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My family hates my boyfriend


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11 hours ago, Jadesamson212 said:

He's the same age as me 24, he doesn’t work or go to college, well I live with  my mum and sister and he lives with his parents.

Why doesn't he work or go to college?  Maybe that's another reason why your family sees many red flags all over the place.  Clearly there is something they are seeing.  I get the impression they are concerned for you and rightly so.

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1 hour ago, boltnrun said:

So you two need to put together some kind of plan. You'll need jobs first off. As someone else mentioned, you may not be able to be a vet but how about a vet tech? Or work as a pet groomer? As for this young man, is he employed? If not, what kind of work is he interested in?

If you can prove you're mature and responsible you might impress your parents.

One thing for sure; if you plan to become sexually active you MUST get on a reliable form of birth control and your boyfriend must use condoms. This is absolutely vital. You do not want an unplanned pregnancy. That would just prove to your parents that you ARE irresponsible.

He's not employed but instead of getting a job he wants to become a YouTuber don’t ask why 

and tomorrow I'm going for a walk over the brook (with mum) and I don't want too I want to try and be on my own it's not like I’m going to talk to strangers as I know about stranger danger

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1 minute ago, Capricorn3 said:

Why doesn't he work or go to college?  Maybe that's another reason why your family sees many red flags all over the place.  Clearly there is something they are seeing.  I get the impression they are concerned for you and rightly so.

She just doesn’t want me seeing him and it's not fair he misses me like crazy and he’s going crazy because he can’t see me 😭😭😭😭😭

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1 hour ago, Seraphim said:

I am so sorry your parents treat you like a prisoner. That is so disrespectful and disgusting. My son is Autistic with learning disabilities and I would never dream of treating him that way . I always encourage his independence and learning. 

He feels really upset when he doesn’t get to see me and I feel the same way about him 😢😢

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3 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

I can't help but get a strong feeling that there's a lot more to the story which we haven't been told. Something is not making much sense here (imo).

I had him on Facebook ages ago and she wanted me to block him all because of a stupid thing he did 

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5 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

What was this stupid thing?

It was in 2015 and he wanted me to do stuff like take rude pics and videos of myself but that was in the past and I’m still not allowed to unblock him and I’m tempted to unblock him but I know I’m not allowed 

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6 minutes ago, Jadesamson212 said:

It was in 2015 and he wanted me to do stuff like take rude pics and videos of myself

^ There ya go.  You were still in your teens.  They saw a side of him which would make the hackles rise of any parent with daughters.  Like I said before, where there's smoke there's usually fire.  But it is now more than clear that you will do what you want to do no matter what your family says.

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Just now, Capricorn3 said:

^ There ya go.  You were still in your teens.  They saw a side of him which would make the hackles rise of any parent with daughters.  Like I said before, where there's smoke there's usually fire.  But it is now more than clear that you will do what you want to do no matter what your family says.

She still won’t let me unblock him though - I miss him and I want to be with him I hate seeing him upset 

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They are right to want you not to interact with this person.  He could ruin your life if he ever does that "stupid" thing as you put it -it's not just stupid it's potentially very dangerous.  And apparently he's still not working and instead doing that "I wanna be a rockstar/YouTuber/influencer" nonsense.  He's bad news.  Listen to your family.

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I didn’t like my daughter’s boyfriend/husband. I thought he was a self centered, arrogant ***. The only thing I did was voice my concerns about him. They have been married for 3 years and he asked for a divorce two weeks ago. Come to find out he has been mentally, emotionally and verbally abusing her for about the past year. I am waiting for their divorce to go through before we talk with him. Fair warning, your family sees things your love for him doesn’t allow you to see. 

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