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poem for my friend


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about a year ago, one of my friends was killed in a drunk driving accident... she was coming home from a friends house and had a few too many drinks and swerved off the road. This is what I wrote while going through the grief of her death...


Mommy, I was a good girl

Right from the start

I was a good girl

And kind at heart

I ate my vegetables

And did what I was told

I was caring and kind

And my smile was worth gold.

But along came the years

And your little girl grew

Along came the years

And your little girl flew.

I grew independent

And on my own wanted to finish

And my kind caring heart

Started to diminish.

I wouldn't listen to you

Or do what I was told

And now I wish I had

I wish I hadn't been so bold.

If I could just

Have one more chance

I would have stopped

And taken a glance

At all the things

I'd be giving up

To be on my own

To be a grown up.

But I didn't get

That one last chance

That one last wish

God did not grant.

I knew you didn't want me

To go out that night

In your eyes I saw pleading

In your face I saw fright.

But I didn't care

About what you asked of me

I just turned my back

And ignored your plea.

I went out that night

Without a care or worry

I went out that night

And sped in a hurry

To get to the party

And throw down some beers

And get back in the car

Nothing did I fear.

My friends all cheared

And laughed and clapped

As I made sharp turns

And floored the gas.

I saw the light

Turn yellow then red

But I didn't stop

I barreled ahead.

Tires screeched

And horns honked

But nothing could stop me

Or so I thought.

Thats when I turned

And heard the tires squeal

The car flipped and turned

It didn't seem real.

We went crashing into

A big brick wall

Our bodies were thrown about

Like big rag dolls

We all screamed and cried

Unable to move

And I thought about you, Mom

And how your voice could comfort and soothe

But nothing could help me

The damage was done

The crazy night

Didn't seem like so much fun.

I thought about life

And how I wanted to stay

I thought about life

As I slipped away.


RIP Kara 5/22/04

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