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Help! Should i tell my boyfriend this?


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boyfriend last night accidentally connected his fb on my phone and totally forgot about that. I opened browser to connect to mine but clicked on sent requests and it popped up an invitation recently sent to him. I honestly clicked automatically thinking is my account. Once i realized, i logged out and removed profile from Facebook. Didn't open anything. Will he realise and should i tell him tomorrow what happened? He hasn't told me anything but this just happened right now. I am thinking to drop him a message that he accidentally connected it but i prefer to explain in person. I'd never stalk and don't want to do that never. Im freaking out. And if i tell him, will he believe i had no intention of checking his friend request? It was so stupid how it happened. Now notification is disabled since i clicked on it but haven't touched anything. If he clicks to view his friends requests he will find it and might suspect that someone got into his fb. I don't want to create unnecessary drama and relationship is new.

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Thinking the same. But the request is there so he can at any moment notice he received one but notification icon didn't pop up. If he noticed though and remembered that he connected his phone in my device he might think that it was me and then he'll get more suspicious why i Didnt mention it. I feel like if i tell him what happened hell

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He'll then actually get suspicious and go check if i saw anything than not saying anything at all. Hopefully he'll get more requests and check them all at once. I know he's constantly on fb and there's a chance he'll notice. Thank god i Didnt actually opened anything. I'd never stalk and I'm freaking out that this might be interpreted like that. I panicked and tried to log out as if i was doing something wrong once i realized but when i clicked i did it because i thought I'm in my own profile.

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6 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Why are you so insecure about this guy? You seem terribly fearful over a simple mistake.

Is this the same guy you were scared to text to confirm a date?

Yes but we are together since then. I am not fearful just don't want him to think that i violated his privacy or trust and it doesn't sound truthful how accidentally i clicked on it and not exiting immediately. I am just wondering if I'm overthinking this and maybe it's nothing worth mentioning? I want to tell him but if he doesn't believe me then he'll assume i tried to stalk him and if he doesn't even notice is like creating drama for myself. It was an innocent mistake which I'm contemplating if i should mention it or not. 

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7 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

The more you rehearse a script the less believable it will sound. Relax. If he asks, mention how it happened.

So you advise me to not mention anything and only if asked right? Yes I'm laughing about it now cause it reminded me a scene from Friends where Monica says to Rachel "it never occur to you that i might be that stupid" for leaving receipt in her pocket. Did i screw up?

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2 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

You're eager to tell him so rehearse your script and see if he believes you. All you can do.

No I'm not actually. Whatever i would say it will raise suspicion. I asked him to log his account out when done but he forgot to do it and i forgot he logged in. Clicking on that notification was a huge mistake but nothing tragic that would make him ask me directly like realising i went through his messages and stuff. Why plant the seed of doubt before he has yet to notice or ask me? What i described it's the truth. I thought it's my account when i saw his picture i thought that i added him and went to check sent requests. That's when it opened all recent ones and realized it's his actual profile and exited. The only question is why clicking on that stupid button and not exiting immediately. Do you think he'll ask about it or consider me sneaky?

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Wow.  Tell him exactly what happened.  Wow because it's no big deal between people who know and minimally trust each other.  I can totally see myself doing that by accident while absent minded.  I'd mention it offhandedly to my husband - so he wouldn't be concerned that he was hacked.  I'm pretty sure once I thought  I was on my email account but it was his.  I realized before I clicked anything but I sure could have and would have let him know if my click would have shown as some sort of activity on his account.

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If it was me I'd hardly give it a second thought. I'd probably mention it, maybe drop a brief text explaining what happened, as you did; and be proactive, maybe I wouldn't and if it came up I'd explain what happened but I wouldn't stress it at all. If for some reason she didn't believe me, well that's on her and there are bigger issues.

Regardless, the amount of worry you're having over this, starting a forum thread about it.. it's just way over the top. Are you this about minor things in general or are you just really insecure about the relationship?


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33 minutes ago, Popi33 said:

No I'm not actually. Whatever i would say it will raise suspicion. I asked him to log his account out when done but he forgot to do it and i forgot he logged in. Clicking on that notification was a huge mistake but nothing tragic that would make him ask me directly like realising i went through his messages and stuff. Why plant the seed of doubt before he has yet to notice or ask me? What i described it's the truth. I thought it's my account when i saw his picture i thought that i added him and went to check sent requests. That's when it opened all recent ones and realized it's his actual profile and exited. The only question is why clicking on that stupid button and not exiting immediately. Do you think he'll ask about it or consider me sneaky?

You say you're not fearful but it's obvious you're absolutely terrified. You're frightened he'll be mad at you. 

What are you so afraid of? Do you think he'll break up with you over this?

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Why don't you call him on an actual phone call and tell him what happened instead of messaging or in person since you won't see him until tomorrow? If he has a suspicious mind and breaks up with you when you were being honest, oh well. It's not like he's the last guy on the planet and you'll never date again. To me, it'd be weirder and cause more suspicion when you're keeping secrets which are often found out. Wouldn't you want him to speak up if he'd done the same?

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You sound a bit hyper about presuming what BF will think.


Either you have a good and trusting relationship where something like this is a simple thing to mention so he won't miss an invitation, OR, you don't trust HIM to trust YOU.

If it's the latter, it doesn't really matter what you do--you're on pins and needles, and that signals that he behaves in ways that are jerkish and mistrusting of you, OR you are a high-anxiety person who isn't ready for a relationship.

So? Decide how you WISH you could behave in a trusting, loving relationship, and behave that way. Then let the chips fall. If BF is a jerk about it, then what should that tell you about him?

Head high, and life is too short for anxiety relationships. 

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He didn't leave it on purpose. We ordered food via app and he accessed with his fb but it got automatically saved in my device. I asked him to log out of the app but we both forgot. I was actually absent minded when i click on it. I am not afraid to tell him but I'm afraid he won't believe me and maybe start to distrust me. I am visiting my doctor and he asked me to call him after my appointment so I'm going to mention it then.

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Do you tend to make big deals out of nothing? 

You are blowing this completely out of proportion, but I'd say it's a reflection of how insecure you feel with this guy. Your other thread about him demonstrates that too. 

Relax before you give yourself a stroke for no reason. 

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14 minutes ago, Popi33 said:

He didn't leave it on purpose. We ordered food via app and he accessed with his fb but it got automatically saved in my device. I asked him to log out of the app but we both forgot. I was actually absent minded when i click on it. I am not afraid to tell him but I'm afraid he won't believe me and maybe start to distrust me. I am visiting my doctor and he asked me to call him after my appointment so I'm going to mention it then.


13 minutes ago, MissCanuck said:

Do you tend to make big deals out of nothing? 

You are blowing this completely out of proportion, but I'd say it's a reflection of how insecure you feel with this guy. Your other thread about him demonstrates that too. 

Relax before you give yourself a stroke for no reason. 

I am generally like that in my work and life, taking things out of proportion and overly analyzing everything. Even the look doctor had on their face when making an ultra sound on me. I am actually very secure but get a little jealous when we go out and he starts talking to girls while I'm present. Last time we went to a club i made a joke to find couple for threesome and we were drunk so he asked a rand couple but then kept talking with the girl. I told him on the way home i don't actually want us to have one and he said you got a bit jealous didn't you? I admitted that i did but we left it there and didn't bring it up again. So now this, don't want him to get the wrong idea that i checked on purpose and now trying to find an excuse. It's not the case, i would never do such a thing even if i did get insecure or jealous. If he hasn't noticed then i don't want to create suspicion for myself. 

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If you don't date trash like this guy, your anxiety level will decrease.

You know very well you're insecure and snooped. You're just trying to come up with a story.

The sad part is if you weren't with a Bozo like this, all this strife wouldn't be happening.

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9 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

If you don't date trash like this guy, your anxiety level will decrease.

You know very well you're insecure and snooped. You're just trying to come up with a story.

The sad part is if you weren't with a Bozo like this, all this strife wouldn't be happening.

No i havent snooped honestly this wasn't my intention. And he's not a trash actually we just drunk a bit more and were bull***ting that night. The next day we talked normally and we never discussed it again.

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