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Online Masters Degree?


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I’ve been thinking about going back to school lately but not sure which direction I want to go. Does anyone here have an online masters degree from either National University or University of Arizona Global Campus? More specifically, MS in Accounting?? How much time a day did you devote to the program? Also in your opinion would these 2 schools be good choices and if you have recommendations on other good online schools?

I want to do online because I work full time and have 2 kids so I do not see myself taking in person classes at this time, but if possible i would love to further my career. I think my biggest fear would be to enroll and then regret it because I would not have time for it. Then also waste all that money. 

I would love to hear your thoughts if you have any experience. Thanks.

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Make sure it's an accredited school. Make sure you have very specific career goals and what type of education and credentials are required.

What exactly do you want to do with an MS in accounting?

Are you qualified to become a CPA?

Choose something that makes sense for what you specifically want to do.

Make sure you are not wasting money on some unaccredited diploma mill.

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Yes both schools are WSCUC accredited.

I’m currently in the Accounting dept as an Accounts Payable Specialist at my current employer but I have no other accounting background.  I’ve been in this role for a little over 2 years. I have a Bachelors degree in Political Science which I haven’t used and probably won’t use. 

My thinking is, since I’m in a job that I like now, that maybe I should further my education in the field I’m in to have more knowledge of what I do and to learn other areas of accounting should I ever want to advance in my field or apply for another accounting job.

i would love to earn a degree which I’m making use of.

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Well my advice would be give it a go and just see how you like it. I'm in Australia and here you have one month or something like that to withdraw from the course without paying for any of the subjects you did. So you can try it and see if you like it but you need to withdraw by a certain date to not have to pay for that semester. But here in Australia we can actually put the course fees on HECS. I forgot what it stands for lol What it means is the government pays for your course but once you earn over $55, 000 per year, they take out 10% of your earnings each month to repay the loan. But you get the course a lot cheaper because you pay it back later and by then it's gone up in price. But you can't get any HECS loan or discount if you already have the same qualification. E.g. You already have a Masters and you want to do another Master's. You get a very large discount if you're an Australian citizen or resident but international students have to pay a very expensive amount.

Anyway my advice is to make sure you have the option to withdraw from the course without too many penalties if it's not working out for you. But I know in the USA you have to get student loans or something and then you have to pay them back straight away?

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Have you identified any pre-requisite courses that you'll need to complete at the bachelor's level first?

I'd meet with a dean at a local university to go over my transcripts and learn where my current credits fit as foundational coursework for the grad degree versus what's still missing.

There are usually gaps when layering grad school on top of an unrelated degree.

From there, I'd consider the cheapest local, online way to attempt those gap courses first.

This will teach you several things: how well you can integrate the coursework and how well you LIKE the coursework.

Address your gaps first, then make more expensive choices from there.

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