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The Vaccine


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My heart goes out to you, Bolt. I'm holding you in my thoughts for a fast and gentle recovery.

Unfortunately, today has brought a cascade of news from states throughout the US that the federal administration has cut their vaccine distribution for next week by at least 30%--without any explanation.

Alex Azar of Health and Human services won't answer direct questions but tried to pass this off as a Pfizer issue. However Pfizer quickly countered that they have no supply chain problems and have full distributions ready and waiting--sitting on shelves--but the federal government refuses to offer instructions on where to send the shipments.

The timing could appear to be federal retaliation against the electoral vote this week, but I hope you will all contact your house and senate representatives to get to the bottom of this delay quickly.


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Thank you, Catfeeder 

The politicization of this pandemic has resulted in thousands upon thousands of deaths. Being "the nation of the individual" now has an unpleasant meaning.


It's nice to be among reasonable, caring individuals on this site.

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I just read an update. Some people went into Anaphylactic shock from the vaccine. They are warning those with severe allergic reactions to food or drugs/medication, to have their Epipen ready and wait 30 mins or just pass on the vaccine, not take the risk. That looks like I'm out because I'm so allergic to so many things 😞

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20 hours ago, LaHermes said:

Yes, Holly and yes again!  The sooner the better.  I've reached a point where if I could get it by putting down money, I would!  I am so so fed up.  

As for the lunatic fringe, well, they'll always be around.  I am beginning to think the ditherers are worse!  I get: "Are you not afraid of the vaccine?", or "I think I'll wait to see how the vaccine affects others".  They try my patience so sorely.  


I so agree.   

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13 hours ago, catfeeder said:

My heart goes out to you, Bolt. I'm holding you in my thoughts for a fast and gentle recovery.

Unfortunately, today has brought a cascade of news from states throughout the US that the federal administration has cut their vaccine distribution for next week by at least 30%--without any explanation.

Alex Azar of Health and Human services won't answer direct questions but tried to pass this off as a Pfizer issue. However Pfizer quickly countered that they have no supply chain problems and have full distributions ready and waiting--sitting on shelves--but the federal government refuses to offer instructions on where to send the shipments.

The timing could appear to be federal retaliation against the electoral vote this week, but I hope you will all contact your house and senate representatives to get to the bottom of this delay quickly.


Unbelievable.   The vindictiveness of this administration!   Nothing surprises me anymore.  


Thanks for the info!

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12 hours ago, boltnrun said:

Thank you, Catfeeder 

The politicization of this pandemic has resulted in thousands upon thousands of deaths. Being "the nation of the individual" now has an unpleasant meaning.


It's nice to be among reasonable, caring individuals on this site.

How are you feeling?

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"A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll found only 61% of Americans were open to getting vaccinated.

Health experts have warned that those numbers need to be higher in order to stop the spread of the virus.

"If you really want true herd immunity, where you get a blanket of protection over the country, you want about 75 to 85% of the country to get vaccinated," according to top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci."

The anti-vaxxers are everywhere.

I am so glad the vaccine is here even if it takes a while to filter down to us. 

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Just now, HeartGoesOn said:

I'm all for the vaccine, however rather than prioritizing front line workers, high risk individuals etc, it's seems to be all about who you know, especially when it comes down to who's on first, so to speak. (imo).

Sad, but not surprising. 

I've heard of wealthy people trying to buy their way to the front of the line.  

I don't for a minute believe all wealthy people are selfish and entitled, but gosh, this sure makes it hard.  

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I don't want to be a debbie downer at all. My anxious brain always thinks ten million steps ahead. So this is what is on my mind tonight, all of the healthcare workers are getting the vaccine. And in a month or two I am assuming most of them will have it.

Is there any kind of back up plan or has anyone considered at all about possible long term effects? I mean, it would be catastrophic if a year or two down the road this vaccine has much more serious side effects than we know of right now and all of our healthcare workers were affected.

And don't get me wrong, I am not an anti-masker or antivaxxer. I get very annoyed over the conspiracy theorists. I was overjoyed when they finally had a vaccine ready to go. Buuuut, then my head started in on the what if's, cause that's what my brain does. 😕

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1 hour ago, SherrySher said:

Is there any kind of back up plan or has anyone considered at all about possible long term effects? I mean, it would be catastrophic if a year or two down the road this vaccine has much more serious side effects than we know of right now and all of our healthcare workers were affected.

And don't get me wrong, I am not an anti-masker or antivaxxer. Buuuut, then my head started in on the what if's, cause that's what my brain does. 😕

I wasn't going to join this thread at all, but just wanted to say that I don't think you're the only one who thinks about this, and I don't think it's unreasonable to do so.  I think there are millions of people out there who feel anxious about the unknown, the what if's, etc.  again, not unreasonable, imo.  Millions will queue up in an instant to get the shot, others will be wary and "wait and see", and others totally refuse.  I won't judge any one of them. 

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The thing is the Mrna delivery method has been studied before just not used because of expense I believe. They are NOT using any actual virus like they do with the flu. They are just tricking the body to make antibodies to the spikes on the virus. 

Sure it hasn’t been around for 60 years like the flu shot but these vaccines have been vetted by competent people. Will some people have side affects ? Absolutely, as with anything. Everyone’s physiology is different. But the majority over 99% of people will be fine. 

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I think my main worry is that some kind of unforeseeable side effect with show up in the future and affect all the health care workers, which in turn will affect anyone wanting care and treatment at the hospitals. 

I'm not saying it will even happen, but I do get tense over the thought.

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2 hours ago, Capricorn3 said:

Millions will queue up in an instant to get the shot, others will be wary and "wait and see", and others totally refuse.  I won't judge any one of them. 

Agree. It seems the whole "I don't want to be the guinea pig" thing is a normal response to new territory.

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I got my first shot recently. I will let you guys know how I feel. My arm hurts a little but no big deal, I've gotten worse shots. I'm already signed up for my 2nd shot.

Was I nervous getting it? Yeah, a bit, but this type of vaccine actually has been made before for other viruses so it's not like it's 100% new. 

At this point, I'm in "f it" mode. I have very little to lose. This pandemic has isolated me so much. I hate video chat and I live alone. I want to get things back to normal in my life. I doubt anything will happen but that's the chance I was willing to take. 


I hope you're feeling a bit better today. I have a family friend who is VERY ill with covid right now. She wore masks but there were patients around her you didn't. Masks help the most if both parties wear it. If one doesn't, it puts the wearer at risk and that sucks because now you're sick and you didn't do anything wrong. 

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4 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Here people can’t “ buy” the vaccine or buy their way to the head of the line as our healthcare system is not set up that way. We just have to wait for it to filter its way down. 

I'm laughing my butt off reading about these self-serving rich people in the US who are being told "no" for the first time in their live sand not taking it well. Me, a little worthless stain in their eyes, got the vaccine for FREE while these rich fat cats pull their hair out because they can't just throw money at someone and receive it. WAIT YOUR DAMN TURN. There are millions more people ahead of them who need this vaccine more and should get it first. 

For the "struggling" rich who may be reading this thread: allow me to dig through to play you a song of woe on the tiniest violin. I'll shed a tear for you as I make my antibodies now. 

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Those wealthy people can afford to pay for the very best medical care. They can afford to buy that treatment that the rest of us can't get. I didn't get it; I am recovering at home with rest, vitamins, ibuprofen and lots of fluids.

So yeah, they need to wait their turn. Let the front line workers and the vulnerable get the vaccine first.

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4 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Those wealthy people can afford to pay for the very best medical care. They can afford to buy that treatment that the rest of us can't get. I didn't get it; I am recovering at home with rest, vitamins, ibuprofen and lots of fluids.

So yeah, they need to wait their turn. Let the front line workers and the vulnerable get the vaccine first.

The rich get monoclonal antibodies, a nice hospital stay, and well wishes on Twitter. Everyone else gets a Z-pack and whatever Treatment Du Jour that the experts are ladling out that month. 

They gotta wait and I'm happy for that. 

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I didn't even get the Z-pack.  I was told "take these vitamins at these amounts, drink lots of water, rest, take ibuprofen for discomfort and call 911 if you get worse."

I am grateful, however, that I will now have antibodies which I will supplement with the vaccine.  Once it's my turn, of course.

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22 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

The rich get monoclonal antibodies, a nice hospital stay, and well wishes on Twitter. Everyone else gets a Z-pack and whatever Treatment Du Jour that the experts are ladling out that month. 

They gotta wait and I'm happy for that. 

Why would they give antibiotics for a virus?   It is only effective on bacteria.  

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