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So my fiancé still can’t get over her ex we are engaged and she tells me he is no good for her and she doesn’t want him she says she just can’t let go she’s being selfish ,, she leaves doors open for him thinking he still has a chance and it’s starting to bother me and my trust for her is fading ... In the beginning of our relationship she slept with him abs I recently found out they had phone sex I don’t know what to do 

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3 hours ago, Jrabs03 said:

 she leaves doors open for him thinking he still has a chance and it’s starting to bother me and my trust for her is fading ... In the beginning of our relationship she slept with him abs I recently found out they had phone sex.

How long have you been dating? Is this an arranged marriage? How is she your fiancee if all this while she's still with him?

Clearly getting in the crossfire of other people's on/off drama and participating in love triangles is a sure route to headaches, heartaches and drama.

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bad situation to be in, fiancé needs to be completely over and done with her ex before she can even think about you, forget about love and respect here. Thinking about staying and expecting her to change will not be a good decision for your well being. Let her go!

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13 hours ago, Jrabs03 said:

So my fiancé still can’t get over her ex we are engaged and she tells me he is no good for her and she doesn’t want him she says she just can’t let go she’s being selfish ,, she leaves doors open for him thinking he still has a chance and it’s starting to bother me and my trust for her is fading

I agree with you there... ummm yeah.. Not Respect and No Trust.

And why is it you two are engaged?  Planning to marry? 😕 

You just don't remain with someone who is still involved with their ex and NOT over them.

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Speaking only for myself, I will not involve myself with anyone who is still involved with an ex, in any way, shape or form beyond shared children--including mentally.

You are learning WHY.

In order to preserve any possible future potential, I'd tell this woman that I adore her, and that's why I'm walking away while we both still think highly of one another. She gets to take all the time she wants in order to finish her old business. If she ever wants to reach out after being 100% clear of all feelings for her ex, she can do that. If you're still available then, maybe you can meet to catch up.

Head high, and don't position yourself for a future of torture over something that you cannot control.

You will thank yourself later.

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