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Is just saying “okay” a bad sign asking for another date

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8 minutes ago, KrisPieyKay said:

We didn’t have sex. We went to his dorm he showed me around we went out to eat etc

Maybe he's sort of chill or trying to play it cool. So either contact him with a low key  'up for coffee this week?' type thing or wait for him to initiate.

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7 minutes ago, Cherylyn said:

Respond naturally.  Ask him when he's free, what time to meet, where, etc. 

The problem with writing electronically is that often times blunt answers are misconstrued and something gets lost in translation.  Often times, bluntness is misunderstood for disinterest.  Meeting in person is better and verbal communication in person is better as well.  I've noticed some people are not always adept at communicating electronically so their bluntness is often times interpreted or perceived as terse or curt. 

Thank you so much for your answer.. it wasn’t rude and you were polite.

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Just because you answered one way with days you were free, doesn't mean that another person will respond exactly the same way. Just say, "I'd like to take you to this new restaurant I've been wanting to try on Friday night."

If he already has plans, but was interested in seeing you again, he should then give you alternate days he is free. If he doesn't give an alternate day and you never hear from him again, you can move on. If he says that's a good plan and he's available, then there's your positive message.

Be direct to avoid being left up in the air.

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18 hours ago, Batya33 said:

What confused me is you said you asked him out on a date. You didn't -you told him basically you'd be happy if he asked you out on a date and put in the effort to make a plan.  I wrote something similar to Andrina and I like how she put it.

I told him i wanted to see him which i was waiting for him to tell me his availability and then I’d do the extra work

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Why would you need to wait for him to come back with his availability?  Surely you've got your own schedule.  Find a time you're available and would like to see him again and ask.  If he's initiated the first couple dates, just reciprocate.  It's really not meant to be a game.

As far as "OK" goes, enough people use it with "let's do it" implied with it.  It's not worth mulling over IMO.  You either ask and he agrees to see you again or he doesn't.  

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45 minutes ago, KrisPieyKay said:

I don’t know i assumed. When he asked to see each other i let him know what days i was free i guess i figured it was common sense 

Common sense for you, not for him. Don't assume everyone does things the way you do them.

If you want to see him, how about asking him out on a date? Just say something like "I'd like to take you to Fun Restaurant this week. Would you like to go? If so, what day works for you? I am free on Friday and Sunday."  See what he says.

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I know several men who text me bluntly because that's their style.  They're not men of many words, there are no emojis, no nuances nor anything extra.  All correspondence is brief, to the point and nothing more.  At first, I perceived them to be rather terse and curt.  However, in person, they're kind, gentlemanly, well mannered, practice common courtesy and they're respectful.  I've noticed that some men in particular are not adept at trying so hard to be perceived as very, very nice.  Not everyone has tact yet in person, they're humble and very decent.

That's ok with me because I prefer blunt people via electronically vs. charming writers who are unkind in person.  

How a person is in real life and in person is more important than a pretentious person behind a cell phone or PC.  

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