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Declining a FB add


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I met this lady a while back, she is an acquaintance. Very kind lady, and a good person. She recently asked me to add her to my FB.

I am a very private person. I literally only have family, and friends that I have known for 15+ years.

Even then, I have a very small group on there.

I mostly post if there is any news in my life, otherwise I am not really into FB like I was 10 years ago. In fact I have deleted the majority of contacts that were acquaintances or people that I didn't really know.

That being said, I am not comfortable adding this lady. But she is a very sweet person and I would hate to cause her any kind of hurt or upset.

How do I politely decline without hurting her feelings?

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Thanks, Seraphim.

Unfortunately it's already caused hurt feelings. 😞 

I'm not sure there is an easy way to tell someone no when they ask you to add them on FB.

There's reasonable explanations, but at the end of the day, they feel rejected.

Sigh...I wished I hadn't made this lady feel bad, but I truly don't know her well at all. 

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21 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

It's just Facebook.

I would rather be friends with someone in real life than on some electronic platform that is primarily showing me ads for products I don't want and "news feeds" from celebrities or "groups".

Yes , you could tell her FB means little it is the friendship that matters . 

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