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Postpone medical appointments

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As most know I have had a lot of tragedy and grief lately. I have two medical appointments the week before Christmas back in my old town. I can’t face doing this right now. I just have no energy and interest right now. One is my diabetic check and the other is a dental appointment. 

I just want to postpone these appointments for about a month and hopefully I will feel a bit better and can be more functional. I have been using a lot of energy emotionally functioning and helping my mother. I just in no way can accomplish Christmas, working and helping my mom and medical appointments and helping my MIL. 

Does it sound reasonable to cancel until the new year because I am just too overwhelmed? 

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Yes I agree.  Today for the first time I will be postponing my annual physical which is tomorrow.  I never do this -hard to get an appointment.  But apparently there is a lab tube shortage so they cannot do my full bloodwork (the main reason I go) plus the timing was always inconvenient but I was willing to do it (and my husband was willing to be home for the school bus).  I am not as overwhelmed as you for sure and it's a huge relief to have it off my plate -for now - and not have to travel in the cold rain and race home to try to make it home for dinner, etc.  I know the feeling is what I mean - if you had real pain I'd say no don't posptone but I feel you.  Good luck!

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4 hours ago, Seraphim said:

I think I will call them today and cancel. 

NOPE!!! I know you're feeling like a big bag of Dog-Doo, but self-care is important.  I know it's hard to make yourself a priority, but you cannot mess with diabetes and your teeth.  Keep the appointments, because it can take forever to get new ones in this climate.  I put off self-care over 8 years, and wind up with severe sleep apnea and needing surgery.  Canceling necessary appointments is a slippery slope into depression.

Go, and get them done.

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24 minutes ago, tattoobunnie said:

NOPE!!! I know you're feeling like a big bag of Dog-Doo, but self-care is important.  I know it's hard to make yourself a priority, but you cannot mess with diabetes and your teeth.  Keep the appointments, because it can take forever to get new ones in this climate.  I put off self-care over 8 years, and wind up with severe sleep apnea and needing surgery.  Canceling necessary appointments is a slippery slope into depression.

Go, and get them done.

I read wrong. I agree about the diabetic check.

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It might even be a bit of a respite from your current difficult situation. A "take care of you" break, so to speak.

Well, maybe not the dentist.

But I put off dental care and ended up having to have multiple extractions and will need false teeth. Not a fun prospect.

Could you keep your diabetes appointment and then go get your nails done or get a massage or facial?

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It is not really respite to drive 16 hours the week of Christmas to do this crap. I would have to do a 3 hour trip one way and 3 back and do it 3 times the week of Christmas that is a no thanks from me. It is just a dental cleaning not a check up. I had my check up last time . I get my diabetes checked every 3 or 4 months so I should be ok for another month. I had my last check the end of August. 

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24 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

It might even be a bit of a respite from your current difficult situation. A "take care of you" break, so to speak.

Well, maybe not the dentist.

But I put off dental care and ended up having to have multiple extractions and will need false teeth. Not a fun prospect.

Could you keep your diabetes appointment and then go get your nails done or get a massage or facial?

I am already getting a mani and pedi back in my old town and having lunch with my best friend on the 23rd.

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22 hours ago, Seraphim said:

It is not really respite to drive 16 hours the week of Christmas to do this crap. I would have to do a 3 hour trip one way and 3 back and do it 3 times the week of Christmas that is a no thanks from me. It is just a dental cleaning not a check up. I had my check up last time . I get my diabetes checked every 3 or 4 months so I should be ok for another month. I had my last check the end of August. 

Good Grief, no good doctors in by your new pad?

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On 12/9/2021 at 2:59 PM, gamon said:

Given the stated health conditions I'd think the 2 medical appointments are more important than getting your finger and toenails painted.


I can skip the dental cleaning that is not urgent . Just a regular cleaning appointment which can be done next month. 

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On 12/8/2021 at 10:45 PM, Seraphim said:

Does it sound reasonable to cancel until the new year because I am just too overwhelmed? 

Who is the audience?

The offices are likely to welcome any openings as they usually have waiting lists of people who want the care before the year end.

So 'sound reasonable' to whom?


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