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2 year old crosses eyes


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My baby is two. She's always crossed her eyes, but now at two she still upon occasion does it. Not constantly or weekly even but it still happens. I've called her Dr and we're setting up a appointment, but I'm just wondering if anyone has expirience or knowledge with this. Her father and both of his sister's have pretty severe constant lazy eyes, but not crossed. I have vision problems, but not crossing or lazy eyes.

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I used to do that all the time when I was a kid. I just liked seeing how there was a slightly different image in each eye, and that I could separate them.

Sometimes, if I crossed my eyes over straight lines or a crosshatch, it would create an optical illusion where the lines appeared closer to me than they were. 

I've always had perfect vision, no lazy eyes, no brain damage. Still about 20/20 as I approach 44. Just starting to get far-sighted. 

I was just a curious kid. I very much enjoyed exploring my senses, and the way that my body worked. 


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It could most definitely be weak eye muscles.  She may or may not require surgery depending on severity and what is physiologically causing it -- make sure she is checked both for eye muscle issues as well as -- not to alarm you - but brain tumors as well.  Its probably 95% more likely to be the former, but you can never be too careful.

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