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Emotional Support for current world events.


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I find the turn of events so utterly shattering of my faith in humanity. No room to breathe and think, it's the constant "react this way now or you're bad."  Yes events happen fast, but I want information to digest; and those are very sparse.

Sometimes I feel like this is all some sort of game to people all of these events won't effect. Or that this is some psychological experiment on a grand scale.

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13 minutes ago, Coily said:

I find the turn of events so utterly shattering of my faith in humanity. No room to breathe and think, it's the constant "react this way now or you're bad."  Yes events happen fast, but I want information to digest; and those are very sparse.

Sometimes I feel like this is all some sort of game to people all of these events won't effect. Or that this is some psychological experiment on a grand scale.

I agree the last two years are mentally crippling and now into a third. I find myself disaster planning as the raging world events and personal and financial disasters are about to get worse . Is humanity over ?

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I find it disturbing how fractured society is these days, it's not a political divide as much as it seems to be between how much someone blindly agrees with someone else. Even over the most petty useless things people make things so desperately serious.


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29 minutes ago, Coily said:

I find it disturbing how fractured society is these days, it's not a political divide as much as it seems to be between how much someone blindly agrees with someone else. Even over the most petty useless things people make things so desperately serious.

I definitely hear you. 


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51 minutes ago, Coily said:

I find it disturbing how fractured society is these days, it's not a political divide as much as it seems to be between how much someone blindly agrees with someone else. Even over the most petty useless things people make things so desperately serious.


I think there's always been this division but with social media everyone has a platform. And it seems some people want to loudly and forcefully express their opinions and refuse to accept that others might have an equally valid but different point of view.

I don't waste my time trying to convince others to change their minds or post links and articles in an attempt to "prove" my opinion is "right". Because it's right for me but not necessarily right for everyone else. And my ego is small enough that I can accept that people will disagree with me.

I hurt for the innocents who are suffering. They didn't ask for war, death and destruction of their homeland.

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On 3/10/2022 at 9:10 PM, Seraphim said:

I agree the last two years are mentally crippling and now into a third. I find myself disaster planning

To me it almost feels like the last 2 years were a preparation for what’s happening right now.

I am thinking of all the people who are suffering so much right now from something they had no say in to begin with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's wild reading some of the suggested restrictions being talked about in the UK for travel and petrol. "No travel Sundays" and Fuel rationing, this is all to controlling for my tastes.

Then there are talks of food shortages in the US, due to trucking fuel problems. It just feels like we are careening around without a vision towards the future. There don't seem to be anyone in positions of power that have a view for making things better; just petty little power grabs.

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Great idea, Seraphim!

Where do I even begin?

On one hand, some people seem to worry more about who is going to win a reality TV show than life-altering current events.  On the other hand, you've got the impromptu 'maestro'⁠—politologist, scientist, medical specialist, thanks to dubious social media posts — correcting well-versed professionals. No, dude. Watching a 60 second video on TikTok by another dude doesn't make you an expert.

It's so easy (for many of us) to access information nowadays, but apparently making sure sources are reputable before re-posting is too much to ask. And actually opening a book to learn something new — unheard of. Spending countless hours watching a Fortnite livestream on Twitch is much more fascinating and enriching.

*takes a deep breath*


Disclaimer: I've got nothing against TikTok, Twitch, Fortnite or social media in general.

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On 3/21/2022 at 8:16 PM, Coily said:

It's wild reading some of the suggested restrictions being talked about in the UK for travel and petrol. "No travel Sundays" and Fuel rationing, this is all to controlling for my tastes.

I remember the car-free Sundays in the early 70ies in the country where I grew up in Europe. I was a kid obviously, so back then it was kind of fun. No cars on the streets, you could play everywhere.

I actually would be totally fine with it, if that would be introduced now. I already have reduced my car usage over the years, but can’t do without since I live in a more rural area. My only fear would be that after 2 years of COVID restrictions, people would simply not accept any further restrictions for whatever reason anymore, and unrest starts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How’s everyone doing?


Fab thread Seraphim!


Tensions in Ukraine seem to be dipping - maybe that dooms day clock will tick back a few minutes after all huh! 

I think events like this make us all realise how lucky and pampered we are to, as of yet, never had to have lived through a world war or any war close to home. That’s quite something, a real luxury. I think, as terrifying and worrying and strange and skeptical inducing this time is, it has also made me insanely grateful and appreciative of what I have and just, being in a safe country and having a roof over my children’s head. On a positive note. And this is unusual for me as I tend to lean towards being pessimistic and anxious myself!


Anyone feeling better? 

I don’t think anyone is up for anymore surprises, right? 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️


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Unfortunately,  the surprises and the world going down the porcelain bowl are probably going to get worse before better. Last night I paid $281 for groceries which only 7 months ago would have cost me $200 or less. 

It also seems the world didn’t learn from  80 years ago. 

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Oh dear Seraphim I’m sorry about this. 

I have started noticing an upward rise as well but nowhere near that dramatic yet. Maybe my average shop has gone up by, £20, maybe a bit less. I don’t fill up the car much but my husband has told me it’s obviously risen. 

My Grandad had a fantastic garden, left over from the war effort when everyone was encouraged to grow their own. They had everything from different fruit trees and bushes, gooseberry rhubarb and strawberry patches, a greenhouse full of tomato’s and runner beans and grapes even! Then potato’s, cabbages, carrots, lettuces, onions! The whole kitten caboodle! I remember Sunday dinner at theirs, 7 years old, blew your taste buds off because everything was home grown and organic and truly amazing. 

I know it doesn’t help right now, even for the next few months but, ever thought about growing your own small selection? I know nothing of gardening by the way even though my Grandad spent time with me in his garden but I was probably 3 years old at the time, too hyper and little to be bothered to take it in. Man I wish I had now! I loved him to pieces. That generation of do everything yourself and fix it up and stiff upper lip and let’s get too it and light a bonfire has gone and, maybe we need a bit of that back? It was a very simple and lovely, self sufficient way to exist 😌


I was thinking to myself yesterday,  war and genocide has been happening every year for decades in other countries and never stopped and the general population never got concerned about it. I guess the Ukraine War has been freaking most people out in the western world because the talk of nukes at one point, and, the way the sanctions are affecting us financially. We forget how safe a country we do live in. I’m in the UK by the way so I’m not sure how food supplies are going to be hit here - time will tell, but generally everything has risen ever so slightly, and most definitely petrol and diesel.


Strangely clothing and other luxury items haven’t risen in cost for us yet. The fact it is getting expensive to buy the basics is making frivolous things like nice high heels and luxury make-up feel cheaper now! Which is a false way of thinking but I haven’t seen a price hike there yet. 

I swear down if I ended up living in the woods under a tarp I would be finding berries to crush to make rouge and wondering when I can reach for the cooled off ashes of wood for charcoal to line my eyelids with - LOL! Okay a girl has to have her priorities in line right?! 🤫🤣


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