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No contact is it working?


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i just need some of your thoughts as I’m abit confused to what my ex is playing at, I will make it brief, we was together a year and half we broke up around 3 weeks ago, we was very close but the relationship moved very fast, she moved in and the arguments started, she hated arguing so she ended it and moved out, I did do abit of begging straight after because I was confused because a day earlier we was happy but on the last argument she left the next morning when I was out, I know now tho that she had in her head she wanted to leave, I could sense things wasn’t right because she was quite cold, so I begged it abit a week later, I went to her mums and she got in my car and she said I’m so much happier and she wants me to meet someone and she’s not in love with me anymore, ouch! So I said fine if that’s what you want I will respect your wishes and I left, this was around a week and a half ago, I’ve gone no contact and tbf I’m also feeling happier, I think we just moved to quick, but I do love her and I would like to sort this out because of how good we actually was together! Anyway last night I posted on my business page of a job I did and I made a spelling mistake then I had a DM from an unknown user which I found out to be my ex, I will try upload picture and can you guys just let me know what u think she might be referring to because it’s just confused me I haven’t messaged her back but I’m just confused what to do as I’m in no contact, no won’t let me send picture, so she says:

ive corrected your mistake on Facebook because I know all about them

(Is she saying I made mistakes in relationship or she’s made a mistake ending it)

then my page automatically writes this when clients message:

thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible. We’ll get back to you soon.

and she writes 

your not responsive at all😂


I mean what’s that all about, does she think I’m going to be the one to reach out first when she told me them things and ended it, I’m just confused! If she’s more direct I will reply but I’m not going to mug myself off if it’s going to back fire, also I don’t want her to think I’m not interested and then that’s the last time she messages?

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So if things were so "great" why the arguments? What were they about? Is she the passive aggressive type? expect you to read her mind when something isn't right?  I get it, living together for the first time take a lot of adjustment was that the issue, like someone not washing the dishes, tired of this or that? Where did it go wrong? Do you even know?

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Sadly... too much too fast you said.  Too much arguing and she admitted no love there :(.

You said.. No more contact, then don't!

No mind games... she is not interested in you that way anymore.. and the BEST way to work on accepting is to walk away - completely.  So YOU can work on accepting & healing now.


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8 hours ago, gamon said:

No contact isn't some sort of manipulative game to try to trick your ex into wanting back in, it's for helping you heal and move on with your life.


And that’s exactly what I’m doing I was getting over her and healing then I get a message that doesn’t make sense so I was asking peoples thoughts

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I think you should let it go and maintain no contact. This woman's intentions do not seem good. She's being passive aggressive, condescending and throwing bread crumbs at you. 

She is the one who broke up with you when you wanted to work things out. Now she's stalking you on Facebook - be careful. Change all your passwords!


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Sorry this happened. Why did it "move too quickly"?

What were the arguments about? 

It seems like you should be glad all the drama is over. Why would you even want to resurrect this nightmare?

Do yourself a favor. Delete and block her and all her people from ALL your social media and messaging apps.

This way you are free to talk to and meet women you're more compatible with.

Next time don't rush in. Pace yourself.

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Arguments with much resolution so early on to me point to incompatibility.

Of that indeed was her anonymously messaging you with that, then shows negative traits, not positive one or ones toward reconciliation. Good job with no contact so far, as many with tell you, that is for you. There are times I’ve had to tell myself maybe they’ll come back if I don’t reach out, but that’s just to empower myself. Or to make it seem a little easier to leave it be. I’ve gone through it enough times to know that it does get better and you do heal by not hanging around or talking to your ex.

She left you and hurt you. Even if that was her it’s breadcrumbs and bad ones. Anything other than her calling you and explaining that she made a mistake and would like to reconcile would warrant any response. Only then would I even consider the conversation (yes a good talk to weigh your options and what exactly went wrong). Even then, do you really want to risk going back, or start fresh with someone new? 

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10 hours ago, Steve83 said:

And that’s exactly what I’m doing I was getting over her and healing then I get a message that doesn’t make sense so I was asking peoples thoughts

Then why is the thread titled "Is no contact working"?

Surely you know if you're getting over her and healing without asking strangers?

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4 hours ago, Hollyj said:

"she wants me to meet someone and she’s not in love with me anymore, ouch!"   This should be your only focus, not spelling corrections.


Also, your should be doing spell checks on anything business-related.  

*you 😉

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