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Broke up after 6 years NC


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just recently broke up with my GF (20) me (22)  we were together for 6 years knew each other for about 10 years. We had a great relationship went on vacations helped eachother did everything together we also had our ups and downs nothing that we couldn’t work out. None of us ever cheated and this is the first time we’ve broken up in the 6 years. Leading to the break up she had got very upset bc I went to go pick up some rims instead of going to return her kitchen appliance we had a big argument that day a couple of weeks pass by and I get upset at her bc she was being rude in the store it was a quiet drive back home then she later texts me that night saying that she can’t be with me bc I don’t deserve  her being mean we kept little contact those following two weeks we would still go out and get lunch then eventually she said she needed her space. I begged her to not leave that it was a mistake I wrote her a letter bc she said I pushed her away and that me being sad from two of my family members being ill and with Covid and the passing of somebody close to me was to much for her to deal with at the moment she wanted to go out all the time and I didn’t and that’s why I think she left. After begging to her to take me back and nothing then we began no contact it’s been a month  Now since we’ve last spoke I went over to drop off some stuff that she had left at my place and (she wasn’t home) but her parents I asked if I could use the restroom and I passed by her room and she she still has all the pictures of use together in her room after a month of no contact why would she keep them up ? Is there still a chance if I just give her some space ? She was very emotional person and often would react without thinking about the consequences 

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59 minutes ago, Toni23SR said:

 I begged her to not leave that it was a mistake I wrote her a letter bc she said I pushed her away and that me being sad from two of my family members being ill and with Covid and the passing of somebody close to me was to much for her to deal with at the moment she wanted to go out all the time and I didn’t and that’s why I think she left. 

She was very emotional person and often would react without thinking about the consequences 

Not only is she emotional, but she comes across as incredibly immature, selfish, lacking empathy and sympathy.  If she can't deal with the fact that you need time to grieve and not want to go out all the time, then she's going to have a very hard time with life in general. 

I wouldn't beg (keep your self-respect and dignity in tact).  I understand you're hurting, but her leaving could be a blessing in disguise for you. 

Stay NC. 

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First of all.. Do NOT beg.  That shows you as desperate.

You back off, totally and respect her wishes.. As for what's going on in her room, is none of your business.  Leave her be. (stop questioning everything - as the BU is recent, of course she also needs time to accept & grieve).

Less you know, the better.

1 hour ago, Toni23SR said:

Leading to the break up she had got very upset bc I went to go pick up some rims instead of going to return her kitchen appliance we had a big argument that day a couple of weeks pass by and I get upset at her bc she was being rude in the store it was a quiet drive back home then she later texts me that night saying that she can’t be with me bc I don’t deserve  her being mean we kept little contact those following two weeks we would still go out and get lunch then eventually she said she needed her space.

She ended it.  Now you give her space.


You think she left because she likes to go out but you don't.  She OVER reacts.. you two have been fighting.  Very unsettling events, lately.

Hard to say what is up with her, but you need to try and not ruin yourself over it.

Takes time to accept & heal from a BU.

But in order to do this, you do need to leave her alone now and remain NC. ( No begging.. no following.. nothing).

In time, things will get better.

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34 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

Not only is she emotional, but she comes across as incredibly immature, selfish, lacking empathy and sympathy.  If she can't deal with the fact that you need time to grieve and not want to go out all the time, then she's going to have a very hard time with life in general. 

I wouldn't beg (keep your self-respect and dignity in tact).  I understand you're hurting, but her leaving could be a blessing in disguise for you. 

Stay NC. 

Your right I guess since we were together since we were 16-17  she still had some maturing to do and I also forgot to add that when we broke up she said I never valued her time since I always working running my own business and still working a full time job but she forgot all the things I did for her I taught her how to drive helped her get her license bc nobody in her family would when ever she needed to get something on credit she couldn’t bc she didn’t have any credit so I would go sign for her when ever her car broke down or when she didn’t have one I would let her use mine since I had multiple  she forgot all the things I did for her just bc I couldn’t do that one simple favor so yeah she’s childish and immature 

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2 hours ago, Toni23SR said:

 Just recently broke up with my GF (20) me (22)  we were together for 6 years 

Sorry this happened. You were together since she was 14? 

Unfortunately you'll have to give her space. Are you friends with her family? 

It seems like you've been together way too long and way to young.

She was playing with dolls at 14. 

You both are need some time apart to grow.

It sounds like she feels suffocated.


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