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1 hour ago, Capricorn3 said:

Same here.  My oncologist told me at this stage not to get any shots because due to a very weak immune system, your body may not respond as well, or the vaccine may not work at all.  

Interesting information! I did get the flu shot and my pharmacist said I should get a booster, so maybe that was why.

Anyhow, I’ll do what my doc says.

My sister just had her first chemo last week - I wonder what her doctor will say...

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2 hours ago, Hollyj said:

How selfish can someone get.   I believe the wife stated they  suspected that he had Covid, yet they got on a full plane.   I hate these people!   One of the passengers that gave him CPR said that the suspected as they had heard him coughing when he boarded.


The passengers that tried to save him are angels.   Can't get more selfless than that!

So sad. You are right, those passengers are angels. It brings tears to my eyes...

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😲 I am reading this thread about the guy on the airplane and wow!! I cannot believe how incredibly selfish people are!

That man should have been in a hospital and secondly, he has now caused others to get sick or even possibly die due to his selfishness.

There is no doubt those around him (or even the whole flight) will now get sick...and what about the others that have come into contact with the people from this flight?

Total nightmare situation and just goes to show the lack of caring people have for anyone but themselves.

I know not all are like that, but all you need is a few rotten apples and this pandemic will continue being as bad as it is.

I spoke to one of my friends from Australia yesterday and she told me that a few flight attendants decided to go party at one of the beaches there with loads of other people.

They have now caused an outbreak and the cases keep piling up, Sydney is in lockdown. 😞 

It truly is a shame that people refuse to do right and to be as careful as possible.

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Just picking a country at random, the U.K.

Annual death rate (example 2018)  541,589.

(Illnesses, accidents, old age, murder/suicide, etc.)

This year 67.616 have died due to Covid, or more accurately Covid-related conditions. 

I feel it is important to keep things in perspective.  Giving into panic and believing every word of sensationalist media coverage is so counterproductive.

Until we can get vaccinated we just need to continue to exercise caution.  Everyone is weary after ten long months of upheaval,  of living in a kind of limbo, with the toll that is taking on people's mental health. 





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I doubt that many read The Lancet Wisey. lol.  T.V. and radio drama is much more "fun".

The WHO has this to say:

  • Minimize newsfeeds. Try to reduce how much you watch, read or listen to news that makes you feel anxious or distressed. Seek the latest information at specific times of the day, once or twice a day if needed. "

Couple of days ago I had a call from one of my husband's  nieces, for the other side of the world. In panicky voice she launched with " Are you all right?"

A quick look at myself assured me I was "all right" and a quick glance out the window assured me that nuclear war had not broken out. When eventually I could get a word in edgeways my tone cooled down the conversation!  

"It's just that we were watching the news from over there."  I am afraid I told her, more tartly than I might have wished, to stop watching the "news" and more importantly to stop panicking. 

Closer to home a colleague phoned me and was telling me her son caught Covid. He would be around 30. Only symptom was loss of taste and smell. He is now well and back at work. He and six friends had a BBQ (outdoors obviously).  All seven caught Covid, but no serious symptoms and all are now well. Strangely, the mother of one of them, in whose garden this BBQ took place and with whom they were in contact, did not get Covid, even though obviously a much older person. 

So no, we are NOT all going to die of Covid,or even get seriously ill.  



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On 12/21/2020 at 1:10 PM, Hollyj said:

Why would they give antibiotics for a virus?   It is only effective on bacteria.  

True, antibiotics are for bacteria. However, z packs have been given out to outpatients with covid for many months even if they don't show any suspicion of another bacterial illness. 

Some claim it's for secondary infections but I'm doubtful. This antibiotic cropped up in the early days of the pandemic, when people were not thinking and were just throwing s__t on the wall and seeing what would stick. 

I have little to no faith in most medical professionals' ability to have critical thinking skills. The crap I've seen PERSONALLY during this pandemic as a medical professional would make your head spin. I have no faith in the American health system. 

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Also, it's been days since my vaccine and I'm still alive. Arm pain is gone. I've had alcohol, I've done chores, I exercised, I've been to the grocery store, etc. My immune system appears to be working, I haven't keeled over, I can't feel a microchip in my arm, and I'm not dead (yet). 

I'm almost wishing I had anti Vax friends who think I'm on the verge of death so I can send them a daily text update "guess who is still alive, b__ches!" 

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4 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

Also, it's been days since my vaccine and I'm still alive. Arm pain is gone. I've had alcohol, I've done chores, I exercised, I've been to the grocery store, etc. My immune system appears to be working, I haven't keeled over, I can't feel a microchip in my arm, and I'm not dead (yet). 

Awesome update. Honestly, I am envious. I can't wait till my family and I are allowed the vaccine.

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12 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

Also, it's been days since my vaccine and I'm still alive. Arm pain is gone. I've had alcohol, I've done chores, I exercised, I've been to the grocery store, etc. My immune system appears to be working, I haven't keeled over, I can't feel a microchip in my arm, and I'm not dead (yet). 

I'm almost wishing I had anti Vax friends who think I'm on the verge of death so I can send them a daily text update "guess who is still alive, b__ches!" 

Hahahaha love it. I know anti vaxxers and I just might do that after I get it. 

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I can't wait for you guys to get it! I'm still being very cautious (still stuck at home, still not seeing my family, still wearing masks everywhere) but I'll see them next month. The peace of mind is awesome, I feel better than I have in a long time 

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1 minute ago, Seraphim said:

Hahahaha love it. I know anti vaxxers and I just might do that after I get it. 

I have a colleague who is immunocompromised and got the vaccine (her doctors pushed for her to get it, she's in a high risk environment AND she is immunocompromised) and she is doing that now almost daily. She's had people tell her that she's going to die now from the vaccine so she updates them with how she's doing 🙂

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1 minute ago, Fudgie said:

I have a colleague who is immunocompromised and got the vaccine (her doctors pushed for her to get it, she's in a high risk environment AND she is immunocompromised) and she is doing that now almost daily. She's had people tell her that she's going to die now from the vaccine so she updates them with how she's doing 🙂


I have people tell me I am gonna die from the flu vaccine or it made Aunt Myrtle die or whatever. 99.9% of the time they are full of it . Do vaccine reactions happen? Yes , but it is rare. Never died yet or had a reaction to any vaccine I have ever received. 

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9 minutes ago, Seraphim said:


I have people tell me I am gonna die from the flu vaccine or it made Aunt Myrtle die or whatever. 99.9% of the time they are full of it . Do vaccine reactions happen? Yes , but it is rare. Never died yet or had a reaction to any vaccine I have ever received. 

You haven't died yet?  That made me lol, that is awesome.

Maybe they'll try to convince you that you're dead.  Well, if you're dead you look pretty fresh.  No flies buzzing around!

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2 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

You haven't died yet?  That made me lol, that is awesome.

Maybe they'll try to convince you that you're dead.  Well, if you're dead you look pretty fresh.  No flies buzzing around!

Or they tell me vaccines caused my son to be Autistic. Wha??? You mean it is not genetic 😦


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34 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

Also, it's been days since my vaccine and I'm still alive. Arm pain is gone. I've had alcohol, I've done chores, I exercised, I've been to the grocery store, etc. My immune system appears to be working, I haven't keeled over, I can't feel a microchip in my arm, and I'm not dead (yet). 

I'm almost wishing I had anti Vax friends who think I'm on the verge of death so I can send them a daily text update "guess who is still alive, b__ches!" 

Great stuff, Fudgie!  I am so envious.  

I haven't had a vaccination of any kind since I was a child, and never did I think I'd be so madly keen to get a needle jabbed into my arm. Lol. 


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2 hours ago, HeartGoesOn said:

Fudgie...Are they still doing a follow up shot after a period of three weeks?

Yes. I got my appointment for my 2nd shot at the time I got my first one. I get my second done in early Jan. I had the Pfizer one, not the Moderna one, but the Moderna one also requires a 2nd dose.

The bothersome side effects are more likely to happen after the 2nd dose, not the first one. Headache, fever, body aches, etc. 

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21 hours ago, Fudgie said:

True, antibiotics are for bacteria. However, z packs have been given out to outpatients with covid for many months even if they don't show any suspicion of another bacterial illness. 

Some claim it's for secondary infections but I'm doubtful. This antibiotic cropped up in the early days of the pandemic, when people were not thinking and were just throwing s__t on the wall and seeing what would stick. 

I have little to no faith in most medical professionals' ability to have critical thinking skills. The crap I've seen PERSONALLY during this pandemic as a medical professional would make your head spin. I have no faith in the American health system. 

 Thank you for the info. I was thinking they were administering for the actual Covid, which I did not understand.  Do they still give antibiotics?


I hear you regarding our health system!   

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21 hours ago, Fudgie said:

Also, it's been days since my vaccine and I'm still alive. Arm pain is gone. I've had alcohol, I've done chores, I exercised, I've been to the grocery store, etc. My immune system appears to be working, I haven't keeled over, I can't feel a microchip in my arm, and I'm not dead (yet). 

I'm almost wishing I had anti Vax friends who think I'm on the verge of death so I can send them a daily text update "guess who is still alive, b__ches!" 

Aren't those people incredible.   We must do what is best for the greater good.   We cannot continue down this path, for so many reasons.  

Thrilled you are feeling great!   I am envious of you!

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We have the Moderna vaccine where I work and we started vaccinating staff today, and EMS will begin this afternoon.  I declined the shot and decided to wait until after Christmas.  Purely personal decision.  I've had reactions in the past with other vaccines and I didn't want to be sick over Christmas.

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1 hour ago, Hollyj said:

 Thank you for the info. I was thinking they were administering for the actual Covid, which I did not understand.  Do they still give antibiotics?


I hear you regarding our health system!   

I have a family friend who is sick at home with covid and she recently got a z-pack. It doesn't make sense to me and she has no risk factors for developing a bacterial infection. Many doctors here are still giving out this but I know you probably won't get it in the hospital. 

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4 minutes ago, waffle said:

We have the Moderna vaccine where I work and we started vaccinating staff today, and EMS will begin this afternoon.  I declined the shot and decided to wait until after Christmas.  Purely personal decision.  I've had reactions in the past with other vaccines and I didn't want to be sick over Christmas.

Totally understandable. Honestly if I lived with family and could have a celebration, I may have waited on the vaccine too. I've been sick over the holidays too and it's MISERABLE. Enjoy yourself! 

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1 minute ago, Fudgie said:

I have a family friend who is sick at home with covid and she recently got a z-pack. It doesn't make sense to me and she has no risk factors for developing a bacterial infection. Many doctors here are still giving out this but I know you probably won't get it in the hospital. 

Some docs love to prescribe the antibiotics, which can be quite dangerous.  

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