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She loves, kisses me, hugs me, says she look forward a future with me but does'nt want sex


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As the Titile says, she does not want to have sex with me, don't know what i am doing wrong, we have like once a year it feels like, been together almost 3 years, everytime we meet and talk to her about this she gets upset. must say i am in the military now so i am away from here 2-4 weeks and then 1 or 2 weeks off, maybe that's the problem? i have not mentioned it at all to make her feel like i am not addicted but this is slowly killing me a little. Think i should do a serious talk.

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You two have been together for almost 3 years. There should’ve been a conversation about this before that mark. It’s not too late but you need to sit down and ask her why. Hear her reason. If it’s something you can deal with then decide if it’s worth staying in that relationship. Just communicate. 

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You have sex once a year?  I am sure you are exaggerating but lets say 4 times a year.  That is 12 times since you met.  Once a woman I am dating get to the inmate part we have sex 12 times in the first week... okay maybe not 12 times but close.

If she is not interested in sex then it isn't something you can fix or somehow make her want it.  Time to get to the bottom of this once and for all.  You need to hear her say the words so you can end this relationship and move on with your life so you can meet a woman that more closely matches your desire for intimacy.

This is not about right or wrong, it is about differences.   I do give you a huge amount of credit for being so patient but you have gone to far and not spoken up on what you want in a relationship which is on you.  


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