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Holiday Gift At Work

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So I gave my boss a box of chocolate and a card mostly because she gave me poinsettia flower

But only gave my co worker a card ...my boss came by when I was in my co worker office and said “I hope you like Belgian chocolates...but I didn’t give my coworkers any....should I give my co worker and other co worker box of chocolate?

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Did your co-workers get you anything? Unless you have some kind of office secret Santa type thing or workplace holiday gift exchange, it's probably best to leave things be.

Your boss sounds kind of awkward. Could be that she means the gifts go only one way from her to employees so she is kind of sharing/regifting what you gave her.

I'd probably just step back and let it all be. Keep in mind that if you give gifts, you obligate your co-workers to reciprocate and they might not be into that.

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1 minute ago, DancingFool said:

Did your co-workers get you anything? Unless you have some kind of office secret Santa type thing or workplace holiday gift exchange, it's probably best to leave things be.

Your boss sounds kind of awkward. Could be that she means the gifts go only one way from her to employees so she is kind of sharing/regifting what you gave her.

I'd probably just step back and let it all be. Keep in mind that if you give gifts, you obligate your co-workers to reciprocate and they might not be into that.

I have two bosses - this year one gave me flowers and the other chocolate plus is taking the team to lunch. So I gave them both a small box of chocolate as a thank you. I have two other coworker but just giving them my usual holiday card. I don’t think I should give the coworkers anything more than a card because the. They may feel obligated to give me a gift. 

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2 minutes ago, DancingFool said:

Did your co-workers get you anything? Unless you have some kind of office secret Santa type thing or workplace holiday gift exchange, it's probably best to leave things be.

Your boss sounds kind of awkward. Could be that she means the gifts go only one way from her to employees so she is kind of sharing/regifting what you gave her.

I'd probably just step back and let it all be. Keep in mind that if you give gifts, you obligate your co-workers to reciprocate and they might not be into that.

I agree.  In most of the offices I’ve worked in we give gifts to our administrative staff and staff don’t gift management.  In my office we each contribute X dollars and one person purchases identical amount gift cards for each staff member. My boss way back when used to take all of us out for a holiday lunch and the company sponsored a holiday party.  I too agree that gifting in an office can get out of hand. I’d leave it be. 

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2 hours ago, heartbroken84 said:

So I gave my boss a box of chocolate and a card mostly because she gave me poinsettia flower

But only gave my co worker a card ...my boss came by when I was in my co worker office and said “I hope you like Belgian chocolates...but I didn’t give my coworkers any....should I give my co worker and other co worker box of chocolate?

I wouldn't.  It isn't necessary.  I don't give gifts to my coworkers nor management.  Pre-pandemic, we had office holiday potlucks.  At our office party, if a name was drawn, some coworkers won a few small gifts, gift cards and the like but that was it.  Gift prizes came from extra money from our coffee room proceeds every year. 

Cards are good but I wouldn't do more than that.  You don't want them to feel as if they should do something for you or give you something in return.  Just wish them "happy holidays" and that's that. 

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Unless you are good friends with anyone in particular, I wouldn't sweat giving reciprocal gifts. Unless it's a super toxic work space, I doubt anyone will care.

Just do what makes sense in the moment, it's not like you bought any of them a new car.


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1 hour ago, heartbroken84 said:

Ugh now I regret gifting my two bosses $5 chocolate box from costco...will stick to just holiday cards next year

Nothing to regret. It was a nice gesture for the season that's not over the top. I think the point is that you don't need to do anything extra and can stick to the usual cards for your co-workers that you already did.

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I had a former coworker who always bought me a relatively pricey gift every Christmas even though we were never friends and never socialized outside of work. Even when I transferred to another location she had her sister take a gift to me.

I did feel a bit bad because I never got her anything and never even thought to because she wasn't a friend. But I just figured it gave her joy to give people gifts and left it at that.

Of course I did thank her and told her the gifts were lovely.

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stick to your original plan....

Years ago our office Xmas presents got way out of hand because instead of inexpensive little tokens, one person bought "real" gifts. So everybody was trying to "make it right" and kept giving more gifts.

I felt so guilty because I was the one talking about wanting gifts! but I meant from my family!  😆 


What you did was a nice gesture. leave it.


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