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I Have a Suspicion my phone is cloned


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Hey guys I would really appreciate your feedback....I suspect that my phone has been cloned....I'm not a phone fundi but I can hear neighbours chatting about what I'm doing on my phone...I'm not 100% sure but something is fishy I smell a rat....any advice on how I would know that my phone has been hacked...I have no concrete evidence so I dont wanna say for sure

Thank you

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2 hours ago, Rjardini said:

I can hear neighbours chatting about what I'm doing on my phone...I'm not 100% sure but something is fishy I smell a rat

What type of phone is it? Bring it to a specialist or the store to get a new one.

How do you overhear the neighbors?

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  I was in the same situation months back when I noticed my phone was acting weirdly, I started seeing pop up messages of several apps on my phone telling me to accept a third party access. I also noticed that my phone became extra slow and was frequently lagging. A close friend of mine that knew about this linked me up with a pro-tech guy who helped me run a background check on my phone and discovered that my phone was cloned and someone else had access to all I had been doing on my phone. What he did to help me get rid of such a plight was to install a strong anti-spyware remotely on my phone which immediately erased every third party access to my phone and kept my phone secured from subsequent attack. I could provide you with the pro-tech guy's contact info if you are interested.

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I was just reading about this. Nowadays, it looks like you need physical access to the phone in order to clone it. It's done through the SIM card, or by installing cloning software directly on the device.... although I guess there is probably a way to install software remotely... but either way, you have to reconfigure a bunch of security settings for the software approach to work. It seems that the SIM card approach provides a more complete cloning than software. 

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