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You are totally doing the right thing. You must feel so good right now! I think I'll take a page from your book and set some small goals as well. It's a very healthy approach to take. And just think of how wonderful you will feel after you accomplish the first, second and third etc...goals, you'll be ready for some bigger ones

Good luck, we are all here for you.

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I think it's good that you decided to use this thread to post, as it is more appropriate for your dilemma. Day one is hard...heck the first 2 weeks is hard...but once you're over that hump I think you'll coast...

somewhat Keep posting, everyday...even if you DON'T have much to say...it will still help

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HELLOOOOO LADIES!!! How you doin'??


Webchick, are you stalking me? LOL I agree with you though and will do my best to post everyday....even if I dont have a lot to say.


Sonjam...I am going to my absolute best to keep my promise. Thanks for the support.

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I think it is very good of you to take that stance.


I also think that it will help you realize things when you are away from her, but you need to be careful. Yes, the first two weeks are about making the seperation, but what you really want is not to just hold out, to actually indulge in NOT contacting. Not have it be tough, but have it be something you know you shouldn't do, thereforeeee you don't want to do it.


Sorry thats confusing, but I guess what I mean is that deep down you still want to talk to her, and that has to change (i'm going through something similiar). This is a very good first step... realizing the problem. Now, it takes A LOT of hard work and motivation to keep it up. Because you will have a down time in the next two weeks, and, it will hurt like hell, but if you can just keep your chin up, not let the downward spiral happen, you will be proud and you will have taken a step forward.


Most of all, good luck and I hope it works for you.

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ok Iam going to join you as well.. starting today I too shall do this.. I need to get away... I am working on me and becomingt a better person so that I WILL NEVER repeat the same mistakes again. I hope you don't mind that I join you on your post...

Today marks day I for me after contacting her and having a major breakdown after 6 weeks of not being with her..

Good luck. I need to get in perfect shape..


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I only have one thing to say, which I have been thinking alot about lately.


This site is awesome don't get me wrong here, I love it, and wish I could share it with every person I know that is going through hardship, BUT I think there is a down side to it aswell, in our situation! I have a feeling you might already know this, as you have been a member longer, and V, and Coda, probably know this aswell!!!!!


This site, in a way, is keeping us linked, and attached to our exes (not on purpose)! Again, don't get me wrong, I love this site, and I love the advice, I would be No where if it wasn't for the advice from all my friends on here!!! But I can't help it but say that... ummm... for instance.... look at V and Coda in this situation.... they both are doing better, and are using this site less!!! In order to deal with the losses that we all have delt with we need to limit the amount of time we are thinking about the exes, and this site is keeping us thinking about our exes. AGAIN, this is just someting to think about!!!! I have been trying not too come to this site as much as I can, unless I need something, but have been watching every post to our threads. I think this is a great spot to say exactly what you are thinking, but you have to agree, that it is also keeping you attached to your ex.


I bet you have already thought of this, as I see you don't post everyday like I was.


I'm starting to think that maybee I should join you in this thread as mine also might be a lot cause after what happened last night and today!!!! But more about that later, I think I should be following your lead!!!


Cheers to you!!!![/u]

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Keefyyyyyyyy!!! Congrats on day 3!!!!


I am not sure you need to tell her anything...but IF she asks...

then yes , be honest. If she can't handle it, then too bad. You have made way too many "concessions" on her behalf, and right now you need to focus on YOU.It's apparent you have been TOO WEAK emotionally to not allow her in your life...that's what maintaining this NC period is for...to strengthen that "emotional muscle" enough to come to that decision. Right now you are still too weak. Please maintain this stance.

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Keefy, I must agree that you should not acknowledge her and your comments about what to say if she questions the cold shoulder are dead on. I am glad to see you are still going strong even after the fact that she just had a birthday. That takes a lot of heart. Has she tried to contact you? Well, believe me when I say this you are giving a lot of us inspiration. Keep up the great work.

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