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Lonely in chi

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Long distance relationship complacency

We met online on a euchre App Totally not looking for someone but became friends and fell in love. Because of Covid our plans have been changed time and time again we’ve seen each other once before for eight days and it was wonderful but unfortunately it’s been a year since we seen each other. I love the person he is but we seem to be fighting more and more I know we need to see each other but it’s literally 

impossible. He is from New Zealand and I am from US in the Midwest (where we are definitely more intense where New Zealanders I am more laid-back) We have always been on the same page but lately it has been so strained that I can’t see a happy end. I think we both keep feeling more and unhappy and I don’t how to know how to fix it. When is enough enough ?when do you know you’re done? when should you be done? when do you give up and look for something easier.::::Feeling lost and hopeless in Chicago

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In a kind of similar boat, the guy I’m sweet on went back to India in august and he ain’t coming back till the borders reopen. We weren’t heaps close when he left, just curious. But we stayed in touch and grew closer I think. At this point we try and talk on the phone once a day and have a common understanding that if one is going to go dark for a long time they’ll give the other a heads up. When he first left I thought it might be a couple of years before we’re face to face again. Before him I was contentish  single so not in a huge hurry to find another and I haven’t minded waiting so much. But I imagine getting into conflicts would change that feeling a lot. If you had to wait two years would you still want to? Would he? 

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3 hours ago, Lonely in chi said:

We have always been on the same page but lately it has been so strained that I can’t see a happy end.

Has something changed in your life? His? Can you give a little more information about how things have been strained between you?

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Sorry to hear that. LDRs are very difficult to maintain in general and during pandemic restrictions in particular.

Step back from this. Perhaps get more involved in your local life with work/school, friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, interests, sports, etc.

Try to consider this a gaming buddy rather than a relationship you have to struggle to maintain.

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