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I feel so used, I don't know what to do


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I've posted in here so many times about this guy I've been in love with for a year now and he has known for almost the whole time. Anyway we both got really drunk over the weekend and I ended up going back to his place with him. I've never felt so used in my life because it happened and after he said he'd walk me home but he didn't, he just left me on the road to walk home on my own in the cold with no jacket and I haven't heard anything from since. It hurts so much cos he knew how I felt about him and he's the only person in the world who could have fooled me into it. I know he'll never look at me again, I just don't know what to do now. How am I supposed to act around him? should I try and talk to him?

Do guys have any consciences?

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sorry you are having trouble. sounds like you were used by this guy. you need to accept that your previous good feelings about him were unfounded, and he has now shown his true colors. what should you do? ditch him.

best of luck./

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I'm sorry that happened to you, it makes the good guys look bad and this is a classic example. Some guys will go out of their way to get sex, like the say "men give love to get sex".


You can always tell him how you felt that night and how it made you feel. Are you angry? Are you disappointed? I think you're feeling everything right now but it's good to let that out & for the other person to know how disgusting it made you feel.


That at least will put him in the place and make him think. Chances are if you keep quiet, he'll likely to come back and try to be smooth & try to get his way, if he's like that by nature.


But I'm sorry to hear what had happened. You shouldn't be treated that like that by anyone.

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I feel angry, upset and disgusted with myself for being so sucked in by him. I just don't know if I have the right to be angry with him cos we were both drunk. The least he could have done is send a text to see if I got home ok though. The worst part is, it was my first time and I could be pregnant right now and he doesn't even care

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I know how it feels to want someone so much that you will accept any scraps they will throw you and hope against all hope that it will be what changes things and then you can be together. As much as it sucks to admit it now he is not worth your time and you need to move on. I think it's time to try no contact and get out there with friends and family who really care about you and can make you feel good about yourself again and eventually you can find someone who will be all you could have hoped for. Good luck

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ack... tacky bastard. don't let him think he got away with it. I am sorry for what has happened, this is going to be challenging for you. Your self worth and your principles has been affected so you will have to do something about. You'll have to confront him, dont let him think he can get away with it. Then get a consellor, someone that you can confide in that is firmilar with this area. If you dont handle this the right way, it will affect you for life.

Again i am so sorry for what i have been through, you have to be strong, get your chin up. Understand that this is not totally your fault. Get the help and support you need.

Sorry i can help more.

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I don't know where you're posting from, but how much older is he than you? It sounds to me like either date rape, or statutory rape. Either way, it's premeditated rape. Premeditated, in the fact that he already knew how you felt about him, and then he got you drunk, knowing it would lower your inhibitions, allowing him to get what he wanted.


If you are pregnant, you need to have a DNA test done, and hire an attorney to contact this guy to DEMAND that he take a paternity test. This will strengthen your case against him. Don't take a victim mentality and just sit back... Fight back. Sometimes, a person has to do what they have to do. I wish you all the best. If you want to talk: cherylsaynhi (at) gmail (dot) com.

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It wasn't like that at all we're the same age and we were both out with separate groups of people, we just hooked up at the end of the night when we were both really drunk. It's been coming for a long time though, after spending a whole year of looking at eachother accross a crowded bar, I know it wasn't completely one sided. I just think he's extremely immature for his age and he has alot of growing up to do before he'll have enough respect for someone to actually have a relationship

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