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I love this girl but she doesnt love me

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Its really embarrasing, but theres this girl at school who I really have a crush on, and she doesnt like me. Shes not horrible to me, but she just says "uurrgh" when i ask her to go out with me. Im not very popular @ skool, and my only real friends are a group of skaters. I flirt with her a lot, and she laughs about it. Sometimes I am really flirty, and she doesnt mind, but when I ask her out she says no. Im not going to forget about her, because I cant get her out of my head. But i wish someone could tell me how to get her to "like me" like me. How can I seem cooler and more attractive???


from me


ps - please only reply if you are 10 - 12 yrs old cos I am

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hey im a few yrs older but i do know that u cant jsut all a sudden get a girl to like u u have to just be friends first u know just take it slow and cool and u know if she doesnt like and isnt attracted to u then theres nuthin u can do but just act normal around her and flirt when its the right time and jsut take it slow and dont worry u have along time to think bout girls ur only like 11 but dont worry if she doesnt like u for who u r dont change urself to sumtin u dont like just so she will like u just be urself liek u are round ur friends and that might help dont move to fast in the relationship ok 8)

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If you were older I would have said it was a 99.75% lost case. In your age your chances with THIS SPECIFIC GIRL are perhaps a bit higher but not much higher.


But it doesn't really matters what your exact chances are. What does matter is that in a month, half a year, let it be even a year or two - you won't be infatuated with her anymore. Soon afterwards there will be someone else - another subject for your feelings, but the situation will probably be the same unless YOU change.


If you ask how to change - then you've got to work on your physical fitness (regularly running, playing basketball, whatever...), caring for yourself, being busy and willing to put effort into things you find important or enjoyable (not being lazy), becoming independent, developing link removed, etc. You get my point.


Then, when you'll like a girl - your chances with her (and not only in getting a positive response when asking her out...) will drastically improve. So will your status among the other kids.


It will take TIME... and EFFORT. But I think that it's worth that! 8)


Good luck!



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Hey your story reminds me of that April Lavigne song: Skater boy. That the snobby girl rejected him, and then he turned into some big star and she regretted it for the rest of her life! I know its stupid, but hey, they say that the mind has powers of its own.


I know how hard it is to have a crush on someone who doesn´t like you back. I remember back in HS I was in love with a guy named Chris. He was a senior and I was a sophomore. the feelings were so intense I remember and he used to just laugh in my face. I don´t know what happened but i started finding his attitude cruel and stupid and I just realized he was not really the person I had in my head. When we have a crush on someone, we tend to idealize them. Try not to. Afterall that emotion that flows from you has little to do with her, a person you hardly really know and who doesn´t give you the attention you deserve and more to do with you, how great you are, and that amazing capacity to feel you have. I hope you keep strong, go out and check out other girls don´t fixate just on her. This will make you more interesting.

Try this strategy also. Start ignoring her. Or go out with another girl you like. I am a girl and I tell you, that will probably get her attention.

Go for it! And believe in yourself. Make believe you are the Skater boy in April´s song and she the looser girl! Mind Power Baby!

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For the posters, I really like your post this time I meant they're really good.


Alright CitySlickerinUK, what happenin' dude? You know her quite well? Learn what she likes, what's her hobbies, what she really like to do the week-end. All this put together will give you enough information on her. BUT I MUST TELL YOU THIS, NEVER CHANGE FOR ANYONE EXCEPT IF YOU ARE MAD AS HELL AND NEED HELP. And my mad as hell is a reference to your behavior. By the way, aren't you too quick? Why don't you ask something more lightly like her email or phone number instead of a date?


I wish you good luck


Jeff l. Spiegel

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Glad you found my advice useful. I am really heartbroken right now and find it very uplifting that I can help someone out. Remember to keep confident, this will attract her to you. Keep us posted on what you decide to do, and how things turn out with this girl. Best of luck to you, sweety.



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