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IET Accreditation Vs a higher grade?


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I have just completed my Mechanical Engineering degree and have a choice between two classifications now.


To either accept a non-accredited degree with a 2:1, or to accept an IET accredited degree with a 2:2.


I am unsure which would be more beneficial, as I am unsure whether I want to achieve CEng status in the future.

Which would be better in terms of graduate job opportunities?

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I'm in America, so our processes are different. But I am assuming that a CEng is similar to what a PE (Professional Engineer) is here in the states. I also don't know what the job market is like where you are, but I'm going to assume it's similar to ours.

I'm a licensed architect, and I work with unlicensed architects and engineers all the time. They get jobs. You can have one licensed professional stamping drawings in an office and 20 unlicensed professionals. Why? Because it's cheaper that way. 

Many unlicensed professionals are as good or even better than licensed professionals. But when you're unlicensed and working in your profession, you hit a pay ceiling. People pay more for a license. 

However, that's here. I think your best bet is to ask one of your teachers, classmates, or perhaps take your question to a forum that specializes in engineering in your country.

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9 hours ago, catfeeder said:

I have no idea. What's your barrier to the better accreditation? Can you accept the lower while working toward the higher?

I have already completed my degree, so which of the two classifications I accept will be final.

1 hour ago, Jibralta said:

Yeah.... what's the difference between a 2:1 and a 2:2?

A 2:1 is a higher degree classification than a 2:2, degrees where I live are graded in the following order- a first class, a 2:1, a 2:2, and a third. 

Because of this, I am conflicted between which I should accept. 

A 2:1 without accreditation- seems to mean that my immediate graduate prospects would be better, as the grade is higher, I would be able to apply for jobs that require a 2:1 or above. A lot of these job descriptions don't seem to ask for the degree to be accredited, some do, but not most. 

A 2:2 with accreditation- would mean it would be easier for me to pursue becoming a chartered engineer, and so a higher salary, should I wish to do so in the future. The downside of this seems to be that I may struggle finding a graduate job in the first place because of the lower grade. 

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6 hours ago, whitesand3 said:

The downside of this seems to be that I may struggle finding a graduate job in the first place because of the lower grade. 

I'm not sure about that. Surely it's not a secret that students have a choice between high grades (temporary) and a path to licensure (possibly lower grades, but more long term career oriented). 

Licensure means that you are minimally competent. That's basically saying that graduates are incompetent. It's also saying that the profession expects you to learn and become competent in the long run. 

So, the choice you make here says a lot about you, your goals, how you see the world, and what you think is possible. And if an employer asks about why you made the choice that you did, you should be prepared to explain yourself. 

Maybe that will help you make a choice.

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1 hour ago, catfeeder said:

Do you really believe that a higher classification would disqualify you for an entry level job?

I think the concern is that the higher classification is not a professional degree, and he/she wouldn't be able to become a chartered engineer. 

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