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I want to look mature

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I am a 28 years old guy. I am 5'11" and 150lb with a lean body, not much macho. I prefer short haircut, clean shaved face. I wear spectacles. I have a tall face.


The problem is my face looks much younger, than my actual age, particularly when I am cleanly shaved and with a trimmed hair. I need to look matured. I prefer to look matured. So please suggest me some steps regarding this. I have noticed that my looks improve if I don't shave for 2-3 days at a stretch. But thereafter it looks ugly. If anyone can come out with any more ideas, I will be thankful.

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Maybe you can try to wear contacts for a while. It really depends on the person. My sister looks younger wearing spectacles, and I look much older


So we both prefer to wear lenses to look our real age


A different haircut can also help.


Do you think you look younger than you are, or do others think so?



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I have this problem sometimes myself. I'm 23, but without my glasses I could pass for 16 if I wanted to.


A change of wardobe might be in order. If you're wearing buttoned down shirts and ties, I doubt people will think you're very young. On the other hand, I don't know how formal you're prepared to look. Depending on where you live it might make you stick out like a sore thumb.


A change of vocabulary might achieve the desired affect. You might not look older, but you'll sound it. That's where I am. I am 23, look like I'm 16, and sound like I'm 30. But then again, I've sounded like I was 30 since I was 15. I talk the way I type. When I first got onto the internet when I was 15, no one guessed my age to be anything less than 30 when I was in chat rooms. I even had someone guess I was in my 50's!


There are a few very mature young people like that on this site actually...

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Dress the part. If you really want to look older, wear pleated pants and dress shoes. As for your physical appearance, you could gain some weight. Generally, older people are a bit heavier (but 28 is still relatively young). I don't really see a youthful appearance as a disadvantage - it's actually an advantage to have, especially when you really ARE older. Good luck with this.

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I'm not a guy...but I feel your pain. I'm 23 and was on staff for this teen retreat for my internship where there were other groups as well. I definitely got hit on by a 14 year old! Oy....


Like others said...dressing the part helps a lot. So does having that confidence of a more mature person. For example, there's a guy in my office who people guessed was a lot older than he is just because he acts confident.

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WEll personally I like a clean shaven guy... and nothing wrong with being lean... much better than being overweight!


I don't think you should start dressing like a grandpa in pleated trousers either! You are 28 , not 78!! I'm nearly 30 and none of my guy friends wear pleated pants, even at the workplace!

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WEll personally I like a clean shaven guy... and nothing wrong with being lean... much better than being overweight!


Glad to hear that for once, I'm not at all a scrawny guy, I'm 200lbs and muscular but it seems a lot of girls like the teddy bear (fat) look. What gives?

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Glad to hear that for once, I'm not at all a scrawny guy, I'm 200lbs and muscular but it seems a lot of girls like the teddy bear (fat) look. What gives?


200 pounds and muscular and no facial hair? You sound divine!


I certainly don't like the teddy bear look!!! I may be making a generalisation here, but I suspect that girls who don't care that their guy has a soft tummy, probably have a soft tummy themselves!

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