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A poem. My girlfriend is accusing me of things, odd... I don't understand girls sometimes. She is worried/jealous over a girl that I have a class with, cuz in the beginning of our relationship I told her that I found this girl attractive with some friends of mine, and now she thinks I like her...


Assume as you wish

And you will see that I

Have the same


The same


Desire to destroy this

And put your facts away

And show you

That there is a place

Where the rules

Are what you let them.

No standards,

No wrongs

Just you

Just me


And all will be right.




Wish I never said that I thought that girl was attractive.



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It would seem to me that your girlfriend is the one with the security issue.


How long have you guys been together? How old are you both?


Other than the *one* comment, have there been others?


And honestly, I find that when someone is accusing you of cheating, they are usually thinking of it themselves.


And is this the poem you wrote?? If so, your girlfriend needs a reality check.


Good luck bud.

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How long have you guys been together? How old are you both?

We have been together for 3 months. (short)


We are both 18.


Other than the *one* comment, have there been others?

I first thought you were referring to her commenting about the assuming, but if there are "other girls" I suppose so. In the beginning I was sort of debating between two girls. I obviously didn't tell them, nor did they know. Then I went with this one, and I told her like a month or so later and she got upset. But I have and have never, never would cheat or lead her to believe i was cheating. She claims I "Look at this other girl 'differently.'" Which I obviously don't think so but she assumes so.


Here was my first reply to the assuming part: Yes she has commented before. Like when we would fight I would say "your thinking" and she would yell at me and say to not assume. Meanwhile she does it to me all the time. She also has the ability to take what I say and manipulate it so that it becomes an attack against me


And honestly, I find that when someone is accusing you of cheating, they are usually thinking of it themselves.

Wow I never thought of it that way. I somehow doubt it.


We seem to fight once a day... 3 months in, worries me.


And yes I wrote the poem. I think she understands, claiming she was stupid to bring up the topic and such about the attractive girl. She did anyways, and said that it "wasn't my fault" but proceeded to attack me.


I am just confused. I feel like I am trapped, because anything I say is wrong.



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That's a lot of fighting for such a short period of time.


I mean you guys are far over your "honeymoon" stage.


As for her making your fault; that is a common "woman" move. Get the blame off of ourselves and onto you. It's how we so easily guilt our children later in life, I know I've done it without even realizing it.


It's a horrible trait to have in a relationship, and one should never *start* with it. I have made a conscience effort over the years to rid myself of that NASTY habit.


Anyway, she sounds very insecure and you seem rather sure of yourself for only being 18. Break it off before you get to deep. If it was meant to be, I guarantee you guys will find each other again later in life.


If you feel trapped, you probably are.


If you just need to talk, I'm always around. I'm great at fixing someone else's life, it's my own that needs the help! Good Luck ForAnother.....

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