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I lost my best friend


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Hey everyone so i had my male best friend and we were together for 3 years we were in same school and he also know me well we like to talk to each other but recently I broke  friendship with him because of some reason and the reason are. 

In the 1 year of our friendship he confess his feeling to me but I never felt anything about him even after rejecting him he keep forcing  and tagging me in  relationship post so I cut all connection with him after few months I get to know  that he's in realtionship with another girl and he's happy so I decided to get in contact with him again after all he move on he also tell me that now he don't have any feelings for me 

I don't know what happen after few months he brokeup with his girlfriend 

 few days of his breakup I decided to get in realtionship with another boy . I told my best friend about him but he was not happy with my decision he even tell me not to accept his proposal but I didn't listen to him and I said yes to that boy after 1 months of realtionship I get to know my best friend talk *** about me in my back with his friends one of friends told me about him but I didn't believe him I even asked my best friend about this but he lied to me then I again go back to his friend but he told me that  he talked about me when I asked my best friend for second time and this time he accepted what he said about me after this I never trusted him I was upset but he apologized to me for many times. I was fool I decided to forgive him and rebuild our bond but the word he used to describe me it stuck on my head ,every time I think about  that word I feel bad and  regret to forgave him

Then I brokeup with my boyfriend because of some reason and after 2 year I decided to move on and get in realtionship with a guy 

And again this time my best friend was not agree with me even after this I said yes to him  and we were about to complete 2 year together but because of my mistake he dumped me 

For more clarification the mistake is that I decided to bunk lecture with my friend and her boyfriend , I told my best friend about this and he also want to come with me so I said yes but I was not confirmed should I call him or not but later I reject him not to come with me

 I also told my boyfriend about bunking a lecture with my friend and with her boyfriend but I didn't tell him about my best friend because he don't like him 

But in next morning day of bunking I called my best friend about why I told him not to come with me but he said he has some work over there where we I going so he want to come with me so I agree  and yeah we spend time together and one of my boyfriend's friend saw us together and before I tell my boyfriend all about this his friend tell him about us because of this my boyfriend dumped me 

After this I felt regret to called my best friend with me so I broke our friendship not only because of my boyfriend dumped me but also of that regret I felt 3 years ago 

Can anyone help me  did I did something wrong by breaking our friendship or should I contact him and apologize him for my behavior?


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1 hour ago, Zara12 said:

I get to know my best friend talk *** about me in my back with his friends 

I even asked my best friend about this but he lied to me then I again go back to his friend but he told me that  he talked about me when I asked my best friend for second time and this time he accepted what he said about me after this I never trusted him

I was upset but he apologized to me for many times. I was fool I decided to forgive him and rebuild our bond but the word he used to describe me it stuck on my head ,every time I think about  that word I feel bad and  regret to forgave him


Can anyone help me  did I did something wrong by breaking our friendship or should I contact him and apologize him for my behavior?


No, you should NOT contact him and apologize for your "behaviour".  What you really should do is dump him permanently from your life.  If this is what a "best friend" is like, then I would hate to see what a lousy friend is like.  Seriously, he sounds controlling, telling you not to date certain guys because he doesn't like them (sounds jealous too), he talks to his friends calling you bad names behind your back and lies to you.  WHY on earth would you even want such a jerk in your life?  

You can do a lot better than that.  Do you have such low self-esteem that you think his bad behaviour and how badly he treats you is somehow acceptable?  

Walk away from this jerk and never look back.  He is not a "best friend".

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Oh, ok. When your topic title stated "lost a friend", it sounded like someone died. Glad that is not the case.

He needs to move on and so do you. Stop having a male best friend if what you want is a BF.

You were holding each other back. And worse you were stringing him along.

Find a nice guy to have a mutually exclusive relationship with. Make some real female and male friends.

Don't string guys along for attention or loneliness.

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50 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

No, you should NOT contact him and apologize for your "behaviour".  What you really should do is dump him permanently from your life.  If this is what a "best friend" is like, then I would hate to see what a lousy friend is like.  Seriously, he sounds controlling, telling you not to date certain guys because he doesn't like them (sounds jealous too), he talks to his friends calling you bad names behind your back and lies to you.  WHY on earth would you even want such a jerk in your life?  

You can do a lot better than that.  Do you have such low self-esteem that you think his bad behaviour and how badly he treats you is somehow acceptable?  

Walk away from this jerk and never look back.  He is not a "best friend".

I think  you are right 😔 

Thanks for your advice 😊

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30 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Oh, ok. When your topic title stated "lost a friend", it sounded like someone died. Glad that is not the case.

He needs to move on and so do you. Stop having a male best friend if what you want is a BF.

You were holding each other back. And worse you were stringing him along.

Find a nice guy to have a mutually exclusive relationship with. Make some real female and male friends.

Don't string guys along for attention or loneliness.


Thankyou again 😊❣️

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I think it's obvious your "best friend" has romantic feelings for you and that's why he's jealous and has a problem with you dating other guys. Unfortunately I don't think your friendship will work out because your male friend likes you more than a friend and always did. He's probably jealous and hurt that you don't want to be his girlfriend so he's saying bad things about you behind your back to make himself feel better. You can't be friends with a guy if that guy has feelings for you. A boy and girl can only be friends if they both like each other only as a friend. He likes you as more than that so it's not really a true friendship.

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2 hours ago, Tinydance said:

I think it's obvious your "best friend" has romantic feelings for you and that's why he's jealous and has a problem with you dating other guys. Unfortunately I don't think your friendship will work out because your male friend likes you more than a friend and always did. He's probably jealous and hurt that you don't want to be his girlfriend so he's saying bad things about you behind your back to make himself feel better. You can't be friends with a guy if that guy has feelings for you. A boy and girl can only be friends if they both like each other only as a friend. He likes you as more than that so it's not really a true friendship.

Yep u r right but now it's over 😊

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