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20 hours ago, Jibralta said:

Persecution is a plague, and no race or creed is immune to it.

Yes, most don't care about Christians being persecuted though, it's forgotten a lot of times, even from history.

Modern persecution of Christians is still a huge problem, we get a magazine every month exposing what's still going on.  The Nigerian Christians are being cleansed and it's largely ignored by the media, UN or the US. 🤷  But yes any group can be persecuted.

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4 hours ago, maritalbliss86 said:

it's forgotten a lot of times, even from history.

True. I am aware that persecution followed and/or caused divisions within the Christian faith, which is in part why there are so many different types of Christianity. But I don't know most of the specifics; I just have vague knowledge. For example, I know the conflict between Protestants and Catholics was pretty intense in England for some time, and I know that the Anabaptists fled the Rhineland because of persecution. Stuff like that.

Aside from the ancient stuff, I don't have a lot of information about the persecution of Christians by other religions. And I agree, the media is very selective about what it covers. It is beholden to $$$.

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My coworker, Oscar, reminds me so much of my boss from Job 3, Daniel.

Daniel was (and is) a good dude. I worked for him for two years. He was a mix of tech nerd and idealist. It was because of Daniel that I was able to immerse myself into the learning of Revit as much as I did.

From a business standpoint, I thought that Daniel did things that made no sense. For example, there was literally no deadline for any project. He never seemed to make the connection between time and money.

My boyfriend thought that maybe Daniel had gotten a large inheritance, and wasn't worried about money. Years later, I think that my boyfriend was probably right. 

Oscar reminds me of Daniel because of the way he over-explains things. During my first couple days at the job, I thought it was really nice that this guy was willing to take his time to explain things so thoroughly. And nice that the company made it possible.

And I still think it's really nice, but oh my god someone make Oscar shut up! Stop explaining, Oscar! I understand the concept, Oscar! For god's sakes, I understand!! He just won't stop explaining things--that was my pet peeve about Daniel, to the point where I simply stopped asking questions.

During jobs 4, 5, and 6, I sorely missed the patient explainer of things. But it hasn't taken long before I started hating it again, lol!


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When I first started working for Job 5, my project manager was a woman named Catherine. She was a transsexual woman. At first, I liked her a lot and was fascinated by her choice to become a woman. But over time, I liked her less and less. 

I wrote about this experience extensively in my Thoughts, Rants, Musings journal. But in a nutshell, there were two reasons why I ended up disliking her:

Reason 1 (the primary reason): It turned out that she had a very bad work ethic. She dodged responsibility like crazy. She misrepresented her level of expertise. She was greedy for the authority and status of a project manager, but took a victim's role when things didn't go her way. I realized all of this very slowly, over time, mainly because she wasn't a jerk. She was friendly and warm and encouraging. But in large part because of her complete negligence, my very first job at that company was a disaster and the client fired us within the first four months of me working there!!!! That was scary.

Reason 2 (the icing on the cake): Her behavior towards me bordered on sexual harassment. What an awkward situation that was to navigate, especially when I was dealing with a disaster project at my new job!! All that friendliness and warmth of hers took an uncomfortable turn about a month or two after I started. Fortunately, I didn't have to work with her after we were FIRED. I avoided her as much as possible. I didn't want to be mean to her because she was not a mean person. But sometimes I came pretty close because she just kept coming around. 

Catherine was eventually fired in January 2019. She died in a house fire in July on that year. I think it may have been a suicide. Even though I felt sad for her family and friends, I personally felt a deep sense of relief that there was no possibility that I'd ever run into her again. It sounds cold, but that's how much she bothered me when she was working at Job 5. 

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I bring all of that up because of this weird thing that happened at work.

Catherine worked at Job 7 before she worked at Job 5. I knew this when I went for my interview. I haven't spoken to anyone at Job 7 about her, but I know that some of the people who currently work there must know her, including Pei. I figure if Catherine ever comes up in conversation, I'll say that she was a kindhearted person and leave it at that. 

ANYWAY, about a month ago, I was reviewing an invoice. This was the first invoice I've reviewed since starting, and I was learning the approval procedure as I was going.

To indicate approval, we have to 'sign' the invoice using the pdf software. I've never done that, so I asked Oscar to show me how to do it. Following his instruction, I opened the signature function in my software and LO AND BEHOLD Catherine's first and last name was sitting there in the signature box. 


I guess I've inherited Catherine's computer.... 😑 

I couldn't believe it. I wanted to take a picture to show Arnold, but I didn't want Oscar to see what I was doing. So, I went through this whole rigmarole where I closed the box so that my name erased and Catherine's showed back up, then tried to take a picture but couldn't because Oscar was there, so I put my name back in so he'd stop looking and then I closed it and reopened it and tried to get a shot but Oscar stop looking please type my name in close it open it Oscar is still fcking there close open he's not looking now *snap* picture, type my name and save.

So I got the picture but I never showed Arnold. I only told him about it. But I have proof that it happened sitting creepily on my phone.

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Wow what a strange situation. And how awful to be sexually harassed and not feel like you could really confront it.

I tend to over explain things, too, definitely something I try to work on. The good thing with kids is you can really see when you're starting to over explain, helps keep it in perspective!

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1 hour ago, maritalbliss86 said:

Wow what a strange situation. And how awful to be sexually harassed and not feel like you could really confront it.

Fortunately, it wasn't the worst harassment-type situation that I've been in. It was just tricky to navigate. And definitely stressful!!

1 hour ago, maritalbliss86 said:

I tend to over explain things, too, definitely something I try to work on. The good thing with kids is you can really see when you're starting to over explain, helps keep it in perspective!

Not with my old boss--he had three kids, all college age by the time I was working for him. Oscar has a kid too, but she's only 1 year old. Maybe she can tame him. But I won't hold my breath. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going on vacation in a couple of weeks. The last time I vacationed at this particular destination was three years ago. I had recently started Job 5, and the project I had been assigned was on a runaway train straight to hell.

I stressed about my job the whole time I was on vacation. The night before we arrived home, I was so stressed out that I couldn't sleep. And when I got back to the office, I found that framework I'd left them to get things back on track had been ignored; that idiot Catherine hadn't done a damn thing. 

Interestingly, I started Job 5 in May of 2018, and I started my current job, Job 7, in May 2021.

The situation is so different now. No lunatics. No evasive, irresponsible, pompous-ass bosses. I think I may actually be able to relax this time!

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6 hours ago, Jibralta said:

Had my three month review today. Went really well. Nadine said I was doing a great job, and to keep on doing a great job 🙂

Well done 🙂 finally you found the job you deserved!

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