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Should I keep talking to someone that I recently reconnected with since high school
about a week ago, or should I stop? They told me they want to see where it goes, but also told me that they wonder if it's loneliness and isolation due to being single and because of the pandemic that has them drawn to me, they told me that they question
themselves about that quite frequently..but on one hand they did invite me out for coffee whenever we both had the time.. Or we could walk my dog together (following the CDC guidelines)  I've asked them if things get better do they feel that the
novelty of me would have worn off, and they said that they don't think so as long as we come to understand one another, and they would like for us to explore some hobbies
together. I'm soo confused. is this pandemic loneliness and i will be dropped shortly after things improve or something real?

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I'm confused.  You are speaking with an old friend?  But fear they will fade away again?

Or is this more than friends? As you are speaking of walking your dog.. hobbies etc.


10 minutes ago, saralee5 said:

I've asked them if things get better do they feel that the
novelty of me would have worn off, and they said that they don't think so as long as we come to understand one another,

The novelty?  Like they will get bored of you or something?  Hard to say if it's been a long while.

I am not sure your age - or when you guys were last in HS?  IMO, it will seem they are very different now, since

life will change you, if it has been like 20 yrs.

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41 minutes ago, saralee5 said:

they wonder if it's loneliness and isolation due to being single and because of the pandemic that has them drawn to me

Wow, that's a pretty big insult. Why do you feel the need to continue talking to someone who would say this to you?

They have basically said " I am out of options, so you will do for now".

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52 minutes ago, saralee5 said:

 they did invite me out for coffee whenever we both had the time.. Or we could walk my dog together (following the CDC guidelines)  

The only way to tell if you want to continue hanging out is to go have coffee.

No one can reassure you of anything by just catching up through chitchat.

Are either of you in or just out of a relationship?

Are you seeking friendship or a dating situation?

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1 hour ago, SherrySher said:

Wow, that's a pretty big insult. Why do you feel the need to continue talking to someone who would say this to you?

They have basically said " I am out of options, so you will do for now".

That's exactly what I was thinking too.  I'd head for the hills.

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8 hours ago, saralee5 said:

 told me that they wonder if it's loneliness and isolation due to being single and because of the pandemic that has them drawn to me, they told me that they question themselves about that quite frequently..

I wouldn't continue communication with someone if they had the gall to the say that to me. 


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When someone gives you a warning about themselves, it always comes to be. Just like in naval terms when a ship fires a warning shot, it's forcing you to stop or alter course. Make for the horizon, girl. You've got a pirate in your midst! 🚢

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I read it a bit differently. I think the person seems candid actually and more self-aware than a lot of individuals who are looking for company in the midst of isolation (and current health restrictions)! There's some room for misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Meet for coffee in person to get a better feel if you feel comfortable.

The reality is - people drop people or things don't work out for any number of reasons. The pandemic is just one out of thousands upon thousands of ways a connection or dating scenario doesn't work out. You seem emotionally attached already which makes me wonder if you're feeling okay overall or fresh out of a relationship?

If you are unsure or don't trust for whatever reason listen to your gut instincts. You seem unsure so don't proceed or meet with this person until you feel more comfortable or safe about whether you both can respect each other enough to maintain your covid-safe distance or boundaries. 

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I would not count on this going somewhere.

I would assure them that lots of people are feeling lonely and are reaching out to people who they feel a bit nostalgic about so its nothing to be ashamed about.  Tell him that you are not interested in anything more than catching up with an old friend and that's all. Maybe he is fishing -- kind of worried that you think he wants more and is heading it off. 


And in the meantime find other people to also take walks with/

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