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Ex girlfriend

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Soooo my story goes like this i met my ex girlfriend 3 years agos from working together within 3 months of the relationship she moved in she was 24 I was 20.


 Soo we spent spent everyday together she was happy I was happy I used to pay everything for her and she did the same to me she got extremely jealous, if I had girl mates or speaking to one while playing a game she used to get really defensive if someone said bad about me,till the whole covid thing she ended up wanting to go back to Lithuanian for good to stay with her mum and look after her. 

It was really weird as she didn't invite me and I was stupid enough not to offer, we both said we will keep a long distance relationship going and we did for 3 weeks till we had a tiny argument and that seemed to of ended it as i called it and sent a message saying I wanted to break up not knowing how much this would hurt me.

She accepted it almost immediately and took all photos and status down all her family removed me,then I realised I didn't want that tired messaging her she blocked me on everything I didn't know what to do.

Alot of people would say this was stupid but I ended up following my heart went to Lithuanian to apologise in person not knowing the language was pretty difficult.

She didn't let me in right away I asked to talk about it she didn't want hear it soo I didn't go there just to get rejected and stay in a hotel for 3 days I managed to say we will be friends and go out she had to think about that, then we ended up going out she didn't want me to touch her ever time i did she would move the hand.

Anyway she took me to the places she always wanted to we went swimming and also the pub spoke about family friends just like we was a couple again  she said I could stay at hers for the 3 nights pulled out another bed for me.

I felt abit disappointed as 3 years in the same bed together I took her in she was struggling and she pulled another bed out was like okay and slept in.

Ended up going home she took me to the airport hugged me said message when I land and I did she said good carried on speaking for about a week then I messaged her telling how I felt she blocked me 

This was 4 months ago now I honestly lying if I said I didn't miss her she was everything to me, speaking to other girls at the moment but none bring the same feeling, should I try to speak to her or has all been lost

thanks for the time really would like advice abit depressed 



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Take this as a lesson learned. Do not play fake breakup games. Presume that if you break up with someone they will assume you meant it. Also, don't use breaking up as a way to try to "win" an argument or to get your own way. Do not be manipulative.

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This is over forever, man. 

It hurts but it sounds like maybe this is for the best. If she wanted to go back to Lithuania for good, what other option did you really have? Would you have moved and lived there for the rest of your life? 

In any case, as Bolt rightly points out above, never break up with someone unless you actually want the relationship to end permanently. Sometimes there is no going back. 

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If someone ever broke up with me, out of nowhere, over a 'tiny argument', I'd consider going back with him to mean a future of walking on eggshells, trying to avoid the next tiny argument.

It would feel like being held hostage. There's no way I'd be willing to live like that.

Consider that most people view breakups as forever, and those who don't are either manipulative or willing to be manipulated.




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Nooo.. leave it all alone now.  You two broke up- she left for home & blocked you?

You took off over there, so she felt obligated to deal with you while there.  You came back home, few days later

she blocked you again.

No more.  It;s done.  Don't chase or beg.  Nothing.


Sorry.. I know it hurts!  :(.  It will for a while.. BUT in order to get over this BU, you NEED to work on accepting & moving on.  So, NO more contact or expectations.


In time, as you accept & heal.. it will hurt less & less.  One can heal pretty well.. all takes time.

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