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what do u do with facebook stuff? have u blocked her???

also what about all the pics on ur compof u guys 2gehter ? i dunno what to do with mine.

In my city its so hard to find a prince. most of them are taken because there is way more girls 2 guys or just want a girl who is going to be a pushover and basically a sexual slave!!!!!! also so many skanky girls who are ugly have men and goodlooking ones i donnnt get it! i know looks is not the most important factor but i thought a guy wanted someone respectable.

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what do u do with facebook stuff? have u blocked her???

also what about all the pics on ur compof u guys 2gehter ? i dunno what to do with mine.

In my city its so hard to find a prince. most of them are taken because there is way more girls 2 guys or just want a girl who is going to be a pushover and basically a sexual slave!!!!!! also so many skanky girls who are ugly have men and goodlooking ones i donnnt get it! i know looks is not the most important factor but i thought a guy wanted someone respectable.


I have facebook, she does not. But if I were you, I would definitely block him on facebook. You cannot let him contact you yet, cause that will bring all the feelings back and make you start back at Day 1.


My ex really hurt me when she ended it with me, so I had no problems deleting ALL her pics. If you want to save her pics, store them in another folder, put it on a USB flash drive and store it in a drawer. Pictures will make you miss your ex more instead of keeping you moving forward.


Well hon, if you have all those types of girls in your area, than you must definitely be a QUEEN ... and you deserve way better! Don't worry too much of what is out there right now, cause there could be a handsome, good hearted man that you haven't met you in your area. What you should do is focus on yourself, move forward and improve on yourself. Go shopping, working out, increase your knowledge, etc..


I'm doing all the above ... It's making me feel better and I'm hoping to flirt with some ladies tomorrow night

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replaying good times is bad cos makes mefeel like im gna b lonley for a long time with no 1 to buy be small things, take me

out, hug, laugh about stupid stuff!!!!!!


I agree hon, don't replay the good times ... I don't know why anyone would want to.


What I trained my mind to do is when I think of the good times with my ex, I instantly connect that with all the bad things she did to me.


Just try doing that ... it helps, trust me.

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yea that a gud idea,

i dunno about blocking, i feel it will make me wanna look :s

he wont contact me i know that, he isnt the type 2 bother even ifhe did thinkof me.


That is not true at all hon. I think you should force yourself to block him and force yourself NOT to look.


Also, you don't know what can go on a persons mind when you shut them out of your life completely. If you read peoples experiences on here, when they were the dumpee and started NC and vanished off the face of the earth from their ex's (dumper) ... Eventually, the dumper started to go crazy wondering what the dumpee was up to and they started to miss the dumpee and all sorts of stuff. In short, NC can change a person.


Do yourself a favor and block him.

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Im on 6 day of NC now.Felling better today I just been thinking on my idea of contacting him to keep in touch but seems so humiliating.Im always doing all the effort and he always had everything so easy.I dont know what is on his mind but by his actions he showed that he isnt interested in having contact so why I should go over him? It would be like: Please talk to me,I know you arent my bf anymore but I acept anything you want to give me just to have you in my life.It sounds so low.I DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT

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Hi everyone,


glad ur feeling better carol, what ur saying is true. there is no need to contact. why did u break up?


im feeling alot worse today, i had a dream about him n then stayed in bed till midday, i just feel like why hasnt he messaged me or txt to see if i am OK. Its messed up how u can be so in love with someone, so close and then NOTHING!!!!!!

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Hi everyone,


glad ur feeling better carol, what ur saying is true. there is no need to contact. why did u break up?


im feeling alot worse today, i had a dream about him n then stayed in bed till midday, i just feel like why hasnt he messaged me or txt to see if i am OK. Its messed up how u can be so in love with someone, so close and then NOTHING!!!!!!


Hi dont worry you will fell better He broke up with me because we just couldnt work together,we both were unhappy.He said he still loved me even on the day we broke up but great way to show it hun? Not for the break up because I know maybe was the only thing to do but for how he is now.He havent tried to contact me(not even on Christmas or New Years) and wont answer when I contact him.I have been going crazy trying to figure out what that means but I think I should just forget about it.


I think you should do that too,forget about him and try to concetrate on healing now.

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Day 41.


Writing this today to combat sad feelings that I know threaten to hamper my day


I've heard nothing. He's never contacted. Two years together and...well, it's over. That much I know and really, is the only truth I can rely on. Christmas was very hard and so was New Year's. I had a lengthy discussion with a friend yesterday just talking about the fears I had post-relationship and trying to find happiness again. That I wasn't miserable, but I wasn't happy.


I told her having a family, kids, was part of my big picture. It has been since I can remember. She asked me why? I said because they will make me happy. And then she asked me why again. And I was confused. She told me that understanding why something makes you happy is key. That is helps you see that even with someone else in your life, you still control the "why" part of being happy. Because only you can control the why. No one can.


I told her children will someday be a part of me and she said that is a why - and a why I control. But until I get there, I just need to find peace.


I said I wished I could sit down with my ex and have an adult conversation about our ending. That we could understand each other's shortcoming and learn from them as we look ahead into future relationships. She asked if since I couldn't get that, how can I resolve it myself. I told her I didn't know. She told me I will figure it out - in time. Don't dwell, but don't let yourself be numb either. It's hard to find the balance between the two, but 41 days of NC and I'm getting a bit closer.


to all in their NC today and further into the New Year.

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Im on 6 day of NC now.Felling better today I just been thinking on my idea of contacting him to keep in touch but seems so humiliating.Im always doing all the effort and he always had everything so easy.I dont know what is on his mind but by his actions he showed that he isnt interested in having contact so why I should go over him? It would be like: Please talk to me,I know you arent my bf anymore but I acept anything you want to give me just to have you in my life.It sounds so low.I DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT


Hey Carol


Your absolutely right! You don't deserve that and you doing that would just make it easier for him. I'm glad to see that your seeing the truth now and that your actually looking outside the box of what is really going on here.


Glad to see you come this far! Its Day 6 and I know it must be tough!

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yea i am trying, when i go to work or see friends i usually feel alright, until i see my phone and remember theres no call or txt from him anymore.

ive been off work for a few days so been thinking more.

it really sucks!!


Hun, its just the beginning. It's always the toughest in the start, but as you progress more and more every day, you will start to notice that your thoughts of your ex are less and less till you have no more feelings for those thoughts.


You will be fine, just stay strong and continue NC.

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Wow hun, 41 days!! That is very impressive. I tip my hat to you.


Those things that make you happy, make me happy as well. I'm not sure if I will find another woman to make me as happy with my ex, but I know that when I do find another woman, she won't be mistreating me like my ex did and that's what is key for me. I feel like in time, all of us will find happiness one way or another, because we deserve it and good things come to those who wait

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Day 6


Yes sir ... its Day 6. I woke up today thinking of my ex and thinking how I just wanted to send a text message saying, "Hi" or something short and sweet. I missed her and thought about her having fun without me in her life and seeing other guys. It bothered me, but it didn't bother me as much as it would have on Day 1.


I just try and try to tell myself of all the negative things she did to me while we were together and I realize that she does not deserve me. I just hope she does find a guy and he treats her the way she treated me so she can realize how good of a man I was to her. Only time will tell, and I can continue to be strong and keep holding NC.



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hey zrehman, i know uve probably explained why u broke up but would u mind just telling me as i havent seen any of ur other posts, did she dump u? and how long were u together?


i have to have my phone off these days n tlk to my friends over the net cos having it on with no regular calls like i used to is too much for me.

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yea i am trying, when i go to work or see friends i usually feel alright, until i see my phone and remember theres no call or txt from him anymore.

ive been off work for a few days so been thinking more.

it really sucks!!


Right the phone is the worst part lol I still check mine to see if there was missed calls or texts but Im trying to stop it and do less often.I know what you mean,Im on vacation now and having all that time to think isnt good.They said it helps getting busy when you trying to get over a break up,I might do that.

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hey zrehman, i know uve probably explained why u broke up but would u mind just telling me as i havent seen any of ur other posts, did she dump u? and how long were u together?


i have to have my phone off these days n tlk to my friends over the net cos having it on with no regular calls like i used to is too much for me.


In a nutshell we were together for 4 years on and off. I went away to Medical School in the Caribbean for 2 years, she visited me every semester and I went home at the end of ever semester.


While I was away, she did a lot of things that a gf should not do, such as cheating on me twice, acting single when going out to clubs, taking pics with random dudes, dancing/grinding up on guys, etc.. I let all that slide and I even took a semester off to be with her so we could be close to each other for 4 months. Well at the end of my last term in medical school she came to visit me and we were gonna fly home together .. she ended up getting drunk and breaking $4000 worth of things, yelling, screaming, cops came ... next day she apologizes and wants to be together. I don't talk to her for 2 weeks, we talk again and we decide to take things slowly, but focus on being together.


3 weeks ago, she tells me that she just wants to be friends and wants to focus on her career. She says she can't be in a relationship and be focusing on her career at the same time ... which I think is complete BS.


So after some time of thinking, I told her that I can't be friends with her cause I can't just turn my feelings off and that I love her deeply and want her to give "us" another try ... she says she can't and wants to focus on her life. So I'm giving her that ... I'm just not in the picture nor will I be ever again.


So NC for 6 days, she texted me on NEW YEARS EVE ... but didn't mean crap to me.

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hey zrehman, i know uve probably explained why u broke up but would u mind just telling me as i havent seen any of ur other posts, did she dump u? and how long were u together?


i have to have my phone off these days n tlk to my friends over the net cos having it on with no regular calls like i used to is too much for me.


hi i know what you mean about the phone, we used to call about 3 times a day, and would be txting all the time. Still get txts off friends but the phone a the majority of smiles it used to bring me seems dead

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wants to focus on her career. She says she can't be in a relationship and be focusing on her career at the same time ... which I think is complete BS.



My situation is rather simmilar zrehman, though she wants to concentrate 100% on her studies.

She only has 6 months left of her degree. If she passes, she will graduate.


We were together 3 years.............


Everything was fine for 3 months, she moved 25 miles away to be closer to her university. which was when she started her final year.

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gosh! that doesnt sound like a female should behave, im surprised u offered to give it another go...

i deffo thinkshe will come crawling back soon cos she will realise grinding and getting drunk is not important in the big picture of life!


where in the Caribbean did u study? r ufrom there?

im jamaican.


my bf said he had 2 many issues with himself to give the best of him to me, and that he just wanted to focus on university and that we wernt working out, even tho it was mostly him bringing dramas not me. sigh!

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My situation is rather simmilar zrehman, though she wants to concentrate 100% on her studies.

She only has 6 months left of her degree. If she passes, she will graduate.


We were together 3 years.............


Everything was fine for 3 months, she moved 25 miles away to be closer to her university. which was when she started her final year.


How long have you been in NC for?


Has she contacted you?


What is your situation as of now?

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gosh! that doesnt sound like a female should behave, im surprised u offered to give it another go...

i deffo thinkshe will come crawling back soon cos she will realise grinding and getting drunk is not important in the big picture of life!


where in the Caribbean did u study? r ufrom there?

im jamaican.


my bf said he had 2 many issues with himself to give the best of him to me, and that he just wanted to focus on university and that we wernt working out, even tho it was mostly him bringing dramas not me. sigh!


I am persian. I studied in St. Lucia for 2 years. All the things I listed, happened in the course of the 2 years. She isn't really into the party scene and getting drunk, that happened on one of the nights she went out.


You ever visit Jamaica? The weather is amazing! hehe

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