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when you find *** pictures/videos on your boyfriend's phone


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Question when you find *** pictures/videos on your boyfriend's phone of himself, should I be concerned that he may be sending them to someone. In my experience usually only time below the belt pictures are taken is to send them to someone. Or an I making this a bigger deal then it should be. I did confront him and he swears it’s just a weird thing he does. Not sure if I believe his answer. 

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Yup- is NOT just for him.

Not sure your ages... if he's been involved before you?  If he's been involved previously, could have very well used these 'pics' before ( This kinda crap's been going on forever) "weird'  :/

He may not be 'using them' right now - but pretty darn sure he has before.

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10 hours ago, Marie said:

These are recently new within the last few weeks. 

How long have you been dating? What prompted you to go through his phone? Did you have other doubts about him?

In itself it's weird but you need to have context to draw a conclusion as to what it's for and what it means.

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