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Guy I'm dating says I smell down there

Guest Anonymous

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We have made out lots of times and full sex twice.  After the second time, he said I was sultry and sensual.  He even kept hugging and 💋 me that evening.

He made a concerning comment about my private parts, that there's a weird odor.  I don't smell anything bad.  

He said I need to get it resolved because he doesn't want any infections.   I always shower before sex so how can there be a smell?

I'm a bit put off by his comment!


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It's possible that there are a number of different things going on.

You could have an undetected STD, or a yeast infection, or just an infection in general that you aren't aware of.

You may also be someone who has a strong odor, and unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot you can do about it if you happen to be one of the women who have that issue.

But first things first, see your doctor and have tests done to see if it's a medical problem causing your issue.

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11 minutes ago, lostandhurt said:

He sounds like a jerk.

Everyone has a preference to what they like and don't like though, right?

Is he a jerk for not being okay with a stronger odor?

I feel like he has a right to an opinion, and if they aren't compatible, it's best they both find out now.

I'm not sure if that makes him a jerk, or if he is just expressing what he doesn't like.

Re-reading her post, yes, he could have said it nicer. 

Maybe this is the sign you need OP, to know that you and he aren't going to work.

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No one else has complained about my odor. I've had 2 other boyfriends.

He said he won't do anymore oral on me because it made him choke(??)  I was offended but will also consider it may be an infection.  I will get a test at Dr.  Honestly though I don't smell anything out of sorts down there.




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1 hour ago, Guest Anonymous said:

No one else has complained about my odor. I've had 2 other boyfriends.

He said he won't do anymore oral on me because it made him choke(??)  

Yeah, I would nix him. If there is a serious cause for concern, there are far more appropriate ways to approach it. 

And on the way out? Ask him what he thinks his bits smell like. 

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5 hours ago, Guest Anonymous said:

He said I need to get it resolved because he doesn't want any infections.  

Sorry this is happening.

The best thing to do is see your doctor for an exam as well as testing for STDs and discussing appropriate contraception.

Stop having all types of sexual activities until you see a doctor.

A shower doesn't camouflage odors from STDs or other infections.

How long have you been dating? How old is he? Stop having sex with him.

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I second the advice of everyone on here. Go to your dr, get checked out for your own peace of mind and wellbeing. 

No two vaginas are the same, and there is a possibility that yours is just a bit spicier than some. There are some washes and wipes that are actually made to help freshen up down there, most supermarkets sell them. Or if you want to be discrete about it, online shopping is always an option. Just make sure with washes and wipes that you are buying from a reputable place and have done some research on their ingredients ect. 

I have a niggling feeling though, that with the way he presented the issue to you, after sleeping with you twice, it's most likely a Him problem not a You problem. It's normal for people to have their preferences on smells. I mean, just think about how many different colognes and perfumes there are, and I know personally I definitely don't like the smell of all of them.

Still, he was hella rude about it and you deserve better than that. 

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Go to doctor as it can be a bacterial infection. Doesnt matter if your other boyfriends didnt complain, it could be something you developed recently. Still a weird flex to be so rude about it. Is he a critical person in general? Meaning is he being critical about other stuff about you? Because that would be a red flag.

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Your flora ph level might be out of balance.

Eat yogurt, more fruit and wash with Vagicil or Summers eve, and have a soak with epsom salts. Wear breathable cotton underwear.

Drinking alcohol, eating heavy meats and over washing can cause odor.

Doctor also recommends drying off with a blow dryer.

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21 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

Doctor also recommends drying off with a blow dryer.

Gosh, Smackie, I thought you were kidding.  


"New York-based gynecologist Alyssa Dweck told VICE via email. She did, however, say the practice was “safe with caveats”: keep the hair dryer on its lowest/coolest setting and only use it externally. “Don’t blow air into the vagina,” Dweck said. Good advice, and broadly applicable. She also said some gynecologists suggest blow-drying versus a mere towel-off for people who get frequent yeast infections or suffer from issues related to skin sensitivity. “Yeast thrives in moist dark places, and towel drying may not do the trick,” Dweck said.

So, if you’re someone who deals with recurrent yeast infections and you’re looking for an excuse to fire up the ol’ Dyson Supersonic, it’s not actively dangerous to put two and two together. Just proceed with caution and enjoy the breeze."

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While he may have been undiplomatic I get where he's coming from, having fled dates due the smell factor. Some people are very sensitive to smells, everyone stinks in their own unique way (and sometimes we don't notice our normal funk).

Aside from his nose factor, how is the relationship otherwise? There may be genuine concern, or he's just looking for an out.


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10 hours ago, Guest Anonymous said:

I will get a test at Dr. 

Yes. See a doctor, don't use old wives tales.

Chlamydia and other STDs have characteristic fishy odors. Yeast infections can also have odors. Research it  on reputable medical sites such as mayo clinic, etc.

Who knows, maybe he gave you chlamydia. Do Not use unproven home remedies.

He may be a dolt who just doesn't want to reciprocate oral.

Nonetheless don't play with your health and camouflage odors with commercial scented wipes, flavored douches or other health damaging nonsense.

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Epsom salt sitz baths and eating yogurt are not unproven home remedies, which those of us with vaginas can attest to. However, you should see your doctor first to eliminate any potential health issues.

And I still think the guy should go. No matter how uncomfortable the topic is there's no need to be rude like he was.

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