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Escape from my non-existent cage


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this poem could seem a bit weird and i think that only i probably know its meaning but here it is anyway


the rain has finished falling,

the storm has worked its course,

i look through the shattered window

and consider my remorse


you werent the person that i took

you for it now would seem,

my thoughts were but illusion,

my hopes were but a dream


now finally can i move on,

though i am not sure quite what from,

and confused freedom in me lies

as there were never any ties


its funny how our lives turn out,

you're trapped instead of me,

i did not want it to be this way

but what will be will be


im glad i never tried you see

but i never had to cry you see

i lasted out this fantasy

and now its end has come


it never would have worked

and your friends they did but smirk

as you lost your way,

you lost respect,

your morals you have shirked


i do not damn i make it clear

my heart in pity lies

so choose the way that you shall live

i'll always stick with mine

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It seems on the surface that you are expressing your feelings about a relationship that tried to steer you in a direction that you found yourself unable to go, a relationship that pulled you into a world that filled you with emotional confusion. On one hand, the fantasy pulls at you, but despite its appeal, you begin to recognize not only its limits, but the conflict it creates within you. You make the choice to walk away, perhaps without judgment of the other person.


Although this appears to be about two people, it is also applicable in one's inner world where subpersonalities within us fight for dominance and attention, each trying to fulfill its own agenda. Sometimes the resultant confusion leaves a person feeling trapped and not knowing why. The same process of observation and discovery must occur within that you seem to have described without before the freedom to be true to yourself is chosen without reservation.

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Working on it is basically saying that this idea, can be applied to anyone with the same type of experience of a cruel breakup while watching the girl breakdown.


Most things that seem unique are not as unique as we think. Its the details, the journey you take to get the solution that is what makes your life interesting/unique. But if we all knew that every story was the same why would we live for it?


Its the details of life... that make us happy, its what keeps us going.



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