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Girl has a new guy friend


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So I have a kind of Ex-girlfriend, an ex because she cheated on me with her ex in the past and I found out. But currently are trying to work it out. But I just found out she has a new guy friend she acquired after we broke up, they’re now close enough after less than a month to where he wants to buy her presents and send her money, and constantly text her and calls her late at night. Am I an *** for asking if she’s talking to him on a level more than being friends? 

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4 minutes ago, Dspradlin said:

So I have a kind of Ex-girlfriend

Once you end things, it's over. Delete and block her and all her people from all  your social media and messaging apps.

Stop keeping track of her on social media. Stop chitchatting when you already know it's over and at best, you're in the friendzone.

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4 hours ago, Dspradlin said:

Am I an *** for asking if she’s talking to him on a level more than being friends? 

No, you are an idiot for even talking to her. And double idiot for even chase somebody like that. Leave that one alone, she just wants attention. Why do you think she even tells you about the other guy?

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This guy friend wants or is banging your ex.  It is that simple.

Cheaters lie and then lie some more.  "We are just friends" is one of the first lines cheaters use.

If she was serious about working on her lying and cheating I would think the last thing she would do is make a new male friend right?

You are being naive or blinded by love or lust to think she can be trusted.

If you know what is best for you end this reconciliation, heal from her betrayal and then use what you learned from this to help you avoid it in the future.


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11 hours ago, Dspradlin said:

she cheated on me with her ex in the past and I found out. But currently are trying to work it out. But I just found out she has a new guy friend she acquired after we broke up, they’re now close enough after less than a month to where he wants to buy her presents and send her money, and constantly text her and calls her late at night.

She cheated so, .... You can't trust her now, can you?

IF you two are apparently 'working it out', who is this other guy?

You say he is a 'guy friend', but by sounds of it and how you are wording this, you assume it's more than this.

No questions asked.. remove yourself from this with her now, totally!

Why even think twice?

Self respect needed.  Find someone out there who's honest with you and truly appreciates you.

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13 hours ago, Dspradlin said:

So I have a kind of Ex-girlfriend, an ex because she cheated on me with her ex in the past and I found out. But currently are trying to work it out. But I just found out she has a new guy friend she acquired after we broke up, they’re now close enough after less than a month to where he wants to buy her presents and send her money, and constantly text her and calls her late at night. Am I an *** for asking if she’s talking to him on a level more than being friends? 

You're too attached still. Cut ties and remove contact with her.

Her presence will have less of an effect overall. It's the long way but the slow and steady way of healing and recouping. Make new friends and meet new people.

She's shown you she's not trustworthy so it would be a good idea asking yourself why you find these kinds of people attractive. Is it the chase or something else? They are not emotionally available. Are you?

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15 hours ago, Dspradlin said:

Am I an *** for asking if she’s talking to him on a level more than being friends?

It is pointless to ask this. Obviously they are closer than just friends. 

You need to stop talking to her, though. She doesn't respect you anyway, you're broken up, and she's getting closer to another guy. This is not going to end well for you. 

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