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Hello , me and my gf had a big argument last week , i found out she was texting with someone , it was nothing and belive her , in the past i did same thing.. so now she become so cold , she say she still love me , i belive that too but i dont know how to act , i love her like crazy and im afraid i ll become cold like her and thats means ending , my mistake now is i become a bit paranoid and suspicious , she change her privacy settings in whatsapp , it was just a notice from me , i asked her why , tried to talk with her and she said because of me , im afraid to talk about sensitive stuff like who was that on your phone etc...even if is a simple friend ,im just low and sad and i dont want to show her because its nothing anymore and i notice she s annoyed if im like that , but cant be fake , cant help to not show my feelings
im thinking about break up , she told me she want days ago but i tried to convince her , there are chances and since then its bad , like this reliation falling apart , any advice please ? sorry for long text and my english , thanks for listen me

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Was she texting a friend?  Have you done the same?  If it's nothing and both of you have texted friends, then don't make a big deal out of this.

If both of you want to break up, then break up.  If both of you wish to save your relationship, then both of you can try again.  If your relationship with her is falling apart, then go your separate ways. 

Anytime there is continued fighting and distrust, relationships tend to continue failing. 

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6 hours ago, SooSad33 said:

How long have you two been together?

And why were you texting an ex?

Sounds like you two have some issue's on Trust. Not good.

How do things change for you if she changed her privacy settings on Whattsap?


for about 2 years , and to be honest my ex text me to help her buy her flight tickets and she starts saying things like rememebr about us ? my mistake i didnt end it , i just entertain her...i know im totally moron

and yeah i think we have trust issues...i asked her about privacy settings cuz now she spend a lot of time on whatsapp but not talking with me and she said it changed because of , like didnt want me to spy on her , but it was just a notice from me

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