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why does he say bye so quick?

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quick question.....


my ex calls me here n there, like once month, were exs of almost 4 months.


he usualy send me an email or reply to a email n says hey i will call ut his weekend to catch up..


the thing is when he calls me he sounds happy as do i, but i talk alot asking him how he is etc because hes alwya sbeen quiet short type.......


anyways the weird thing is this....when i say ok im goin to go now he doesnt even say ok or give one second for me to say wa snice talkin to u or ANYTHING he IMMEDITAELY says BYE.


its like this....me well i should go' him" BYE within half a second.


everytime i hang up im like staring at the phone in disbelife of how weird it is.......


anyone know what this could be balout? hahah kinda larfin, but it bothers me as to why he does it, its so weird

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He still likes you. And is really nervous, like he wants to end the conversation, but he doesn't because he wants to talk to you. If that makes sense. Like he's interested, but is too afraid to talk to long because of his nervousness and the butterflies he gets in his stomach lol.

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I disagree with MetallicAguy--he calls once a month, probably because he feels obligated to, so why are you even dwelling on what it means? When you say that you are ready to hang up, he has fulfilled his 'obligation' of making sure you are doing all right and is free to go.


I think he says "bye" so quickly because he is your ex and now has better things to do with his life.

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When you two were together did you say "I love you" or any other cutesie phrase before hanging up the phone?

I'm going through a separation with my husband and his goodbyes are very quick. He'll go from saying what he needed/wanted to "bye" in an instant and I know it is to rush through the part where we used to say I love you. I think it is just less awkward than the have it hanging for a few minutes.

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Hey guys.


Thanks for all your replies.


Its probably tre about him not wantin to talk to me, only becase i think the worst like that when im unsure........but to be honest it really doesnt feel like that.....


the reason i think its so weird is because no reason makes much sense.....


i mean he so doesnt have to call me, when we broke up i was cool with it, u see we were v close and v honest with one another n i always try to understand, plus i know beggin or cryin wont do anythin..so i just moved on..BUT it would hurt me v much if we hadnt stayed friends because theres no reason we shouldnt be, our break up was over fine reasons, and he never did ythin to hurt me, lie to me, or anything, he was amaing and truly my best friend.


he emails me, and tells me he wil call me, he even makes sure to message me and say i cant call u tonight but i will tomrrow at 8, and stuff liek that, so i dont think its cos he doesnt want to talk to me.


i even felt guilty about the fact i have never once called him since we broke up so i txt him 2 weeks ago to say hey we should catch up soo, he callled me straight away n said i will callu tomorrow as im out now........i mean why would he have bothered callin me then to let me know he couldnt talk if he doesnt wnat to talk to me n thats why he hangs up so soon.....


i mean this is why its so weird!!


does he only call me out of guilt? and thats why he hangs up so weird? ive never made him feel guilty, infact ive made sure to let him know never to feel bad about us breakin up n that im fine n only wnat what he does etc..........


so why does he act so weird.........its almost rude hahahaha


im just curious, i mean who does that??!!


thanks for postin me u guys

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If he's ringing you immediatley after you txt him, this shows a sign of interest. i know you must have your reasons for spliting, however, I cant understand the attention your both giving each other. I can tell (from a male point of view) that he still likes you, I think you need to take a step back and ask yourself do you like him enough now to give things another go. It seems he's still got feelings for you so try talking with him in person about how you both feel and why this is happening. If not maybe its best to still stay in contact but lay off things, make it known to him your intentions are to move on before someone gets hurt. hope it works out for you guys.

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Well of course i still have feelings for him but i dont know if i would want to get back with him ( he dumped me, saying he wasnt ready for it to get any more serious as he was goin thru some things, and he tends to hid ein his cave, and it was pretty serious then, and he needed to sort himself out) i believe theres always more to the story tho.


so even tho i was strong enuff to let it go, i dont know if i am strong enough to get back with him if he wanted to, i mean he dumped me and i had to start movin on u know, and of course it hurt.


Thats somethin i wouldnt know till happened. the thing is thats nto my focus, my focus now is us as friends.


we dont hang out, neither of us have ever asked the other to see one another in person since the split. I guess neither of us would know how to be, and plus nowadays he works nights , i work days. and i do uni and so does he and its all very busy. we could make a time if we REALLY wnated to but we just havent. i dont know if i would even want to. i lik ebeing in touch tho.


i love him very very much tho, love not in love, i was in love with him tho. hes v special to me n thats why our friendship matters, thats why im curious why he hangs up so quick.


Thanks for all your insight.


i trust him n he can trust me that neither of us would do things to hurt the other so all should b ok, i was just curious.


thanks heaps

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