new condition. The insomnia is new although I've had short lived bouts before. But nothing nearly as tortuous as this has been.

It's so frustrating because my life is going really well. I'm not stressed, anxious or depressed. Family, job, friends are great. I'm moving to an adorable cottage in a terrific neighborhood in 2 1/2 weeks. My diagnostic tests all came back with good results. The only issue is the insomnia. 

We'll see if the meds help. Also I think cooler weather will help.

Thanks for chiming in, I do appreciate it 🙂

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Daily sleep diary!

Got drowsy early, about 9:15 pm. Turned out the lights and was drifting off into a nice snooze when some a-hole decided to race their loud motorcycle up and down my street. Woke me up. So I decided to watch a YouTube video. That didn't really help so, since I'm not playing anymore, I took some Z-Quil. Fell asleep at approximately 11:15 pm. Woke up once briefly but otherwise slept until my alarm went off at 6.

Side note, annoying dream about the awful ex! Why the H does he keep appearing in my dreams???

I'm picking up my script this weekend. 

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I told my brother I started back walking today. Told him how long and how far. He demanded to know why I didn't walk as long as I normally do. Then when I said I wouldn't be able to walk for a couple of weeks (because I'm moving) he demanded to know why.

Jeez, I didn't ask for a drill sergeant or a coach! 😆

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I went to pay the deposit and signed my lease today. I noticed the young man in the office had a mask on today although he didn't last week. Then the agent darted in and said he'd been sick so he was going to stay in his office. He too had a mask on. I quickly whipped my mask on! I wish he'd stayed home if he was sick!  I had to handle paperwork he'd handled but there was just no way around it. So I got home and changed my clothes and washed the heck out of my hands. At least I won't have to go back again.

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I took a Trazodone for the first time last night. And...I think I'll take half a pill instead of a full one. I felt dizzy and slightly nauseous (which I remember now when I first started taking it a couple years ago) plus I feel extremely groggy this morning. And while I did sleep it wasn't a peaceful, comfortable sleep.

Not to mention the past two nights I've been woken up by terrible heartburn. Had to take some Pepto (don't have any Mylanta). I think it's the pizza I had for dinner although pizza has never bothered me before 🤷‍♀️

I hope the grogginess subsides because I gotta work!

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I just found out I have to go into the office two days this week for physical inventory. Not only will I have to be in close quarters with dozens of people for 12 hours each day but I am required to be there at 6:30 am. Which means I have to get up at 4:15 am. Great.

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21 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Ugh yuck!! 

They stopped notifying us of Covid infections. One woman I work closely with (remotely) had Covid a few weeks ago and I only know because she told me. She had been working in the office too but the safety and HR departments decided to keep it quiet. Makes me wonder how many others have been infected. And there are no more safety protocols.

If I get sick while I'm working this inventory I'm going to be very angry. I'm moving next week and I do not need to get Covid. 

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20 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

They stopped notifying us of Covid infections. One woman I work closely with (remotely) had Covid a few weeks ago and I only know because she told me. She had been working in the office too but the safety and HR departments decided to keep it quiet. Makes me wonder how many others have been infected. And there are no more safety protocols.

If I get sick while I'm working this inventory I'm going to be very angry. I'm moving next week and I do not need to get Covid. 

We no longer have notifications of any outbreaks or public apps or daily updates by health depts or anything anymore. You don’t even HAVE to isolate. They would like you too but it is no longer a requirement. I did put care for my one daycare baby who didn’t have it. Plus the fact we were all bed ridden to begin with. My husband’s aunt owns a school bus company and they all got Covid same times as us. The one daughter had to keep driving the buses to make the routes despite having Covid. Up here the bus routes are always in jeopardy because they can’t get the bus drivers due to fear of Covid. We are heading into a massive eighth wave because of Ba.5

I hope you stay Covid free!!

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I did get my booster shot a little over a week ago. But as we know those do not prevent infection. I am going to wear a mask but again that will not prevent infection if anyone I'm grouped with has an active infection. I just have to hope for the best. After all, I was directly exposed a couple of months ago and I didn't get it!

It's not so much fear anymore but inconvenience. I have carpet cleaners coming this Saturday to clean my new apartment and I have the utility company coming next Thursday and movers next Friday. So I do not want to have to isolate!

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24 minutes ago, boltnrun said:


I did get my booster shot a little over a week ago. But as we know those do not prevent infection. I am going to wear a mask but again that will not prevent infection if anyone I'm grouped with has an active infection. I just have to hope for the best. After all, I was directly exposed a couple of months ago and I didn't get it!

It's not so much fear anymore but inconvenience. I have carpet cleaners coming this Saturday to clean my new apartment and I have the utility company coming next Thursday and movers next Friday. So I do not want to have to isolate!

Absolutely, it becomes a massive inconvenience. 

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I am so exceedingly groggy. I feel like I could sleep for a week. I wanted to go for a walk after work but I am so sleepy! 

I will be getting a lot of exercise from packing and carrying boxes. So maybe that will have to do for the next ten days. Not what I want but I will definitely resume my walks after I move and unpack.

I'm thinking about starting to participate in some 5k walk races. I can do those!

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So the Trazodone gave me a bad headache. I didn't take any last night because I needed the headache to go away. I took a couple of Advil. I got maybe 5 hours of sleep but thankfully the headache is gone. My eyes are super puffy too. Good thing I start going into the office tomorrow, not today.

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My son's spouse won tickets at work to a sports event for my favorite sports team. These tickets are expensive and are a premiere event. They offered the tickets to me since neither of them is interested in going, plus they know that's my absolute favorite team. But after some back and forth and a lot of thought I had to say no.😭 It's next week and I already requested a day and a half off from work to move the same week. I would need to leave at least an hour or two early and I just can't ask for any more time off, especially next week. I feel bad because it was really nice of them to offer to give me the tickets and I feel like I'm being rude saying no, but I can't figure out a way to go. And I tried but wasn't able to find anyone to go with me and this is definitely an area where you don't want to go alone, particularly a lone middle-aged woman. But I still feel bad telling them no although my son said he understood why and thought the notice was really short to tell me. I hope they can find someone else to use them as they are REALLY pricey tickets (well over $150 each).

Bummer 😕

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