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Creative Writing Exercise


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All budding, aspiring, hobby, dabbling and professional writers of ENA!


Just been browsing around here recently and got to hear about some posters hobbies, passions and professions and it turns out, you guys are all wordsmiths round here! 

I have never taken a writing class, or preformed a writing exercise.


Is this the cliche one I know of?


The idea is, if anyone fancies it and, I would be so curious and honoured to read what anyone might put here, but! 

Choose an object in the room you are currently in. Could be anything. But it has to only be an object and in the room you are currently in! 

And, just write away about it. Whatever you feel or see.


I don’t know if this is gonna fall flat. People are busy. But! If anyone wants to give it a go, you will give me the courage and I will add mine in!


Can be about any object, as long or short as you like, as detailed or non-detailed. There is no wrong or right way.


I have a feeling a tumble weed might blow by on this but if no one posts I will just write one up in a few days time and add this to the archives 🤣


All the best,


Lo x

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  • 2 years later...

Waves of blue crash upon the shore. Against a star painted sky three majestic being arise. Leaping high up they invoke a feeling of wonder and awe before splashing back into the sea. Dolphins, intelligent and wise. In the distance planets orbit. A rich tapestry of blues and purples, appealing to the eye. A hint of orange (my favorite color) and the rings of saturn complete the beautiful scene before me.

Creatures of both water and air they represent harmony and balance, just as the set brings a calming balance within the confines of my room, my inner sanctum and fortress of solitude. To some culture they are guides to a spirit world, a symbol of transformation and healing. As a lie there each night, I heal not just the body with sleep, but my mind and soul as well. I think and ponder about the deeper questions of life. I dream of a better future. I wish and hope for the one thing that has thus far eluded me. And I think of there playful nature, a reminder to never take myself to seriously and just have fun.

The planets showcase my love of sci-fi. It brings to mind exploration - not just of the vast unknown out in space, but of the human condition.

To some a bed is just a place to rest at night. But this set makes it so much more. It is a reflection of me.


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On 2/20/2022 at 6:37 AM, mylolita said:

I don’t know if this is gonna fall flat. People are busy. But! If anyone wants to give it a go, you will give me the courage and I will add mine in!

Bet you thought no one was ever going to post to this. It's only been two and half years, right? Did you even remember it? 😉

Felt like being creative and have been meaning to answer this for awhile. Thank you for the opportunity to write something again, it's been two long since I have. Any questions or comments? 

Ok lo, you're up. No pressure. Though I am sure it would be beautiful.

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3 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Bet you thought no one was ever going to post to this. It's only been two and half years, right? Did you even remember it? 😉

Felt like being creative and have been meaning to answer this for awhile. Thank you for the opportunity to write something again, it's been two long since I have. Any questions or comments? 

Ok lo, you're up. No pressure. Though I am sure it would be beautiful.


Two and a half years?! Oh my Lordy Lord! I’ve been taken back to the exact moment and where I was when I posted this (silly!) idea! 

Can I just say, I loved what you wrote.


I can see how you started one way and following your feelings and train of thought, you got to something deep and meaningful for you within a paragraph. What your bed and cover and what lies on it represents! 

Do you write for fun or for a profession Shy? 

Oh boy! No pressure huh! 

When I opened this up I was in the kitchen making breakfast, looking out into our hall. 

Let’s start 🥲



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Duck egg blue, four coats painted in haste. A simple panelled back. Closed behind everyday, keeping the outside; out. 

Three years have been spent looking only at the back of it, the front a display to the public. The children bang against it with their hips, impatiently waiting with shoes on, to be released into the wild for outings, or school. 

Not the prettiest thing and not the most sturdy. The first time we met, I labelled this door tired. I listed twenty things I would have to change, but in the end, the sight of the well worn brass handle, now familiar like family, turned and pulled countless times, fills me with grateful tenderness. 

We’ve had such happy memories here, and also some bad. I’ve glanced out across the hall at midnight, to view the thin glass surrounding, the end of the path. Many have gone through before me, and many still will - a historical building, I entered lady of the house, but will exit soon, and leave. 

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Yep, I was right. Beautiful.

What strikes me is how you turned an everyday thing that barely gets noticed and turned it into something significant and meaningful. You used it to reflect on what you love most - your family. And you showed how the home we live in doesn't just house our family, it becomes part of the family.

Ever heard the song "The House that Built Me?" It's got a similar theme, that the house we live in is more then just walls, floor, and ceiling. The memories we build there help to shape who we are for the rest of our life. Think I might post it over in the music thread.

My profession goes the complete other way from writing - accounting. I'm lost in a sea of making numbers balance all day.

I've always been a reader though so love words. I did write poems at one point for fun. My creative writing these days are limited to short character pieces for a game I play. Find it fun to add in bits to flesh out characters and give them personality. Never share it with anyone else and anyone who doesn't play the game would probably be lost if they read it, but it's fun for me.

Might add something else here if inspiration strikes me. Actually did come up with an idea for a poem recently. Still rolling it around in my head.

Do you write? You'll have a fan here if you ever decide to share anything else.


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15 hours ago, ShySoul said:

Yep, I was right. Beautiful.

What strikes me is how you turned an everyday thing that barely gets noticed and turned it into something significant and meaningful. You used it to reflect on what you love most - your family. And you showed how the home we live in doesn't just house our family, it becomes part of the family.

Ever heard the song "The House that Built Me?" It's got a similar theme, that the house we live in is more then just walls, floor, and ceiling. The memories we build there help to shape who we are for the rest of our life. Think I might post it over in the music thread.

My profession goes the complete other way from writing - accounting. I'm lost in a sea of making numbers balance all day.

I've always been a reader though so love words. I did write poems at one point for fun. My creative writing these days are limited to short character pieces for a game I play. Find it fun to add in bits to flesh out characters and give them personality. Never share it with anyone else and anyone who doesn't play the game would probably be lost if they read it, but it's fun for me.

Might add something else here if inspiration strikes me. Actually did come up with an idea for a poem recently. Still rolling it around in my head.

Do you write? You'll have a fan here if you ever decide to share anything else.


Ohhh thank you Shy! 

Seriously, you’re too sweet! 

I say, carry on! Please just add whatever! I never started this category, I think it is all for writing and poetry and book club talk and quotes and on and on! It’s the place - park it up! 🤣 🖋️ 


Do your poems seem to have a theme or do you write whatever strikes at the time? 

Never ever tried to create a poem before. I’m not kidding I think I know it would be pretty bad - HA! I don’t think I’m strung that way. I love song lyrics and I suppose that’s poetry to music in some way. I don’t think I could ever even write me half decent song either! 

I’ll have a bash at most things and make a college try but, poetry is something that puts the fear of writers block in me!!! 🥴


I did start a book club once Shy but sacked the only 4 people in it because they all came with Kindles and I couldn’t hack it 😆🧹🧹🧹



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And @ShySoul - how did you get into accounting? You must be good at maths obviously! 

I just realised you asked me a question! Do I write! Do I write… yes, a lot, as much as I talk LOLZZZZ! But it’s in the form of a diary and always have been. I keep a virtual journal on here, since 2009ish I started it at 19, I’m 34 now - God, shock horror; mortified - and I keep a paper one as well since I was about 6/7. On and off. It’s one of the only consistent things I’ve done since I was a kid. Everything else is stop start or I only try it for a week or so and can’t seem to keep it up. Oh, dancing, always danced. But that’s it.


Always secretly wanted to write a book Shy, but I am so lazy I don’t even get to trying. I’m quite lucky as I do have moments during the day and especially on an evening, even as a stay at home mum of three young children - where I can write. It’s vital and essential to me so I carve time for it. I have no excuse really. 

I live in a coastal town where every other person is either a yoga instructor, a spiritual advisor, a shop owner, a writer or an artist! I’ve never personally classed myself as creative. I can’t seem to relate to people who label themselves creative, actually. In my opinion, its used flippantly and openly and has become, quite meaningless. I met a lovely new friend these past weeks and she writes music and poetry and I love her unique work - but she with pride can exclaim she is a creative! Never got there myself. I don’t feel like I fit that label. 

I’m more of just… a gossip… on paper 🤣 A right blabber mouth with a pen - HA! A two timing nib finder. Whatever, we crack on don’t we! 

But I really loved finding this section a few years ago and I know there are a good few book worms here on ENA as well as professional writers! 


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  • 1 month later...
On 7/29/2024 at 11:28 AM, mylolita said:

Do your poems seem to have a theme or do you write whatever strikes at the time? 

However I feel at the time. So that has tended to mean sadness mixed with a little bit of hope. There's something about feeling low that gets you introspective and inspires ideas for poems, stories, songs, etc. But then again, I've always been drawn to sad songs and other things that tug at the heart strings. Us shy souls are like that.

On 7/29/2024 at 11:39 AM, mylolita said:

how did you get into accounting? You must be good at maths obviously! 

Always had a love of numbers and a logical mind. I'd do logic problems as a child for fun, played Tetris, did jigsaw puzzles, read mysteries. I'd try to see things from different perspectives and make varying random pieces fit together. My skills and hobbies kind of pointed me to a job where the top priority is to make everything balance in the proper way. I'm sure for a lot of people it's boring. But it can be fun in its own way. And boring can be good at times. 😄

On 7/29/2024 at 11:39 AM, mylolita said:

Always secretly wanted to write a book Shy

Add up everything from your journal on here, and it's like you've written a book. It's a biography of the last 15 years. Compile it together and I'd buy a copy!

Considering writing more myself. Have an idea for a journal/creative writing endevour. But finding the time to execute it like I'm envisioning is another story.

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