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Confused about last night


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I’ve been with my boyfriend a year and nothing like this has happened before…

Last night he and I got very drunk. When we got home I felt dizzy and tired so went straight to bed. Soon after he came upstairs, undressed me, groped me and tried to have sex with me. All the while I was just lying there, eyes closed and unresponsive. There’s no way I could have or would have consented. I just froze and didn’t really know what to do. After he couldn’t get it in me he turned over and masturbated next to me while watching porn. This morning he is claiming to have no memory other than masturbating. He looks very upset with himself and sorry. He says that he was so drunk he literally can’t remember a thing. 

I’m really confused about this. I feel upset and to be honest a line was definitely crossed. Now he’s saying he doesn’t remember and I just don’t know what to do. I once woke up to a man having sex with me while I was very drunk and I feel this has triggered that memory for me. 

Did my boyfriend assault me? 

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21 minutes ago, Soulsparkles1986 said:

 I once woke up to a man having sex with me while I was very drunk and I feel this has triggered that memory for me. 

It's unclear what really happened because you were both so drunk there's no accurate recollection of it.

You need to deal with your past and drinking issues.

If you want to claim he assaulted you, go to a doctor or ER for a rape kit exam and press charges.

However before that you need to break up with him and move out.

Sadly you are having repeat episodes of unsafe practices and having sex without appropriate consent.

Since he was drunk as well, he could claim you assaulted him, no?

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I agree with Wiseman above.  This seems to be a common theme of you getting blind drunk and men having sex with you - usually blind drunk men too.  You need to get your drinking under control and maybe time to seek counseling/therapy to help you get to the bottom of all these issues.

Like Wiseman says, he was just as drunk and can't remember anything either.  He says, she says.

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Once something horrible happens with one or both people being intoxicated, alcohol can no longer be a part of your lives. If a person isn't willing to give that up, then obviously alcohol is more important than a relationship, and therefore a person should be single.

Everyone I know who has succeeded in sobriety after a period of abusing alcohol claim to live a far happier life now that alcohol is no longer a part of their lives.

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