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I'm so confused...plz tell me wut to do..


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welll...i met him in my first year in high school, we start talking i found him really different and i liked him after while he asked me for date but i sid no for some reason , day out day in we bacame friends , ofc he get lil ad after i rejected him but , somehow we stay friends , anyways , our second year  i start have feeling for him , i mean he bacame more than friend to me , i fell for him , i told him , he get schoked , he said that it's better staying friends but i didn't want that i wanted to fix him to make him  feel better ,he is always lonely and depressed excepte with me , so i said i'm leaving cuz i wanted more  , then he said let's date so not to loose me , we date for while then we stopped , he said he's not really really want that , i ghosted him for about 3 or 4 months , he begged me to come back , i was confused , but i spend all that period ( 4 months) healing from my first heart_break , after  that  i decide to talk to him again ,than i knew that he was scare to be broken again , cuz his past was too dark , he lost his dad and his ex broke him and a lot of thing , we start talking again and we became better than anytime , but we never talked about the nature of our relationship , all i know is kinda change not too much but i felt something like he don't wanna loose and he start caring a lot , anyways ,this our last together and i don't know if we finished our study should we keep staying friend which i don't want to , or it's time to say goodbye....

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2 minutes ago, Katty said:

this our last together and i don't know if we finished our study should we keep staying friend which i don't want to

Don't stay friends. Set yourself free from all this confusion. Date local boys who will stay interested in you.

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