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New Years Eve plans?


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Mine will be very quiet. My city is in near full lockdown, I think most cities are? It's going to be a strange New Years (nothing new with how this year has been).

I am trying to stay positive, keep the hope that this new year will bring good things and a resolution to this virus.

What will you be doing? Is your city in lockdown? 

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Home with my brother and nephew! Since we are still battling the effects of Covid we are not exactly raring to go. I am planning to make a batch of mulled wine and we may watch a movie.

My kids are coming over New Years day for a belated Christmas celebration. I am looking forward to that!


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6 minutes ago, SherrySher said:

Here's another question....if you heard your neighbors having a big party, would you call it in, or will you call it in?

I live in a military community the minute you say anything about ANYONE it is known around the community before lunch it is best to keep your head down and out of other people’s business. It can affect you personally or your spouse’s career. 

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10 hours ago, SherrySher said:

What will you be doing? Is your city in lockdown?

We usually stay in. We have a special meal that we make. 

I've been kind of over New Year's for a long time now 😄

10 hours ago, SherrySher said:

Is your city in lockdown?

Our indoor capacity rules have changed, but we are no longer in lockdown.

1 hour ago, SherrySher said:

Here's another question....if you heard your neighbors having a big party, would you call it in, or will you call it in?

My police-officer neighbor across the hall had a huge party on the very first night of lockdown, back in March. He has parties regularly, and there are always people going in and out of his apartment. Nobody has reported him. 

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1 hour ago, boltnrun said:

It's funny you ask that because where I used to live, the neighbors who live in the building next door were having parties every weekend, then they suddenly stopped. I presume someone from their building reported them. It wasn't me!

Someone must have said something. Part of me feels bad, but part of me feels that it's for the good of everyone to put a stop to it right now due to the pandemic.

I read an article the other day that said the US is now having "a tsunami" of new cases and in some areas, they are literally telling people that if you have any kind of medical crisis, they cannot help you as the hospitals are completely overrun. 

That's scary.

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1 hour ago, Seraphim said:

I live in a military community the minute you say anything about ANYONE it is known around the community before lunch it is best to keep your head down and out of other people’s business. It can affect you personally or your spouse’s career. 

Does living in the military community ever feel comforting though? Like you always have people in similar situations and possibly watching out for one another?

Or can it feel somewhat overbearing with everyone always knowing what is going on with you?

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15 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

My police-officer neighbor across the hall had a huge party on the very first night of lockdown, back in March. He has parties regularly, and there are always people going in and out of his apartment. Nobody has reported him. 

A police officer! 😯 He should know better, and be an example! Dang!

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24 minutes ago, Jibralta said:


I've been kind of over New Year's for a long time now 😄


I was just thinking the same thing.  It was always such a novelty to stay in and cook something amazing, like crab legs, champagne and a roaring fire.   Hmmm. . .that's every Saturday night this year! 

Well, maybe not the crab legs.

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No set plans on this end, but I've always made a point of not making a big deal out of NYE. 

Throughout the pandemic, here and there, my girlfriend, her child, and I have had "going out" nights that entail me cooking something special, menus drawn by the youngest resident, cocktails mixed by girlfriend, and then the three of us getting very dressed up. So perhaps we'll do a version of that. 

We've established a small pod of sorts, consisting of four friends, so there's a possibility of a responsible hang there as well. Those have been edifying and grounding this year, so could be a nice way to stretch into the new one. 

As for neighbors and parties? I wouldn't call the police—just not my way—but it's a theoretical concern in these parts. Quiet hood, no real riff-raff. 

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A You Tuber I watch mentioned going to a 3 day long houseboat party attended by about 30 people this summer hosted by a DOCTOR.  Yes, a doctor.

And when she was exposed to Covid right before Thanksgiving he told her if her mother didn't want her to come visit due to her exposure, she should fly to Hawaii to spend Thanksgiving with him.  Get on an airplane while possibly Covid positive.

Again, this is a DOCTOR.

People flew for the holidays, many of whom were not traveling to see family but were going on vacation because they were "bored at home".  I wonder how "bored" they'll be while on oxygen in the hospital or while on a ventilator.

Grrr...I feel I have the right to kvetch since I caught Covid through community spread!

BTW, my brother is planning to cook a standing rib roast and I am going to try to procure some tamales.  Yum yum!  Sadly, my nephew still can't taste anything 😞

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1 hour ago, SherrySher said:

Does living in the military community ever feel comforting though? Like you always have people in similar situations and possibly watching out for one another?

Or can it feel somewhat overbearing with everyone always knowing what is going on with you?

Let’s put it this way, one day I found out what was happening at my OWN house from FB and I was AT WORK. Just keep your head down and your nose in your own business. 

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22 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Let’s put it this way, one day I found out what was happening at my OWN house from FB and I was AT WORK. Just keep your head down and your nose in your own business. 

Before social media (and even home computers or cell phones lol...I'm old), my mom would get phone calls if I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be or doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing.  WHILE I was still there/doing the bad thing!

I grew up in a very small town and went to a very small private school.  Everyone knew everyone.

I was pleased to see my immediate neighbors did not host gatherings for Christmas or Hanukkah.  They all seem very mindful of the pandemic.  Which is nice because my state as a whole is doing awful.

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Never been a fan of New Years.  Nothing against it, just staying up that late doesn't appeal to me.  Maybe my younger years of working restaurants ruined what I refer to as drinking holidays for me. . NYE, Cinco De Mayo, St Pat's etc.  Can't erase what I've witnessed waiting on intoxicated people.

A good friend is a fabulous hostess.  Maybe 3 years in a row a group of us would go to her home for dinner and a New York NYE.  Being on the west coast we can watch the televised ball drop in Times Square at 9pm, our time.  I'm in my pjs, safe in bed by 10.

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