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Picking up girls at the mall


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Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone has any tips for picking up girls at the the mall. Because for me its always been weird going to strangers and just saying, "Hi, how are you" or anything like that, and at the same time I don't want to like stalk attractive girls at the mall and follow them around waiting for an opportunity to talk to them, so how would one do it? Are there any opening lines that work, and that won't seem so strange coming from a complete stranger?

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I think to make it less weird, you'd have to be at the store with them looking at the same stuff (or food court buying from the same shop?) vs just saying hi out of nowhere. You need some common ground to strike up a conversation. But the only more normal places i can think of is either bookstore or computer game stores... or maybe pretend you're buying something for your sister and ask for the girls opinion, etc, i dunno.... good luck.

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Some places tend to have long lines. That's a good place to strike up a conversation. But there may not be much to talk about, "Oh! I see you're buying a shirt!" If you're at a fye or Suncoast you can talk about movies, anime, music, whatever they're looking at. But if it's a clothing store or food place, it'd be hard to come up with something that's not totally random. If you're a confident guy, go up to them and just give them a compliment. Some girls wouldn't mind at all, but some might be a little creeped out, so be careful.

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You know what really works...not caring what everyone else thinks...


Then you'll care less whether or not you look weird just saying Hi to anyone in the mall. If you're that uncomfortable with it, go to some mall really far from your home, and just walk up to random girls there and say hey, why would it matter, you're probably never goin to see them again...and if you learn to do it well, you may even get some numbers. Just don't go out 'expecting' anything and you can't disappoint yourself....have fun.


Other than that...good opening lines...well if your friends are with you, walk up to a couple of girls in a group, and say "Hey, my friends and I were just debating this, but we need a girl's opinion..." From there you can state some sort of random fact about women...anything...something that will get her to respond to it....questions are always great, and so are some compliments, but not too many.

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Instead of saying hi how are you, just smile as you pass them by and say hi, if you can catch eye or make them know you are watching em cuz they are cute first and then say hi, smile, make eye contact. If they dont pay attention it's not likely going anywhere. Be as little intrusive as possible but allow them some initative if you can. And dont worry if they are creeped out. They dont know you.

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We have grown into a society in which people are afraid of simply reaching out and being nice. Because of this, whoever you do so to will be startled. To ease their "startlement" start by smiling everytime you two pass each other. Then, follow them into the store, find them alone, and depending on the store, say something about the products they are looking around in like,


"Never worked for me, this stuff."


"dont you love sales?"


and then say, "hi my name is____"


If a guy did this to me, I'd be so touched!

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Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone has any tips for picking up girls at the the mall. Because for me its always been weird going to strangers and just saying, "Hi, how are you" or anything like that, and at the same time I don't want to like stalk attractive girls at the mall and follow them around waiting for an opportunity to talk to them, so how would one do it? Are there any opening lines that work, and that won't seem so strange coming from a complete stranger?


Really intersting you would ask this, becuase when I get back to America I'm going to use the malls to try and pick girls up. Bascially there are not so many places where you can meet so many chicks as in the mall, and compared to picking up in a bar, there is much less competition. You don't have to compete with the happily married men, LOL.


Also if you have the balls to approach a woman in public that will show you have very good confidence and the girls will definitely be in awe, becuase its not normal for them to get approached in public. Bascially if you have the balls to approach woman to try and pick them up in a mall you stand a good shot of something working out.


I got an example of a girl I recently hit on in public, we were in a book store so I said to her "wow, your really going to read all those books" we than went on a mini-date afterwards.


The last girl I hit on in public I found out that she doesn't live nearby so I didn't even bother to progress anything. But the thing you have to do is if you hit up a conversation you must close the deal and ask her for her # or E-mail.


What I think the best way to approach girls is to try and be funny at first. LIke I remember seeing a hot girl looking at tools in Sears, and I thought the following line even though I didn't use it "Hey this tool would make a really good present for me". The approach always has to be cool and confident, and you show confidence and humor with a line like that..


But lets think of some typical situations in the mall, say you see a girl looking at clothing. You can go up to her and say, "Hey I don't work here, but maybe I can help you pick out something sexy"


IF you see girls just sitting around, the best strategy is to just walk over to them cool & confident and just do some normal conversation. If you have a couple of friends, all the easier to approach other groups of girls.


But maybe you can ask a couple of typical situations when you see girls in the mall and I can come up with a couple good conversation starters.

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But maybe you can ask a couple of typical situations when you see girls in the mall and I can come up with a couple good conversation starters.


Well, when I was at the mall I would most often see attractive women just sort of walking through the mall, rather than in any of the stores that I went to. This really sucked because when the girl isn't stationary (for example, looking at something to buy) then their really isn't a good opportunity for conversation, or a natural conversation starter. Again, a possiblity is to "stalk" them until they get in to a store, but that just seems kind of creepy.


Another problem is there are few stores/places where alot of guys and girls both go. By this I mean I'll have a hard time justifying why I'm in the women's clothing aisle of the store, or why I'm in a women's clothing store for that matter.


I guess some situations might be:


- A girl walking alone in the mall


- A girl purchasing food at the foodcourt


- A girl eating with a bunch of other girls at a table


- In an aisle at a store


And...this one is the best opportunity I always thought for picking up girls, but I'm not entirely sure what works best, but when woman works in the store and come to help you, or you ask for there assistance. I don't really know how to suggest to them that I am interested in them without making me look like I'm only asking for there help to try and pick them up (even if this is exactly what I'm doing).


Some of the things I've considered for some of these situations was doing something like asking her for the time, and then saying something like "y'know I have a watch but I was just looking for an excuse to talk to you" but I always thought this was a bit too corny to use

other than that, I guess the biggest problem is finding "gender neutral" aisles to be in where girls and guys are in close proximity, making conversation alot easier.

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If you're in a place where men don't ussually go:


"I'm looking for something for my mom, but I'm having a little trouble, maybe you could help me?"


This is sort of similar to how a guy at school might ask a girl at school for help with homework. I'm not sure if it'd work, but she might think you're really sweet. Then again, I don't know why a guy would be looking in the "Juniors" section for their mom.


Rather than stalking a girl while she's walking towards a store, find a bench or something, while you can sit there and glance at her to see which store she goes into. Then you can walk to that store a few minutes afterward. And if you think you look suspicious, and you have a cell phone, pretend to talk on that so you look like you're doing something- oh but make sure that it's on vibrate or off, might seem weird if you're

'talking' on it and it rings.


You could try bumping into her as a last resort, I personally don't like this method, especially if there's not a lot of people and he swerves way out of his way to (try to) bump you.


I don't know about approaching a bunch of girls at once, my friends and I wouldn't mind at all though- especially if he's really funny and starts it with a cute line.


"y'know I have a watch but I was just looking for an excuse to talk to you"


That sounds sweet! It couldn't hurt, and chances are you'll never see her again, so there's not much to lose.

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y'know I have a watch but I was just looking for an excuse to talk to you"


I wouldn't use this, I not sure exactly why, it just seems to stalky.

But its better than using nothing.



I have to perfect my pick-up-skills so its always fun to think of how I'd do it. Well lets see. And you also must sit down and think through these situations have lines ready to use.. it will greatly increase the chances that you will talk when the time comes. Very important to be prepared.



- A girl walking alone in the mall

This is always a tough one but I'd do the following, stop the girl and say "hey you look really familiar I could of sworn I'd seen you someplace before, or talked with you before" Yeah its a lie but who cares.. Than you just smoothly go into a conversation about where she is from etc. Its an easy one to use in a lot of situations with complete strangers. This one I thought of completely by myself.


- A girl purchasing food at the foodcourt

If its someplace that you never ate before just say to the girl, hey first time eating here you know whats decent here. Or do something just easy to start the conversation like "nothing like getting mcdonalds at the food court, I could do it 3 times a day" and if she gives you a reply just go into the conversation.


- A girl eating with a bunch of other girls at a table

This is always easier when you have friends but even if your by yourself just go and sit at their table. When you ask is this seat free, just say that you saw a bunch of cool girls and thought it would be cool to talk to them. Just be honest here, dude they will think you have so much confidence that you will easily be able to pick up one of them.

I've done this plenty of times at a cafe/bar place over here in Germany. The thing with doing it with friends is its usually the guy who does the first approach and the first talking that gets all the attention, becuase he looks like the confident one while his friends just following him. So if you do it with friends be the one to do the initial approach to signal that your the leader and the confident one. Very important.


- In an aisle at a store

If she is looking at stuff.. just walk up to her and say things like "you don't want this you really want this over here" And its best the other thing your looking at is really rediculous.. to be funny. You bascially want to be fooling around and stupid.



But remember with all of these.. its very important about the approach and how you look. Don't be nervous etc.

ITs best to be spontanious and not to wait to long before approaching becuase that makes you super nervous.


BTW. if and when you do go to the mall and try to pick up complete strangers, please come back here and post your results and what you said etc.

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bring ur friend along and get them to tell the chick that you think that shes is reallly preety and see what happens then on lol



Yeah, and say it just like that, "Reallly preety". She'll probably think you're 'special' and respond veeerrry nicely.

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bring ur friend along and get them to tell the chick that you think that shes is reallly preety and see what happens then on lol


This isn't so good becuase the guy who goes up to the girl to tell her that the other person thinks you are pretty is the one who looks like the cool confident guy.


You really have to approach the girls yourself if you think they are pretty, very important.

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If in a clothing store, hold up something as if wanting to try it on, turn to her, and say,


"pink is so my color, what do you think?" that'll make her laugh


This is actually a very good line, it says a lot. Says that your confident becuase you can joke around when first meeting a girl. Its a good conversation starter.. And yes its very funny.

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  • 1 year later...

This thread is over a year old but it is also a very good one. I was going to start up a topic just like this but I decided to be the smart one and search first, so maybe this will also prevent others from creating a topic that is already here.


I am going to the mall tomorrow to "pick up girls" but I ain't gonna do it like a stalker. I think that a guy going to the mall to pick up chicks shows that he is very insecure and is the cheatable kind.


Although, it's a good place to meet girls. That being said, I'll just initiate with girls that I like at first sight. Also going there to fill out applications and catch a movie.


Sorry for bumping this but it is a great topic.

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This post is in regard to the original post, but may also have some bearing on the post just before this one.


Instead of having the attitude that you are going to "pick up girls at the mall", which sounds sleazy. Why not say, and think, that you are wanting to "meet and talk to girls at the mall". Once you have a conversation with them, then perhaps nature can take it's natural course and things might just fall into place for you.


So I suggest you ask for advice for how to "meet and have conversations with girls at the mall". Then also ask for advice for how to ask her out. That is so much classier than saying you want to "pick up" girls. They aren't prostitutes for gosh sakes. So show them some respect in your mind and speech and don't say "pick up".


That is my opinion. My advice is intended to help, not flame. So please don't flame me.


FYI - I only used the term "girls" instead of women because at age 19, he's going to be meeting girls, I assume. So I didn't intend any disprect to women when I said "girls". I think the term "girls" is appropriate considering his age.

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I have had the pleasure of working in the mall myself. One suggestion I have is to definitely hit on the hot employees working in the mall. I always appreciated it when women came in and flirted with me. Go to stores you know something about. Believe it or not women do come to and work in 'guy' stores like gnc or radioshack too. You can even premeditate this. Frequent the mall and just start up light conversations. Ask opinions. That gets you in the door right away and you don't need a pickup line!


Also, if you are young, consider taking a part time job. I had plenty of opportunities to hit on women working at the mall. It makes the other employees more accessible and you are put face to face with women everyday in a retail situation. They come to YOU. They ask for YOUR advice. It is like the difference between cold calling and getting referral business. The latter is easier.


Since I flat dislike bars and clubs, the mall and other retail outlets are really the only other serious option I have considered.


It is good to be in an environment where you are comfortable. And if the mall is that place, you may find you have a better 'day game' than anything else.

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