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Recently I acquired a job doing programming at a relatively small shop which has about 8-9 developers. I am employed as a contractor and am currently in a position where the company has trouble finding individuals with my skill set and knowledge of the codebase database.

3 months into the project a recruiter from an old interview who I thought had ghosted me asked me to interview with one of their clients. This is an extremely large company and the pay is 27k more then I am currently making and has a 3-6 month contract to hire period.

The current situation is a contract for a year and a half and potential for contract to be extended for an addition year after that. Also, the company seems to like me so its possible they might offer employment, but from what I am noticing that doesn't happen very often.

My next interview for the larger company is on Monday and it is supposed to be more of a formality, as I already interviewed with one of the hire ups and was forwarded to talk to a manager for one of the departments I will be working for.  My recruiter called me to say that the client wanted to pre-close me, meaning they wouldn't bother going with the second interview if I wasn't interested. And let me know that there is usually a 2-3 week period before the position is finalized.

My fear is that this position will either be a lot more work, micro management, structured and controlling then my current position. Yet, I fear if I reject the offer that I will be blacklisted from applying for this company in the future. Also, let's just say the company is in the top 50 of fortune 500 companies so having this on my resume will look extremely nice even if I just stay there for a short period of time (2-3 years).

Have you been in the position before and what are the reasons for not accepting the offer. I really don't want to accept the offer and be fired because the job is too difficult or demanding.  This is probably my worse fear as I have already secured a relatively good position and developed rapport with management and co-workers.


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35 minutes ago, junebug123 said:

I am employed as a contractor and am currently in a position where the company has trouble finding individuals with my skill set

You're not an employee, you're a contractor. That's your ticket to try out any assignments you please. 

If you opt for the more advantageous role, quietly let negotiations play out until you have a firm offer and start date. From there, you can inform the current company that you've been called for a project that's been in the works, and you hope to be considered for a return after it's completion.

Either your relationship with current company and its need for your skill set will align for this return, or not.

Speaking only for myself after 20+ years of contracting, I'd let the chips fall on that and pursue the more challenging, better paying role.

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well if you have concerns about the job duties and expectations, you have to open your mouth and get clarification.

remember interviews are for both sides to learn about the other and make a decision based on mutually agreeable terms.

You're not a beggar. You have to act in your best interests and that means asking well thought out questions.


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9 minutes ago, Lambert said:

well if you have concerns about the job duties and expectations, you have to open your mouth and get clarification.

remember interviews are for both sides to learn about the other and make a decision based on mutually agreeable terms.

You're not a beggar. You have to act in your best interests and that means asking well thought out questions.


Yes. Learn the answers to your concerns ahead of time, and you'll be better able to make an informed choice.

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I agree. Ask, ask, ask about the new role.Also, do you like your direct manager? How's the culture?

I'd say, when you visit in the second interview, try to see how the vibe is. You can also ask how is the team, the day to day reporting (stand-ups or ...?) And what are the general expectation. Ask, ask, and ask.

+You're still a contractor. So, in worse case scenario, if you end up really not liking it there, you quit! Easy. You look for other clients. That's the freedom we get as contractors. Or you stay until you find something else. At least you'd have an extra on your CV.

And, hey! You got this job. You deserve it. And, if they reached out to you, then you're going to do a great job. They need you and your skillset.

And, finally, enjoy either of choices! You'll be okay in each. There's no right answer really.

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I'm actually confused...Are you saying that you're scared to go to the job interview because if you declined it, the company would black list you from applying to them again? Really, they would actually do that? I mean, this is a free world and even if you went to the job interview, you are allowed to say you don't want the job afterwards. It's your choice.

Regarding whether your current job might be better. Well, it's a lot less money but that really depends on whether you actually care about the money or not. Coz the money wouldn't really matter if you didn't like the job and quit or it wasn't going well and you were fired (not saying you would be). And you know what they say, "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life". So if you really like the current job and it's going well and you might have opportunities to stay on there for a long time, you could stay there.

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I'm not you.  However, if it were me, I'd jump at the chance for the $27K increase at a large corporation with great benefits!  🙂  It sounds to me, you would have better stability, a steady pay check and job security.  To me, money matters.  $27K isn't peanuts.  I think it's a great opportunity for you.

Since you have flexibility in your future, you always have the option to job hop if you bide your time at the corporation and mull your options then. 

I think the experience would look great on your resume IMHO.


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I attended the second interview today and my recruiter said that they will make a formal offer, even thou I feel like I did terrible in the interview. There were so many questions in relation to technologies that I wasn't familiar (multi threading, nosql, cloud computing, etc. etc.) with but, I guess the market is so limited for developers that they still went ahead and figured they could just train me anyways.

If you have read any of my prior threads you would realize that I am an extremely neurotic individual, so its not uncommon for me to assume the worse. I told others that I would attend therapy once I got health benefits but I have still yet to do so.  I am feeling very uncertain about this move and the pressure which will probably come with the new position. 

Not really sure if the workload will be more or less or consistent with my current occupation, and never worked at a company this large before so that will also be new to me. Right now we are moving forward with the onboarding process of showing proof of payment from prior positions, drug test and background check. Of course all of this is nerve racking and a huge red flag is that one of the positions that I listed on my resume was a person project, but of course without having that there my chances of being contacted by recruiters would have dropped significantly.

I am going to try to stay engaged at my current occupation although I have already leaked to one of my close co workers (another contractor) that I interviewed at this other company and admitted that it didn't go well. I am realizing after the fact, that was stupid but as I have few people to confide in, I guess I made a mistake with that one. Probably I will not reveal anything because if I don't get an offer for whatever reason I just jeopardized this current position. I feel like I should be happy right now, but all I feel is uncertainly as to how everything will unfold.

Maybe some survival mechanisms never leave us, even in the best of times...

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11 hours ago, junebug123 said:

and a huge red flag is that one of the positions that I listed on my resume was a person project, but of course without having that there my chances of being contacted by recruiters would have dropped significantly.

What does that mean? Is there something inaccurate on your resume? Sounds like it went fine.  And yes please be 100% discreet.  Good luck!

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I am in the process of signing the contract. It doesn't mention anywhere about contract to hire, I guess it didn't say that on the other contract either. If the contracting company tells me its a contract to hire position, is there a possibility that they are simply lying and after the contract ends ill just be terminated, even if I performed my duties well?

My current contract is for a year and a half. Even if I stay the six months and don't get an employment offer, it will still be good experience but for this decision and future decisions am I always rolling the dice as a contractor?


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