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Overbearing friend

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Hi everyone hope you are well.

little bit of a long one. 

I live abroad and met this ‘friend’ whilst I was visiting my hometown and we had mutual friends and stayed in contact via social media. We never spoke on the phone just random messages like birthday or Christmas  or when she was traveling to my country for holiday. Approximately twice I met up with her in the 7 years which in a total was 3 times. So she was always an acquaintance nice girl. 
During Covid I had travelled back to my home town, I was stuck there and was waiting for flights to get home. During that time she reached out and would call me often chatting normally. She was in an amazing marriage with a daughter and would call me to constantly boast but I never thought anyway about it I was just an ear. A few months past and she was now going through a very messy divorce which seemed to come out of nowhere but none of my business. She called me every day for hours and I counseled her tried to keep her positive as much as I could. After lockdown eased up I went on holiday with my family and a family member died very tragically it was awful. She found out through the newspaper and kept blowing up my phone. I told her ‘listen stop I am with police, embassy trying to fly home. I need my phone stop to I understand your concerned but I need you to back off until I get home.’

she wouldn’t. I had 40 messaged all in one go, ‘I can’t sleep! How are you babe babe how are you? Babe are you ok? Babe?’ 
It was me and my aunt who was in trauma and shock and two young children so I was the one dealing with everything to make sure we go home safely and could bring the body back home. Gosh it was a living nightmare.

every single second she kept calling me but then most people were so again I didn’t think too much into it I honestly couldn’t care I had sooooooo much going on.

when I got back I had so much to organize grief hit the family hard and no one could cope at all and I had to organize the insurance, the body, the funeral, speaking to their work, banks, going through everything. She would call everyday and I would talk for 5 mins give her quick updates but be like ‘I have a lot on I can’t think of talk’

she would suggest ‘come round my house come round d my house let’s go out take your mind off it let’s go out for drinks’ 

it started to really irritate me as it’s like ‘what can’t or don’t you understand what I’m going through????’ Like the day I got back from the holiday she wanted me to go to her house!!!!

Again not really thinking too much into it until she showed up at my house. First time and she was very overly comfortable in my home which I didn’t like considering my whole family is in grieving mode and the energy in my house is depressing and quiet. She was being loud and not very aware I took her in the garden and we had a glass of wine and just chatted. She started talking about her divorce and How she’s going through the same thing as me and it’s like we’re one person and she feels my pain. 
until now I don’t think anyone can ever feel anyones pain or grieve and also divorce and someone being killed in front of you isn’t the same thing at all.

i instantly felt strange towards her and my family who were present also felt uncomfortable I sent her away and carried on with all the plans for the funeral.

in the meantime I had a rental property which had squatters in and they just vacated the property leaving it destroyed. We had planned to do the house up immediately and I will some of my family will move into it. Whilst I was doing the funeral and insurance I was meeting with builders, agents trying to keep busy and sort it out.

she called and said you know my dad is a Bulider he will take the stress off you let me help. So I was like ‘omg this is like wow, money isn’t a issue it’s just finding someone reliable at this point and to start immediately’

so we met we spoke we agreed. A day later he called me shouting at me how I was supposed to go and clear the rubbish. When I said I would employ someone to clear it he said ‘I will do it don’t worry’ 

so I went back and said listen I don’t want to argue let’s list every single job down exactly so there isn’t any confusion. He was like ‘no no don’t worry I’m doing you a favor I’ll do it don’t worry don’t worry I’m doing you a favour’ a paid favour may I add.

I said with all due respect I have so much going on I was to make it clear ‘no no don’t worry I’ll do it I’ll do I was working till 11pm 4am till 11pm I’m doing you a favour’

so I went to my friend and said listen I don’t want this to turn ugly because I literally don’t have the mental capacity and time so please please can we sit and sort this out otherwise I’ll find someone else. She was like ‘listen do the funeral don’t worry I’ll talk to him give me the list do not worry’

well it did turn ugly, calling me 30 times a day sending me to the same shop multiple times a day demanding tools, paint, rollers, fitting in things I never asked for saying their a favour then charging me for it. I honestly had no one and no time I was like ‘whatever just do it’

even thinking back now I remember I called him and said listen I am going to the funeral home to see the casket so I won’t be available so if you need anything tell me. That day he called me 20times in one go. I picked up and all it was for was to tell me he had trouble fitting in something I didn’t ask for and he needed a battery for later. 

in the meantime his daughter is also blowing up my phone ‘come round my house take a break come over’

She would blow up my phone, ‘what you doing?’ - ‘I’m busy I have family visiting from out of town’

’when are they leaving? Do you want to go shopping?’ - ‘no I can’t I’m with family they are staying over.’

3 hours later ‘have they gone yet? Do you want to come over? -ignore

4 missed calls

’CALL ME’ - ‘what’s up?

’yeah I miss you haven’t spoken to you in ages’ -spoke to her in the morning

this happened for 2 excoriating months and I snapped I said you cannot call me like this and message me to call you like it’s important and urgent When I have so much going on responsibility I feel like I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.

she apologized and it happened again. But then ‘oh so I see you met your other friend but can’t see me? Oh you speak to her on the phone she’s not even a good friend blah blah blah’

Honestly after the funeral I had to go abroad to then clear out my families home and sort out the belongings etc (honestly I have not had a break until now I’m writing this) 

she began messaging oh I’m coming out there on holiday with my family I want to see you, - ‘I’m busy clearing out a house which is soooooo emotional I don’t know when and what I’m doing I can’t plan or commit. Your coming with family so we’ll catch up another time but my priority is my family and doing this’

Same questions next day next day whilst her dad is not even doing a good job over charging me on everything and longing out a 3 week job for 3 months. 
I ignored her messages but then they became very ‘What’s wrong why aren’t you messaging me? Why haven’t you replied?’

stalking me every time I’m online. It gave me anxiety.

I ended up staying abroad where I was originally anyway for the past 6years and she was like ‘why I hope you never get a job I miss you my life will be nothing without you’ 

this is a grown woman with a job and kid like I don’t understand.

I spoke to her and said listen I need to be alone and taking time away from everyone I need space and to get a job grieve and get back on track like I haven’t actually had a chance to breath or cry I’ve had to be strong for my family and I need a break’

’oh I know you’ve been through so much but I miss you your my soulmate I’ll come and visit you when will that be? When can I come out and see you?’

I said I don’t know I need a job, counseling and to sort my stuff out. ‘So when will that be because I want to book flights now?’

I repeated it again firmly and she backed off and said ok then maybe feb.

in the meantime I haven’t messaged her but now I keep getting messages like ‘why haven’t you called me what’s wrong?’

’no calls?’

like firstly, where is my how are you? What if I was I’ll what if I was in hospital? Just none of my friends have ever ever messaged me like this so abruptly rude. I felt a sense of guilt that it looks as if I used her if I blocked her but then I paid her dad more and he’s made so many mistakes I have to employ someone else to fix them. Also he isn’t even replying to any messages.

god it feels good getting this all out. Thanks for reading so far. But she just messaged me after a month of hearing nothing from her ‘babe no calls? All ok?’

I don’t feel strong enough I block her because I know she’ll stalk me as she is that sort of person and it scares me even though we’re not in the same country. I was hoping it could go back to how it was before Covid as she knew me always living abroad and not talking constantly everyday. 

I need a job I need my life back I need to grieve in a healthy way, I need good people around me not this. 

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I also have this guilt that she’s become dependable on me but the conversations are the same negative ones, and it’s constant everyday i don’t have the time for it and don’t see how she has the time. I’ve pulled away from all my friends not because of this but because I’m grieving I don’t feel like talking to people in not in the right headspace to have meaningless conversations and also if I am so what if it’s not with her. Like she drove past my house one time and was like ‘your cars not outside where are you? I wanted to see you today I wanted you to come over?’ And it’s like my family used it. But that’s not normal is it?

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She didn’t message me on Xmas or New Years I don’t understand why her messages are always ‘you haven’t called me? Why what’s wrong? Why haven’t you messaged me?’ I replied once and was like ‘why are you being dramatic and messaging me like that? I spoke to you 2 weeks ago I’ve just moved apartments and job hunting. But you can message me if you want’ 

she just replied ‘I know I just miss you it’s so horrible where I am I’m so sad without you’

its like if she messaged me nicer or normally I don’t think I’d get my back up so much. But again it’s all on her timing 

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Surely you do realize that she is treating you like she is in a romantic relationship with you by calling you babe, telling you that you are her soulmate, pursuing you, and demanding attention the way that she is doing. People who are just friends don't act like that. Either she is full on psycho or there is something between you that is leading her to believe she has something going with you in a romantic sense that you are glossing over.

Regardless, if you truly want her off your back, then you will need to be blunt and tell her straightforward that you are not interested in her and do not wish to speak to her ever again. That you are not her anything and that she needs to stop contacting you. Be blunt to the point of brutally so. Stop playing games with her and fire her father from the job as well. Get rid of both of them completely.

Also, block her from all social media and go private and lock down all of your privacy and security settings. Nobody can stalk you if they can't see you. As for the phone, set her to silent mode, so no matter what whacko stuff she is trying to do, your phone won't be ringing and dinging, however you can take all her bs to law enforcement and get a restraining order if need be. Either way, you'll have documentation of harassment. Again, you have to spell it out bluntly that she needs to stop contacting you so that any contact after that request counts as harassment.

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I am so sorry for what you have been through and the loss of your aunt. 

It sounds like this woman hasn't a clue.  And all she is doing is adding to your pain.  That is not cool.  You do not have to tolerate people for any reason, especially when they are abusing you and your time, not respecting boundaries or your family.

There are times in life when you just have to put yourself first.  You've told this person a bunch of times that she is putting too much pressure on you and that you need space to deal with your life.  You don't have to explain yourself to this person.

In your shoes, I would block her.  And I am not the type of person to just go around blocking people I know.  So I understand you are reluctant.  But... If you paid the dad and you have no more dealings with him, then cut the cord.  If you block her, you won't see the messages and it will give you some space.  You can always decide to unblock her in the future.  

She is not respecting you, so you have every right to protect your own peace of mind.  

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6 hours ago, Confusedperson123 said:

She didn’t message me on Xmas or New Years I don’t understand why her messages are always ‘you haven’t called me? Why what’s wrong? Why haven’t you messaged me?’ I replied once and was like ‘why are you being dramatic and messaging me like that? I spoke to you 2 weeks ago I’ve just moved apartments and job hunting. But you can message me if you want’ 

It's all on her timing?  No, it's just her....

IMO, she should be gone & her father too!  You don't need either of them hounding you this way.  Sounds like they are clueless 😕 .

I would avoid both, block and get out of this mess... you don't need her harassment & negligence.  You need understanding and respect! - And in no way would I say to her ' you can msg me if you want'.. instead of IGNORE.

I am sorry for all you have been through, the loss.. the stress.  😞 

No way family can assist you a little more - or friends?  Not these oddballs.

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12 minutes ago, SooSad33 said:

It's all on her timing?  No, it's just her....

IMO, she should be gone & her father too!  You don't need either of them hounding you this way.  Sounds like they are clueless 😕 .

I would avoid both, block and get out of this mess... you don't need her harassment & negligence.  You need understanding and respect! - And in no way would I say to her ' you can msg me if you want'.. instead of IGNORE.

I am sorry for all you have been through, the loss.. the stress.  😞 

No way family can assist you a little more - or friends?  Not these oddballs.

I have a very small family and unfortunately it’s the first family member we’ve lost and so everyone is in shock. My true friends have been amazing in just sending me messages like ‘if you need me I’m here’ and listening to me and understanding so I have been lucky. It’s why I moved away now because everything is over and done with I can focus on myself and my life and my family are incredibly grateful and understanding but with her it’s like ‘ok funeral over let’s go for drinks’ which just isn’t my headspace like grief is a continuous emotion and I’ve been through trauma I’m trying to adopt healthy habits by being around positive healthy people exercising etc 

her conversations are very ‘I hate life I hate this person did you see her instagram? Her body is fake, I hate this’ telling me about flings and being crazy over men she’s not even met but speaking to on dating apps. It’s all very toxic. I really wanted to pull away nicely and have her get use to the distance and space and have the messages as short little catch ups every now and then.

but it’s as if she wants me to be dedicated to her even though I’m not in the same country and the messages just really rub me the wrong way. ‘Why haven’t you called me? What’s wrong?’ 
No ‘hey how are you? Thinking of you what have you been up to?’

im scared of I block her she’ll hound my family and then stalk my other friends. I’ve deleted instagram solely because of her.

I know this sounds so stupid and silly but I so feel scared of her and scared to block her it’s so strange. Like she doesn’t have anything on me but she talks about the same stuff and focuses on the same things for years and I feel she’ll always do it to me, always try and stalk and find me. 
When speaking to my counselor they suggested the grey method where I become so boring that she will loose interest. But she doesn’t converse like a normal person. It’s ‘why haven’t you called? Where have you been? What you can’t call me at all? What have you been doing? Well you could of called me! What are you doing in January I’ll come see you? Well then February? Well then march!!!’ 
I’ve just never ever dealt with anything like this at all

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3 hours ago, Lambert said:

I am so sorry for what you have been through and the loss of your aunt. 

It sounds like this woman hasn't a clue.  And all she is doing is adding to your pain.  That is not cool.  You do not have to tolerate people for any reason, especially when they are abusing you and your time, not respecting boundaries or your family.

There are times in life when you just have to put yourself first.  You've told this person a bunch of times that she is putting too much pressure on you and that you need space to deal with your life.  You don't have to explain yourself to this person.

In your shoes, I would block her.  And I am not the type of person to just go around blocking people I know.  So I understand you are reluctant.  But... If you paid the dad and you have no more dealings with him, then cut the cord.  If you block her, you won't see the messages and it will give you some space.  You can always decide to unblock her in the future.  

She is not respecting you, so you have every right to protect your own peace of mind.  

Hi thanks for your message ❤️ It’s strange because I think she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong. 
I had a conversation once and I broke down on the phone after she called me 20 times in the space of 1 hour whilst I was at my grandads ‘when are you leaving? Come meet me! Are you done yet? How’s your grandad? When are you leaving? Please let me know so I can make plans, hellooooooo? Just let me know otherwise I’m taking my daughter out’

and it’s like we never ever made any plans we never discussed seeing each other but it’s like I’m being selfish because she could of taken her daughter out and didn’t because I didn’t get back to her??? Lol like we never made any plans.

so I cried and was like gosh I feel like I’m drowning and I need space from everything and everyone I can’t cope with your constant messages and making me feel guilty for no reason. 
‘oh I know you’ve been through a lot I understand, I think you need to cut off all your friends and do need space, I was asking to meet up because I know you need space so I thought we could go shopping etc’

i replied ‘no I need head space, I need to be with my family and relax at home and just be present I’m not in the mood to go out and socialize I need to focus on myself and I don’t need to cut anyone off my friends understand that and I want you to understand I need space’

’and that’s why I think your friends are *** because they should understand that and I don’t think you should be with your family I think you need time away for yourself so that’s why I’m saying we could go gym together’

so I feel she’s very very deluded and it scares me cause I think once I block her she’s explode and be crazier. 

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5 hours ago, DancingFool said:

Surely you do realize that she is treating you like she is in a romantic relationship with you by calling you babe, telling you that you are her soulmate, pursuing you, and demanding attention the way that she is doing. People who are just friends don't act like that. Either she is full on psycho or there is something between you that is leading her to believe she has something going with you in a romantic sense that you are glossing over.

Regardless, if you truly want her off your back, then you will need to be blunt and tell her straightforward that you are not interested in her and do not wish to speak to her ever again. That you are not her anything and that she needs to stop contacting you. Be blunt to the point of brutally so. Stop playing games with her and fire her father from the job as well. Get rid of both of them completely.

Also, block her from all social media and go private and lock down all of your privacy and security settings. Nobody can stalk you if they can't see you. As for the phone, set her to silent mode, so no matter what whacko stuff she is trying to do, your phone won't be ringing and dinging, however you can take all her bs to law enforcement and get a restraining order if need be. Either way, you'll have documentation of harassment. Again, you have to spell it out bluntly that she needs to stop contacting you so that any contact after that request counts as harassment.

Hey yes I know it’s very strange, however she is straight and I notice she becomes very obsessive with people. If she matches with someone on a dating app she talks and acts as if she knows them, drunk calls them, stalks them even though they’ve never ever met her. I saw this side after the death and was like ‘who are you?’ 
It’s common girlfriends call each other babe so I’m not worried about that. But I’ve become a target of this obsession which I’ve never experienced at all.

I have deleted my instagram, Facebook. I need LinkedIn for my job search but blocked her on that. But she has multiple fake accounts. 
I really was hoping she’d find a new friend do be obsessed me I actually don’t even think I’ve even been a great friend to her to want me in her life that much or been that fun. 

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21 minutes ago, Confusedperson123 said:

But she doesn’t converse like a normal person. It’s ‘why haven’t you called? Where have you been? What you can’t call me at all? What have you been doing? Well you could of called me! What are you doing in January I’ll come see you? Well then February? Well then march!!!’ 
I’ve just never ever dealt with anything like this at all

Exactly, because her behaviour is NOT normal.. you've become friends with a weird one 😕 .

But, you either have to just have it out with her that you're done and you totally ignore from now on, or take different measures.  My god, i would never harass a friends family!

Is really odd some people don't take the 'hint', but we have all kinds, so I've learned.  I would go crazy with someone like this! ( I did have a friend for no more than 2 yrs, who would twist my words around and come between myself and another friend out of jealousy.. I ended up msg'ing her through email about things she was doing & setting me off... she applogized then 3 days later turned it all onto me.. I never responded and never spoke to her again.  In time the other friend disowned her too.  She was full of negative and it was affecting them.).

So, is maybe time for you to just stop everything.  Stop being so 'nice' and giving in, when there are soo many other nice, decent people out there.. This, you do not need.


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10 hours ago, Confusedperson123 said:

I also have this guilt that she’s become dependable on me 

Unless she is paying you what an attorney or therapist makes, cut her off.

When you cut her off, she will find and pay appropriate professionals to listen to her divorce drama and she can get support from her friends and family.

Just stop listening to this drivel and drama rather than resenting it.

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6 hours ago, Confusedperson123 said:

Hi thanks for your message ❤️ It’s strange because I think she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong. 
I had a conversation once and I broke down on the phone after she called me 20 times in the space of 1 hour whilst I was at my grandads ‘when are you leaving? Come meet me! Are you done yet? How’s your grandad? When are you leaving? Please let me know so I can make plans, hellooooooo? Just let me know otherwise I’m taking my daughter out’

and it’s like we never ever made any plans we never discussed seeing each other but it’s like I’m being selfish because she could of taken her daughter out and didn’t because I didn’t get back to her??? Lol like we never made any plans.

so I cried and was like gosh I feel like I’m drowning and I need space from everything and everyone I can’t cope with your constant messages and making me feel guilty for no reason. 
‘oh I know you’ve been through a lot I understand, I think you need to cut off all your friends and do need space, I was asking to meet up because I know you need space so I thought we could go shopping etc’

i replied ‘no I need head space, I need to be with my family and relax at home and just be present I’m not in the mood to go out and socialize I need to focus on myself and I don’t need to cut anyone off my friends understand that and I want you to understand I need space’

’and that’s why I think your friends are *** because they should understand that and I don’t think you should be with your family I think you need time away for yourself so that’s why I’m saying we could go gym together’

so I feel she’s very very deluded and it scares me cause I think once I block her she’s explode and be crazier. 

She totally is delusional. But it's not your problem to fix.  It is your choice to continue to tolerate it.

You've made your situation clear. She doesn't get it.  That is on her. 

At some point what you don't change you are accepting.  continuing to try to change her instead of choosing to change what you do, is your problem.

You need to see your role in all this. You can stop it.  Block her, get anew number, avoid her if you see her in the street.  If she stalks you,  tell her if she doesn't stop you will call the police. 

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I agree with your counsellor’s suggestion. Become so bland and say nothing about yourself to her. I believe it’s already at that point. And then block and remove her from your life.

Unfortunately she seems to have taken after her father in the way she behaves around others. It’s sad to think that she may never have experienced healthy boundaries or hasn’t learned how to curb her impulses. 

Maybe you feel guilty because you sense that also and that she’s a product of her upbringing. I don’t think you’re responsible for her so let go. 


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When what you do doesn't work, change what you do.

Stop explaining yourself. As you've noticed, no excuse works with her, it's just more information she regards as an invitation to share in your life.

Quit doing that, and stop taking her calls. Respond to her text with, "I find you too demanding, and I don't want to continue this friendship."

Then block her.

If she ever stalks you, give her one warning from behind a closed door that leaving now will spare her from dealing with the police.

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