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A new post for me!

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Hello all. How did everyone fair over the holiday weekend?? I had a good weekend, just went toooo fast!! Cant believe its Tuesday already!! That sux.


Well, I do have some bad news. I found some of my EXes drawings while I was packing up some boxes getting ready for the move. I wanted to just throw them away. but I couldnt. They are too good to throw away. So, I called her and left a short message, call me back if you want them back.


Well she called back, said she wants them, asked if she should come to my old house or NEW house, apologized to swearing at me the last time we talked. Well, this was on Sunday. She called me several times yesterday and left messages just to talk, etc... I called back and we talked for about 20 minutes, and she started getting into stuff I didnt want to talk about, so told her I have to go....

I have no clue what will happen next....

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Ya I hear ya keefy. Its a definite roller coaster ride. Just keep yourself busy and occupied, it does help keep your mind off of things. Before you know it, it will be Day 15, Day 25, etc....


And ask yourself, why do you really want to talk to her? Just to hear her voice? Do you have something you have to tell her? Chances are whatever you come up with, it is not good enough reason to have to call her!!


Its just like me calling H. Sunday, now that I think about it, I called her cause I wanted to call her. Sure, I had her drawings, but Ive had them for awhile now, it was just an excuse to call her I think!!

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Keefy ...I totally feel the same way as you. It is hard...but just please focus on the reasons why you should maintain NC. It's easy to fool yourself into thinking it's ok to just send an innocent email, or text...but

just sit on your fingers if you have to. The urge will dissapate.

In a week you will feel SO much better about this decision...and then even better the following week...

You're doing great!!!

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You're doing just fine, I really can feel you determination through your posts.


It's been several weeks now that I've been on NC though I broke it about 2 months in my sending him a letter, not about reconciliation but just to get some stuff off of my chest that I didn't get to say, because we never actually broke up we just parted ways really.

I've been miuch stronger since then and I've really moved along emotionally, I'm now ready to go out and meet other guys and I find I don't think about him as much as before.


I got myself a brand new fresh funcky haircut which everyone around me is going mad over 8)


Basically what I'm saying is that time really does help, I'm getting on, doing things etc. I have found that I'm starting to spend less time here on enotalone as well like you said would happen naturally as you heal more and more.


There are times though where I think I wonder what he'd think about my hair, or that I went here and there and did this and that, then I check myself and think - no - he doesn't even deserve to know what's going on with me!


I met a girlfriend for lunch yesterday and she saw me with my fresh haircut and said to me that guy is ouf of his mind!! Imagine if he was to see you now.


You will be alright people, you really will, and it does get easier, I find myself even thinking why was I even so sad and upset and depressed over him anyway...keep looking forward!

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Keefy, It is very good you haven't contacted her. Unfortunately we never get the response we hope for and it would break down everything you have been building in yourself. I am not telling you but going through it myself (day 8) so it is good to have someone who is there as a safety net. As for V, well I hope everything is okay. You kind of went into detail about talking to your ex but kind of left up in the air. I don't know if there is uncertainty but I hope it didn't affect you in a negative way.

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