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Got tricked by a Minor!


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ok so this happened about 8 years ago.

after a brutal breakup with my ex for 2 years i was depressed, during 2011 i got addicted to a few dating apps, my purpose was just hooking up to burry my depression and maybe find a proper girl.

suddenly i found JD on her profile there was a phone number and a few of her details, on her profile said "age:22" and she looked the part too.  After a week's worth of chatting we finally agreed to meet at my house and hook up. We got along well with shared interest and all, and a few days later we hit it again. we werent anything exclusive but we had a very sexual relationship for about 8 to 9 months when finally she said she wanted to to enter into a BF GF relationship with me and i wanted that too.

however she revealed that she was actually 14 and just only turned 15 a few days prior to this confession.

i never questioned her age as she looked the part the subject did come up a once or twice and she did say she was 22 and showed me an ID. she revealed that it was a fake ID.

at the time i didnt know what to do. I now have feelings to a 15 year old that i thought was 22 all this time.

long story short we did see each other a few more times after that but we didnt have anything sexual at all she saw a few guys one the sides and i a few girls. we became best of friends instead and shared everything with each other. we even became homeless together traveled together and we stuck with each other all the way for another 2 years.

unfortunately after that 2 years she died a horrible death, she was murdered, the alleged suspects were 3 US marines traveling abroad. i dont want to divulge too much here as justice has not been served at all and probably will never be.

I dont even know where she's berried as her family wont say. 

just trying to get this story out there hope this is ok. after her death i dreamt about her every night of us just playing around in the arcade as that's what she liked to do. and today i still dream of her once or twice and we're still at that arcade.

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I am also in tears to hear that she was murdered. You didn't mentioned your age! It's OK that you still dreamt about her because you have given memorable time of your life to her which could never be back, forgotten or relived. She will be always in your memory. Just don't get trapped in it. Take your time to heal, because you can't change the truth. Keep it in your mind that you have to move on in your life. 

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A 14 year old looks like a child, I don't care how big her boobs are, how big her butt is, or how much make up she wears. And even if you were totally blinded by your horniness, her mental immaturity should have been a dead giveaway. Being DTF doesn't equal maturity.

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8 hours ago, Jibralta said:

A 14 year old looks like a child, I don't care how big her boobs are, how big her butt is, or how much make up she wears. And even if you were totally blinded by your horniness, her mental immaturity should have been a dead giveaway. Being DTF doesn't equal maturity.

you should live in my country, a 30 year old can look like a 18 year old. she was big in stature about as tall as me probably taller and i never suspected it. my current wife is the same age as me which is 29 and people say she looks 16 or around that age

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8 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

Well most dating sites terms of service agreement is 18.

Also this wasn't pedophilia just statutory rape, depending on your jusdiction.

Her parents never knew about you? Be more careful with dating apps.

yeah i found that there's a lot of ways around that age restrictions thing on dating apps.

its statutory rape, i dont know the specifics tho but would it still be the case if i was deceived for 8 months?

and her grand mom and grand dad, do know me and we got along well but they passed away a few years ago too. and her dad was a drug addict and is in rehab multiple times and her mom dont know me at all.

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9 hours ago, Jennifer said:

I am also in tears to hear that she was murdered. You didn't mentioned your age! It's OK that you still dreamt about her because you have given memorable time of your life to her which could never be back, forgotten or relived. She will be always in your memory. Just don't get trapped in it. Take your time to heal, because you can't change the truth. Keep it in your mind that you have to move on in your life. 

thanks i was 20 at the time i'm 29 now. yeah i keep her close even though i'm married now 

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32 minutes ago, yamajii89 said:

its statutory rape, i dont know the specifics tho but would it still be the case if i was deceived for 8 months?

No if 18 is the age of consent where you are it's statutory rape.  It doesn't matter where her father is or what she told you. What matters is you had sex with a minor.

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Is your marriage all right? The reason I ask is you said you keep her close or the memory of her close. This is just a shot in the dark but it sounds like you're protecting yourself from a marriage that is unhappy or unfulfilling. You also mentioned suffering from depression or feeling down for two years after you broke up with your ex and got caught up with dating apps.

There is nothing wrong with remembering people who once mattered to us but if those thoughts are dominating your existence or daily life now and you're very troubled by the past, it's worth unpacking with someone. She was also a minor and what you did was all kinds of wrong and illegal. Talking about your love affair now outside the safety of therapy or counselling will get you a lot of backlash (as it should). This just is not right. 

What's the dynamic with your wife and you? Are you still on any dating apps? 

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